The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 673 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again04


Now that Tao Ran is here, this naturally cannot exist!

Give a dose of chicken blood and it will resolve the depression.

Daddy won the election, the whole county was buzzing with gongs and drums, and your good news was everywhere. The county magistrate personally hosted a banquet for you, and the people of the whole county came out. Everyone lined up to greet Ji Juren, just wanting to take a look at Ji Juren's style.

Daddy rides on a white horse and wears red flowers and walks through the streets. Many scholars admire you highly and want to ask you for advice. How many people want to get close to you, how many people are chanting your name. And your tall and straight posture, unruly expression and high-spirited style make everyone admire you.

From that day on, you became the most knowledgeable person in the hearts of the people in the county. Even the storyteller in the teahouse specially collected your stories and spread them widely...

By the way, our whole village, no, people from the ten surrounding villages are waiting for you at the entrance of the village. Everyone pooled their money to buy hundreds of firecrackers to welcome you all the way. You stepped on thick firecracker red paper and were surrounded by villagers all the way back home. The door of your home was piled with fruits, chickens and ducks sent by the villagers. Everyone wanted to get a taste of your knowledge, and they lined up just to ask for help. Just one word from you...

Tao Ran opened his mouth and spoke in one go.

She was beaming with joy, and her excited expressions and emotions were so contagious that Ji Xiucai, who was sitting next to her, could not hide his joy and excitement on his face. Although he knew that this description was a bit exaggerated, this scene was not just What does he think about day and night?

He didn't know how many times he had had such a dream! Even if it's fake, as long as someone accompanies him to dream together, he will be very happy!

It's over, it's exaggerated. Ji Xiucai grinned, unable to hide his smile.

Dad, I'm not exaggerating. These scenes were all seen in my dreams. Really, one scene after another, without stopping at all. You see, I had been asleep for almost nine hours before I had this dream. Unfortunately……

What's the pity? Ji Xiucai leaned forward and asked quickly.

Unfortunately, I just dreamed that my father was preparing to go to Beijing with funds from the county, and I was woken up. Tao Ran glanced at Ji Wencai, who was listening half-heartedly... Brat!

Then, there was a snap.

Sure enough, before Ji Wencai could react, his father slapped him on the head.

Your sister is resting, and you are the only one shouting and disturbing your sister while she is resting. This is unfilial! You must stand in the corner as a punishment!

Ji Xiucai felt so regretful! He didn't even dare to dream about going to Beijing to take the exam. My daughter dreamed about it, but she didn’t know the result? Why did you ask this brat to interrupt? I wonder if in my daughter’s dream, she had ever been named on the gold medal list?

Ji Wencai was stunned for a moment, and then burst into tears. What did you do wrong? Dad has never been like this before! Doesn’t he love himself the most? Why did I hit myself after talking to my sister on the phone? Wasn't he still angry with his sister just now? How could he be so happy after hearing her talk about a dream? Punish yourself? Is dad stupid?

Ji Wencai's cry stepped on Ji Xiucai's tail again.

A blast hit Ji Wencai accurately on the forehead.

Why are you crying! Shut up! It's bad luck, really bad luck! The scholar was still in a hurry to talk to his daughter. His son was so upset. Where is your mother? Where did she go?


Stand in the corner! If you dare to speak out again, every word will explode! The scholar rarely showed his teeth and claws.

Ji Wencai was so aggrieved that he had tears and runny nose, and he stood in the corner obediently.

Tao Ran snorted, You bastard, my sister has no strength, so I'll deal with him anyway!

Dad, I have never had such a dream before. But last night's dream was too real. Bodhisattva has something to tell dad.

Since the people here believe in what Kefuke said, they are naturally superstitious. Ji Wenqing fell into superstition, so she was not polite and started with superstition.

What did the Bodhisattva say? The scholar opened his eyes wide.

It is said that a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. He said that dad should look further ahead. The losses in front of him are all for achieving future gains. He said that dad is limited. If you want to think about those things that you don't have, it is better to calm down and study hard. The Emperor will never let down those who work hard!”

Daughter, do you really mean what you said? Do you really mean what the Bodhisattva said?

Tao Ran nodded, clasping his hands together with a pious look on his face, and his eyes were solemn and sincere.

My daughter dare not lie. My daughter dares to swear on her marriage and the happiness and well-being of her family. I guarantee that she will not tell lies.

The scholar was silent.

He started thinking seriously.

Then he became more and more convinced.

His daughter is the most like him among the three children. She loves to read and understands general things. She doesn't like talking and doesn't bother to argue with others. In his mind, when did his daughter take an oath? Or do you reaffirm your oath like this? Still swearing on your own marriage? When did my daughter say so many words in one breath?

Look at my daughter. If this wasn't an important matter, how could she be so excited?

So, this is because God was moved by his hard study for many years and came here to give some guidance, right? Yes, the Feng family? what!

I thought my daughter was a high achiever, but now it seems that with the Feng family's structure, they are really not worthy of my own family.

What the Bodhisattva said is that you are limited.

What else did Bodhisattva say?

Say...said that dad has been worrying about too many things recently. Although capable people work hard, too many trivial things can easily distract energy. Bodhisattva asked my daughter to share more for dad and help dad to become a successful man as soon as possible!

The scholar nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

His face glowed red, he stood up quickly, rushed out into the courtyard, and kowtowed three times in each direction.

Thank you Bodhisattva for your guidance!

Isn't it? He is the only scholar in the local area. He is a role model for local scholars and the hope of local scholars. He should devote all his attention to studying. Why is he so petty and full of trivial matters? If you have that time, wouldn't it be good to read more books?

The scholar turned around and happened to see his eldest daughter-in-law hanging clothes to dry.

Boss, wife, your sister-in-law is awake. Go to the kitchen and get something warm. Go to the chicken coop and touch two eggs. You can make some porridge and two vegetables and send them to your sister-in-law!

Sister-in-law Chen Fang was stunned and wanted to go up and feel the crimson-faced father-in-law to see if he had a fever. egg? For my sister-in-law to eat? My father-in-law is probably sick...

The scholar returned to the house and quickly motioned to his daughter to lie down first: You go and rest quickly. After recuperating, follow the instructions of the Bodhisattva. You will share the burden for father. From now on, father will leave all the family affairs to you. Go quickly and see if you can I can’t sleep any longer and catch up on my dreams. Let’s see if the Bodhisattva has any other advice!”

Tao Ran nodded.

Don't worry, dad. Dad just studies and doesn't hear anything happening outside the window from now on. If you have a daughter at home, your daughter must follow the guidance of the Bodhisattva and take care of the family's worries!

Look, her first step was to take a solid step forward.

Her room was saved.

Her dad who was in a state of excitement would definitely not be depressed for the time being.

She would naturally help her family dream about it.

Watch her quietly take over the control of the house first!

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