The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 680 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again11

After Tao Ran conquered the Ji family, she fully launched her plan.

In order to allow Ji Xiucai to prepare for the scientific examination with peace of mind, she and other Ji's family members kept the matter secret from Xiucai.

So when Ji Xiucai was woken up in the middle of the night, all his anger turned into joy.

He only felt that the sky net was huge and God had eyes. His blood was boiling, and he wrote furiously all night long, translating all the depression, righteousness and pursuit of fairness and justice in his heart into words, forming an eloquent and impassioned pleading.

On the second day, Ji Xiucai came to the government office in person to play drums.

He was not strong enough, so the drumming job fell into Ji Wenying's hands...

After the Ji family's efforts to instigate and plead, half the people from the surrounding villages came, either to help testify or simply to watch the fun. The total number was nearly two hundred.

Two people were tied up in an oxcart. One was lying on the ground covered in blood, while the other was holding his head and screaming for injustice.

A person was lifted up from the bed board, it was Liu Chun'e who was half dead and had a white bandage on her head. She was accompanied by Chen Fang and Ji Wencai who were crying all the way. The whole journey was very lively!

No one knows whether Liu Chun'e was pushed by Zheng Ping and broke her head, or whether she was so angry that she broke her body. In short, even though I was half-conscious and half-awake, I couldn't stand up even after half the night!

Such a huge pomp, so many people, and such a mighty momentum, all the way through the streets and houses, the whole scene and movement are almost as good as the red and white events in a big house.

As a result, the village affairs relied on momentum and caused quite a stir in the entire county.

In a short time, hundreds of people gathered at the entrance of the government office to watch the excitement, and the number of people was growing...

Ji Xiucai was naturally not idle either. At this moment, he was standing in front of the yamen gate, speaking four words and four words, speaking righteously and strictly.

For the first time in his life, he was surrounded by so many people. He felt confident and his voice became louder and louder.

Hearing that everyone was supporting him, he raised his neck, tried hard to turn the knowledge in his stomach into four-character words, and quoted scriptures and poured them out.

The more he spoke, the more enthusiastic he became, and the more he spoke, the more obscure it became. Anyway, Tao Ran couldn't understand it anymore.

But it doesn't matter, she can't understand it, and neither can ordinary people. On the contrary, many people are asking about Ji Xiucai and praising him for his ability to learn from others!

Isn't it? Those who don’t understand are all advanced! Anyway, it’s great.

At this time, Ji Xiucai would not have thought that after today, his name Ji Chun would be resounding throughout the county, and that he would help him in the scientific examination and selection in a few months!

Tao Ran was not idle either.

Late last night, she also wrote something.

The beautiful and graceful font tells the story of the Zheng family's evil intentions of climbing over the wall into Ji's house, stealing their belongings, and the possible consequences in a concise and comprehensive manner.


Her purpose was never to report to the official!

She just wants to cause a scene!

If the Zheng family ruined Ji Wenqing's reputation, then she would ruin their family's reputation. They want Ji Wenqing's reputation to be ruined, and she wants everyone to remember that Ji Wenqing is a gentle, generous, well-informed and sensible girl!

And once this happens today, no one will remember her husband anymore, only her gentleness!

She doesn't care what the government decides. In short, she wants the Zheng family to be unable to hold their head high from now on. Zheng Xiucai has no future at all!

She still wants to see what the Feng family will do next!

Do you want to stand up for the Zheng family? Do you dare to marry the daughter of the Zheng family?

If you get married, you will lose face! If you don’t marry, you won’t repay your kindness!

In short, they are not human inside and out!

And the Zheng family has worked hard to get to the point where it is, to put it bluntly, just to get this marriage. If the Feng family regrets their marriage again, how will the Zheng family let it go?

Haha, expectations are high!

The best result is that their dog bites the dog and the hair is in the mouth, so it is so easy!

Humph, according to Tao Ran's insight, after Zheng Xiucai's accident at midnight last night, he had already signaled to his eldest son Zheng Lu. At that time, Tao Ran asked Ji Wencai to follow him quietly. Later, Ji Wencai came back and said that Zheng Lu had gone to the county seat...

So nine times out of ten, the Zheng family has already asked for help from the Feng family, it depends on whether the Feng family will help...

The Feng family is powerful in the county, and there are officials in the family. The government alone may not be able to meet expectations in this matter.

Therefore, at this moment, Tao Ran was afraid that this matter would not cause a big enough fuss. She was handing out her handwritten paperwork to the crowd. Of course, there was a purpose, to distribute the documents to those who were literate and to arouse as much resonance and public outrage as possible.

Her acting skills are superb, her eyes are red, she complains, and she makes her whole family look pitiful, making her look like Dou E who was plotted against and framed.

Weak people are always more sympathetic. The more miserable she is, the better the effect.

Everyone sighed when they saw her dressed in civilian clothes and appearing in public to plead her parents' grievances.

As soon as public opinion was incited, it spread quickly from one to ten, and from one to another, Zheng Xiucai had not yet been tried by the government, but the facts had already been found guilty by the people.

Tao Ran caught a strange look in the crowd, looked around, and immediately recognized the man who was leaving, who was the housekeeper of the Feng family. Haha, it came as expected. Are you mixing in the crowd to see what's going on? how? gone?

While she was still watching, someone reached out and grabbed a piece of paper she distributed.

Don't worry, girl, the Skynet will be restored and the evildoers will be punished! A deep and pleasant male voice rang in his ears, but Tao Ran's body automatically got goosebumps, the kind of disgust and revulsion.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Feng Er.

He's here too.

This guy is as tall as a jade tree facing the wind, with a pair of watery peach blossom eyes that look full of affection. If you try to deceive a little girl, you'll probably get it right every time you deceive her.

Tao Ran suppressed his nausea and looked at him for three seconds. Feng Er was stunned and the paper in his hand fell to the ground. Tao Ran thought in his heart, he is indeed a big lover! She didn't use Elizabeth's charm skills at all, okay?

Tao Ran knelt down to pick it up and handed the paper back to his hand.

Feng Eryi was excited and said: The girl is so beautiful.

What are you talking about, young master! Tao Ran was sullen and pretended to grab the paper. Her nails scraped against Feng Er, and a burst of electricity passed through the man's body. His bones were all numb, and he almost grabbed the woman's hand.

Thinking of this little lady, the lovely girl who had fascinated him for many days and almost got her into his account, he was filled with regrets, and his desire for this little lady was even stronger.

Don't be upset, girl. It was a slip of the tongue. What I said means that the girl's handwriting is beautiful, and there is no frivolous intention. The girl has learned a lot, and Ji Xiucai is also one of the top talents in the county. He must be blessed by God. This time, he will be blessed. I can seek justice!”

Tao Ran's face relaxed and he smiled slightly at him and returned the favor with a courtesy.

Feng Er was scratching his heart with a hundred claws, and his whole body was numb. He was just about to continue to close the distance, but before he could finish saying girl, he saw that the girl had already turned to the other side...

Tao Ran knew such a dandy and scum very well.

Women are their interest.

When you are curious, when you don’t get it, it is a treasure worth a thousand dollars. Once owned, it is a plaything that can be discarded at any time.

The harder it is to get hold of them, the more they will follow them like pugs...

But no, until they went to court, Feng Er also looked at her stupidly and followed her all the way, always three meters away...

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