The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 550 The sister who overcame all obstacles 88

The first public stage of Sister has been broadcast, and Tao Ran's popularity continues to increase.

Her fan base is growing rapidly across all platforms.

Interview, decent.

The stage is perfect.

Pictorial, excellent.

Good character, good behavior, and excellent conduct.

The director and screenwriter who had just finished filming the scene praised her; the photographers, makeup artists and stylists she had worked with praised her; the TV station praised her; and the fans naturally praised her too...

There are a lot of praises everywhere, so when the black material appears, it becomes particularly noticeable.

An acquaintance revealed a lot of information about Jiang Lan, saying that she ran away from home for a month a few months ago, leaving her husband and daughter alone and disappearing without caring about her husband and children.

But in fact, she didn't disappear, but she met a capitalist boss at the bar and was having a heated fight with him. During that time, she was hanging out with the boss.

She came back a month later, completely transformed. Not only was she more beautiful, but she was also full of scheming. In short, she was a completely different person.

With the help of her boss, she signed a contract with Guangguang without her family's consent, and she signed a second-class contract as soon as she arrived.

The boss also gave her a lot of financial support. She quietly set up a studio and hired a group of people to provide her with advice, promotions and reviews.

Using charity to become famous was exactly the advice given to her by the boss. And when she spends a lot of money at the auction, she also uses the money of the boss. She became popular overnight, and the big guys on the Internet added fuel to the fire.

Later, under the interference of the boss, she not only joined the team directly, but also airborne on the TV station's Sister program team, squeezing out a certain actor's quota. In order to support her, the boss hired a team to spend a lot of money to arrange her first stage...

Bala, bala, in short, someone arranged a story for Jiang Lan.

There are also a large number of photos accompanying the picture, that is, various comparison pictures of Jiang Lan last year and Jiang Lan now. In terms of appearance, clothing, and status, they are all leading netizens to speculate maliciously, implying that she not only had plastic surgery, but also had the help of a professional team. The whole person will be completely transformed.

The even more disgusting part of the rumor is that the reason why Liang Cheng and Jiang Lan had a divorce was because Liang Cheng caught Jiang Lan having an affair...

Therefore, it is Jiang Lan who is truly of bad character, and her husband, who has been making money outside for many years, is the real victim.

The whole story is very detailed.

An account claiming to be the parent of Coco's classmate confirmed that Jiang Lan had indeed disappeared for a while. During that time, Keke also said in class that her mother was not at home, so the teacher took special care of her...

Someone else followed suit and said that they knew that Jiang Lan Studio had rented an entire floor of a building as an office space. But at that time, Jiang Lan had not yet relied on charity to make a comeback. Where did she get the money to rent such a large floor? Where does the money come from to recruit troops? How does she know that she will become famous again? And how did she know that she would sign with the Rays, so she arranged the studio near the Rays headquarters? …

There are also people who claim to be fans of Luo Jiayu. They bluntly said that their brother has never collaborated with Jiang Lan before and has never mentioned Jiang Lan. Regardless of their age, place of origin or experience, the two are incompatible. But one day, Luo Jiayu Suddenly she said that she had a sister, and then she helped Jiang Lan everywhere and encouraged her fans to support Jiang Lan...

My brother obviously had to do it and must have been forced. Below that speech, he also thoughtfully took a screenshot of the day when Zhang Jianglan announced that she signed with the Rays. Luo Jiayu had an unhappy expression on her face at some unknown moment and over-interpreted it...

In this way, it is really reasonable and well-founded. In short, many people believed it.

Subsequently, this post began to be moved and spread rapidly on Weibo, short video accounts, and the Internet...

In just a few hours, this post has blossomed everywhere.

Although most people do not believe this kind of unsubstantiated revelations, due to the spread of some marketing accounts that are just worried about the world being in chaos and just seeking traffic, and rivals that compete for resources, there are also many rhythmic posts on the Internet. , and even a black powder ball appeared...

Tao Ran carefully read this post an hour ago.

As soon as this black material came out, there were so many enthusiastic insiders who responded, and no one believed it even if it was not premeditated.

It could not have spread so quickly on the Internet. It must have cost a lot of money just because of the extent of the spread.

He was so unscrupulous that he obviously had a lot of resentment towards her.

Such a detailed black sticker is not something that ordinary black people can make.

There are not many people who know so many things, including that she disappeared for a month. To be precise, she could count them on her fingers.

