The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 672 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again03

Tao Ran sighed heavily after receiving the plot.

When Ji Wenqing was found dead by his servants, his body had already become cold.

However, members of the Feng family returned the body to the Ji family for only ten taels of silver.

Ji Xiucai was furious. He didn't mention how his daughter died, and he didn't even mention the coffin. There was no reason to return his daughter's body to her parents' house after entering his house. The daughter is his family’s concubine, and she will take care of her own affairs! Otherwise, wouldn’t my daughter be divorced twice?

The scholar came to the door to argue, but was rejected.

Ji Wenqing's brother came to make trouble, but was beaten. The Feng family also threatened that if they dared to make trouble again, their family would no longer be able to survive in the village.

In this way, Ji Wenqing's body was already stinking and it had not yet been buried.

Everyone knew that Ji Wenqing ended up like this because she went to hook up with her ex-husband. The Ji family had no shame in organizing a funeral for her, so they found a place to bury her hastily without even giving her a proper coffin.

Her reputation was already bad, and if she was slandered again by someone with ulterior motives, the whole village would know about her scandal. Anyone who mentions her will get scolded. So Ji's family didn't even dare to erect her tombstone...

Therefore, Ji Wenqing not only died in nothingness, but also felt aggrieved and resentful even after he died.

She just wanted to live a good life, but there were always people who wouldn't let her.

Her engagement was broken off and she endured it; she was rejected by her family and chose to get married; she followed her family's arrangements, but ended up disastrous.

She just wanted to see her son, but she asked someone to kill him.

What she wants is really just a little bit.

Tao Ran was also a little depressed.

Ji Wenqing did nothing wrong, she just couldn't change the environment. In ancient society, under the heavy pressure of etiquette, rules and power, women lived on thin ice. It was too difficult for women to change their destiny and break free from the shackles.

But this new world is not difficult for Tao Ran.

It can be said that the difficulty of this world can be arranged in the simple mode among all the worlds she has experienced, and the reward should not be very high.

If according to the old witch's usual methods, she would not be allowed to do such an easy task, it seems that Elizabeth did not lie, and something might really have happened.

But... Ji Wenqing's wish was: he didn't want to remarry, he wanted to live a good life, be safe and happy.

Tao Ran was a little hesitant. Do you want to marry again? How to interpret it?

If you don’t want to get married again, do you want to stay single? Or will you marry only once? Wouldn't you agree to it to a second person?

If it were me, it would definitely be the former.

But Ji Wenqing...

Tao Ran was not sure.

And if you don’t marry... In this era, you will definitely be criticized. If you want to live a safe and happy life, you need to be strong and self-reliant.

right? Where can I get a little girl? Potential? Class barriers are there and they are difficult to break. So the best thing to get is money, right?

Do some business?

But money... is probably the smell of copper in the eyes of scholars, and I'm afraid the Ji family won't get it easily. All Ji Wenqing's actions are actually to repay the Ji family. If she has not repaid the kindness of raising her, she will definitely not break up with the Ji family.

Therefore, a career in business does not seem to be suitable.

Tao Ran's mind was a little confused and he decided to take one step at a time.

She opened her eyes again.

Now she was being divorced by the Feng family.

Because he was inexplicably named Kefu, Ji Wenqing immediately fell ill. So even though it was broad daylight, she was still lying on the bed.

As for her scholarly father, he was studying his sages' books as usual. But because I was upset, I read it in a mess.

Tao Ran felt a little regretful. The scholar was so impulsive that he had filed a lawsuit and canceled his marriage to the Feng family yesterday.

Alas, I came here a little late. Otherwise, she would have to give them a hard time if they wanted to break off the engagement! No matter what, they have to pay a heavy price!

Just as Tao Ran was about to get up, she felt dizzy and fell back into bed.

Okay, this is not only a weak constitution, but also low blood sugar.

She sensed it, and this place... was completely lacking in energy.

Slowly getting up, she took a deep breath and leaned against the wall to adjust her breathing, intending to test her physique to see if there were any blockages in her body.

But as soon as she entered the state, she heard the chattering of boys and scholars outside.

It was her half-brother Ji Wencai.

Ji Wencai is the daughter of her father and stepmother Liu Chun'e. She is seven years old this year.

He is also the one person in this family who hopes that Ji Wenqing will get married quickly. The reason is simple. He likes Ji Wenqing's house.

Ji Xiucai's house has three rooms in total.

He and his wife lived in one room, Ji Xiucai's original son and daughter-in-law lived in another room, and Ji Wenqing lived in another room.

There are not enough rooms. So the younger son lived with Xiucai and Liu Chun'e. Otherwise, the whole family is looking forward to her getting married?

The scholar hopes that her marriage will increase the family's status; her stepmother hopes that her marriage will bring some wealth to the family; her brother and sister-in-law hope that her marriage will help the family have less food to eat, and the younger brother wants a house...

So her marriage was regretted, and the whole family felt uncomfortable.

No, at this moment, Ji Wencai was making trouble with Xiucai and wanted to drive her away from the room. The scholar was in a bad mood and couldn't read any books all morning. Now when his son made trouble, he suddenly started coughing.

Tao Ran was too lazy to care.

But when I think about it, it won’t work.

This scholar has a cough, but he cannot fall ill!

Otherwise, before her reputation as a husband is cleared up, she will be accused of beating her father again!

It's like that in the plot. The scholar is depressed and has been ill for more than a month. It's been longer than Ji Wenqing's's such a delay!

Tao Ran's heart moved, and he had a solution.

Instead of racking her brains to change the environment, why not give full play to her talents and make them willing to regress together?

Tao Ran endured his dizziness and weak body, and slowly walked out of the room while holding on to the wall.

At the Eight Immortals table, the scholar's face turned pale, his eyes were dull, and he was obviously feeling uncomfortable. He was very irritable and was explaining to his younger son that his sister was a woman and the only girl in the family, so she could only live in the back room. He couldn't let his sister sleep in the outhouse as he said...

If we really do this, what will outsiders think of our Ji family? We can't do it! If that happens, Ji Wenqing won't be able to get married.

But you clearly promised me, don't you keep your word?

Xiao Cai, you have to be reasonable... As he said that, the scholar coughed violently again...

Dad—— Tao Ran suddenly shouted in a long tone, which made the scholar stunned and almost forgot to cough.

Tao Ran's face was flushed and excited, his eyes were shining and he was smiling. She dragged her weak legs up, knelt down at the scholar's feet and kowtowed three times.

The scholar Zhang Er was confused.

What are you doing! He forgot to cough, only felt bored, and frowned again. None of these children are worried. Since you're sick, why don't you go back and rest quickly! If you don't want to go to bed, give the room to your brother!

Tao Ran was not affected by him at all, and his face was still flushed.

Congratulations, Daddy, congratulations to Daddy! My daughter just had a long dream, in which a Bodhisattva passed by. Daddy, you are blessed with golden light. You will definitely pass the scientific examination in half a year...

In fact, after hearing this, the scholar's expression relaxed.

Really...seriously? After many years, his official career could not go any further.

Seriously, I dreamed that my father won the provincial examination! This time he is going to the capital to take the national examination!

Tao Ran saw that Xiucai's face, which was still pale a minute ago, was completely red. He was so excited that he completely forgot about his depression just now.

What else? Xiucai stretched out his hand to help Tao Ran up and poured her a cup of tea...

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