It's definitely not Liang Cheng. He is eager to draw a clear line with himself now, and he has dirty information in his hands. He will never do this.

Of course it won't be Jiaxi. Mr. Zhang and the others all know about Liang Cheng's mess. I will never shoot myself in the foot.

Then there are only a handful of people who can do this.

Either the people around Liang Cheng; or the Jiaxi artists she had offended; or Liang Cheng's parents; or, Miao Xiaohui was the only one left...

The studio is preparing to arrange for Weibo to delete negative material, reduce popularity, remove hot searches, and warn marketing accounts...

No! Why should I spend this money? We won't delete it! Tao Ran snorted: The only thing you have to do is check! Check the source of the earliest post, check the IP address, check the bound mobile phone number or Email, I want to know who did it. If you can't find it, ask the company for help, ask Sister Zhen for help, or directly go to the website where the post was first posted and threaten...

In addition, check which marketing accounts are the most popular, and ask a lawyer to send a letter directly telling them to either reveal the person who paid for the promotion, or wait to receive a court summons...

Tao Ran thought for a while and then said: I'm not afraid of spending money on this. Someone will pay for it later. In short, I want to find out who did it as quickly as possible. If that doesn't work, I can also find a detective agency or a hacker.

An hour later, when the black material was fermenting on the Internet, Tao Ran also got the conclusive information.

The person who posted the earliest post did not have real-name authentication and logged in using his email address. What’s funny is that it’s still a Penguin mailbox, which shows that the person is quite unprofessional.

I found the Penguin account through the Penguin mailbox. Although the space has been logged out and the talk has been deleted, through the search for that account, I found the campus network I used to use that account. The last time I logged into the campus network was ten years ago, and the associated school was also found...

In addition, several marketing accounts provided three Weibo accounts and uploaded all the chat records. They just take money to do things.

After checking with someone, we found that the Weibo account is the same IP address...

Tao Ran looked at the piece of paper in his hand and laughed.

Although I had never heard of the associated school, the province and city it belonged to were from Miao Xiaohui's hometown in the plot.

The actual address corresponding to the IP address is exactly the three-bedroom apartment that people have noticed even though I have never been there. That is, the house Liang Cheng bought for Miao Xiaohui after he sold the villa.

Miao Xiaohui!

Can't you laugh?

Before he took action to deal with Miao Xiaohui, she dared to jump up and down.

It depends on how you clean up!

Call everyone in the studio for a meeting!

Tao Ran's studio now has more than thirty employees.

Thank you everyone, now go sort out the black materials and the various accounts and evidence that broke the news. The more detailed the better.

Then Tao Ran took the cell phone, flipped through the phone book, and dialed directly.

Xiaoxia stretched her head and saw that the person she was calling turned out to be Wang Baolai.

Her eyes widened immediately. What does this matter have to do with Wang Baolai?

Seeing Xiaoxia's curiosity, Tao Ran simply pressed the speakerphone button.

Obviously they didn't expect that she would call.

The first time, no one answered. Hit again.

The second time, it was still the same. continue.

On the third call, the call went through. The other party asked who he was looking for.

I'm looking for you, Mr. Wang, and tell her that Jiang Lan has something urgent to do with her. Tell her to answer the phone quickly!

Three seconds later, Wang Baolai's voice came.

I said, don't do it anymore...

Oh, you still dare to turn against the guest?

Tao Ran raised his eyebrows and interrupted directly.

Wait a minute. Let me talk first! Her voice was cold and sulky, and she could convey a strong aura without having to meet her. Wang Baolai didn't even say a word.

I don't know if you heard the dirty information about me today. If you still don't know, please search it now...

Now some people are making a fuss about the money I donated before, saying that the money was given by a certain big boss who had an improper relationship with me. But I just want to say that the only big boss I knew at that time was you. Yes, my The 6.66 million donated late was actually the hush money you gave me.

Now that someone is slandering me like this, it not only affects my personal future and reputation, but may also affect my company, my endorsements and activities, etc. Naturally, I can't let myself be ruined, so in order to prove myself, I'm afraid I will pull out bank records. If the situation becomes a last resort, I'm afraid I will have to ask for the police records after calling the police that day to prove the source of the money I donated.

When the time comes, you and Jiaxi will inevitably be involved. I am a man of his word, but if I am almost dead, I will naturally not be able to be wronged. What do you think?

Therefore, it is not that I am not authentic, I am also forced to do so.

So, I just want to inform you first so that you can be mentally prepared. In addition, in my opinion, this matter was either done by Liang Cheng or Jiaxi. Please tell the people who did this little trick that sooner or later they will You will reap the consequences!

There was no movement on the other end of the phone for several seconds.

Through the phone, Tao Ran could feel Wang Baolai's rising anger over there.

Don't act rashly! Let me understand this matter first. I will try my best to give you a satisfactory answer. Wang Baolai took over the matter...

After hanging up the phone, Tao Ran faced Xiaoxia's thumbs up.

Wang Baolai was dragged into the water, so naturally there will be people to deal with the aftermath. They really don't need to spend money.

Want to smear her and say she is a coward? Then she really dragged a big boss along with her! Whoever is afraid is the grandson!

Achieve multiple things with one stone.

We saved money and worry. The most important thing is that Liang Cheng is going to be unlucky again. It can be seen that Wang Baolai is a straightforward but impatient person. She is in a hurry to deal with the aftermath. How can she be more like Liang Cheng? Nonsense? Liang Cheng will definitely suffer a big loss this time.

As for Liang Cheng, Miao Xiaohui was the only unlucky person. Evil people will always be punished by evil people.

Want to use it to blackmail yourself? Sorry, Tao Ran will also lend a hand to deal with them!

Ten minutes later, Mr. Zhang’s call came. Feeling aggrieved, he took Wang Baolai's signal and later cleaned up the mess.

Xiao Lan, this matter was not done by Jiaxi's people, nor by Liang Cheng, but Jiaxi will handle it. You don't have to worry about this matter. Jiaxi will help you make it clean. Don't worry, we two After an hour, there will definitely be no more information about this matter on the Internet. Leave it to us...

Tao Ran didn't reply to him.

Mr. Zhang, let me ask you a question.

you say.

A few days ago, Liang Cheng repaid me the money. Did Jiaxi advance it to him?


You don't have to worry. I'm just asking. Did you pay in advance?

Well, part of it.

Don't do this again from now on. Tao Ran reminded Mr. Zhang kindly: There is a word called stop loss. Think about it carefully.

Tao Ranren's righteousness has been exhausted. Mr. Zhang is a smart guy and should be able to understand. Her implication was to tell him that Liang Cheng would suffer greater losses, and to remind him to take Jiaxi and Liang Cheng to make a clean break.

On the one hand, she did this because she didn't want to affect Jiaxi later and offend Jiaxi.

In addition, she is the last supporter who hopes to kill Liang Cheng faster. When Mr. Zhang heard her suggestion, he would inevitably have wild imaginations and force Liang Cheng to quickly pay back the money advanced by the company...

Haha, she is going to drive both Liang Cheng and Miao Xiaohui to a dead end!

At this moment, Mr. Zhang didn’t know that Tao Ran was on his way to the police station.

She's going to call the police!

Deleting posts, banning accounts, deleting comments, and reducing popularity are all methods that treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. This incident has already affected her reputation.

The best way to eliminate this vicious incident once and for all is to ask the police for help. She straightened her back and dared to call the police in person as soon as possible. It can be seen that she was open and honest, not afraid of dirty information or thorough investigation.

This is the best way to prove yourself!

So, before Jiaxi could delete all the black material, Tao Ran took his lawyer and dozens of pages of evidence that he had compiled and went to the local police station to report the case in person.

She was a celebrity, and the police station received her with special solemnity.

She gave a large amount of conclusive evidence, but did not tell the police about what had been found about Miao Xiaohui. She asked the police comrades to quickly help her find out the truth and clear her name.

She suspected that someone was premeditated and organized to deal with her, so the people who posted the posts, the people who replied to the posts and spread rumors about her, and the people in the anti-fan group should all be the same...

The police station accepted the case and asked her to go back and wait for news.

Xiaoxia, who had received the signal, had already taken a photo when Tao Ran sat down to face the police officers and posted it directly on Weibo, saying in the name of the studio: Rumors cannot be trusted, and those who spread rumors will be punished.

Just ten words.

As expected, seeing that she dared to call the police, the keyboard warriors and melon-eaters who had been jumping up and down before immediately shut up, and the marketing account even began to delete the posts neatly.

Tao Ran also arranged for someone to bring traffic.

Media outlets that were acquainted with it in the past reposted it on Weibo.

When Tao Ran and others walked out of the police station, dozens of reporters had already arrived outside.

Two chapters in one

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