The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 549 The sister who overcame all obstacles 87

In the end, when he got the ten million, Tao Ran had achieved his goal.

So much for monetary coercion.

These two days happened to be the last two scenes of the drama between her and Luo Jiayu, so she had not yet freed up her hands to make the final blow.

She just asked the studio to release some news first, saying that she saw Liang Cheng's parents at a certain local hotel. It is suspected that Liang Cheng's previous clarification was false, and his parents never went to Harbin at all. So why are they staying in a hotel? As a result, rumors of Jiang Lan and Liang Cheng’s divorce were mentioned again...

After Liang Cheng learned the news, he called his parents to complain.

The old couple felt aggrieved and said they had never gone out. Maybe the front desk of the hotel, the cleaning staff, the food delivery staff, or a tenant who happened to pass by when they opened the door discovered and exposed their identities?

Furious, Liang Cheng asked people to delete his online comments and began arranging to transfer his parents.

He planned to find a mountain B\u0026B to send his parents there to stay for a while.

Liang's parents were packing their things when the phone rang.

It was Miao Xiaohui who sent a voice message, saying that her son missed his grandparents and asked when he could see them.

Mother Liang immediately returned: We also want to be good to our grandchildren. But we are traveling abroad and have to go back after a few days. Tell your dear grandson that in a few days the grandparents will prepare gifts to take over...

At this moment, Miao Xiaohui was clutching a ball of paper and gritting her teeth...

It turns out that Miao Xiaohui has a habit.

Seeing Liang Cheng as a treasure, she searches for the word Liang Cheng on the Internet and Weibo from time to time every day. Especially Weibo, she habitually opens it and searches it every day.

Today, not long after the news that Liang Cheng's parents were in a hotel in Beijing but not in Harbin came out, she found it. Seeing that what the other party said was true, Miao Xiaohui also felt that Liang's parents and Liang's mother were really weird. My arms and legs are old, I’m afraid of the cold, and I don’t know how to ski. What are I going to do in Harbin on such a cold day?

Suspicious, she couldn't help but take the ID numbers of Liang's parents and check the itinerary information. I checked several airlines and found no ticketing information...

Not giving up, she sent two more names and ID numbers to the scalpers, asking them to help check.

Just kidding, she is Liang Cheng who she has been following since she was a fan. She is not familiar with other people in the capital, but in the scalper circle, they are all her acquaintances...

As for the ID number, haha.

Last year, she accompanied the old couple and took her son on a secret vacation abroad. At that time, the two children, an old man and a young child, all relied on her to take care of them. She kept the documents of the old couple. So she already had their ID numbers.

Soon, the news came. After checking around, there was no flight information for these two people leaving Beijing. The most recent flight news between the two of them was from the first half of the year.

It’s so far to go to Harbin, how can we get there without taking a plane?

Miao Xiaohui was a little dumbfounded.

She didn't think much and simply called the old couple.

But when she asked, the other party told her that she was in another place and Miao Xiaohui was getting angry.

Miao Xiaohui: Where are your parents traveling?

The old couple could only go back and forth based on their son's previous lies: Harsh.

Miao Xiaohui's voice was a little trembling: The Ice and Snow Kingdom is so wonderful. When did you go?

Reply: Just a few days ago.

Miao: How is the weather in Harbin?

Reply: Not bad.

Miao: Dad, Mom, which hotel in Harbin are you staying at?

Old couple: Why do you ask?

Miao: I have a friend in Harbin. I asked her to send you some local products.

Liang Ma: No, no, it’s too troublesome. We are too lazy to socialize.

Miao: My son said he also wanted to go. How about I take my son to you? Which hotel, I will find you.

Liang's mother was obviously panicked: No! We will return to the capital in these two days. It's too cold here, you can easily catch a cold, so don't come here. Tell my dear grandson that it is better to wait for a while and we will go to Hainan together. It will be more comfortable to play in the water in winter.

Miao Xiaohui became more and more angry. These two people are lying all kinds of things! If they were always free to eat, when would they ever refuse? How could they say no when their grandson wanted to find them? Is the weather nice? It’s snowing in Harbin these days!

What on earth are they going to do? what are you doing?

Miao Xiaohui simply pressed a video call, but the other party actually pressed the button the moment it was connected.

Then they replied on WeChat and said they were outside. Talk to you later...

fraud! This family is all liars!

Miao Xiaohui got angry and pushed everything on the table to the ground...

Why? Why lie to her?

Are you afraid that she will know something?

Miao Xiaohui couldn't figure it out at all. Looking at the photo of the old couple coming out of the villa area on the Internet, something must have happened because Liang's mother was carrying five or six bags. But to say that he was kicked out is too absurd.

And how could it be possible that the luggage of those two people only had one big suitcase? It looked like he was traveling.

After zooming in on the photo, Miao Xiaohui noticed the expressions of the two people.

Both of their faces were drooped, as if they had suffered some blow.

Something must have happened that day!

And since they were lying to themselves, what happened must be related to Liang Cheng.

When she thought of Liang Cheng, Miao Xiaohui immediately felt something was wrong.

When that guy came over the night before, he was uncharacteristically enthusiastic and attentive, and he hadn't said so many nice things in a long time.

Miao Xiaohui shook the bracelet on her wrist. He rarely took the initiative to give her things, and something was definitely wrong that night. Moreover, he also gave himself 200,000 yuan for his family.

In the past two years, his monthly allowance for his family has always been one hundred thousand. For that kind of bargain, it is absolutely impossible for the price to double as soon as it rises.

Very abnormal!

The more Miao Xiaohui thought about it, the more uneasy she became.

She always felt something was wrong.

Turning her gaze, her eyes were fixed on the suitcase on the top of the cabinet.

Then her eyes lit up. No, the location is a bit wrong.

Her heart tightened, she jumped up and rushed over.

As soon as I lifted the box, my heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The light box fell from the top cabinet without any effort, and Miao Xiaohui's legs became weak. When I moved my hand, there was no sound inside.

Open it, there will be no surprises.


Millions of dollars in cash, gone!

Miao Xiaohui went crazy and started looking around the house.

She soon discovered that the contents of the safe, including her big-name bag, were all gone.

In the past few days, apart from her and her son, the only person who had entered the house was Liang Cheng. And there have been no signs of intruders in the house recently, who else but Liang Cheng! In addition, Liang Cheng is probably the only one who can guess the password!

She dialed Liang Cheng with almost trembling hands, and then started yelling, cursing and crying...

But Liang Cheng on the other end of the phone was extremely calm. He had known for a long time that this scene would happen, was fully mentally prepared, and had already figured out how to spend it. No matter how difficult Miao Xiaohui is, she is nothing compared to Jiang Lan.

I got it. But don't get excited. Liang Cheng quickly coaxed people, blah blah blah, he told Miao Xiaohui that he was collecting money to divorce Jiang Lan, and he had to pay alimony and child support because he didn't have enough money. , so I took her money and used it first. He was afraid that she would be nervous and anxious, so he didn't say anything, but since he recognized it straight away, he would never refuse...

Wait a minute! So, you gave all my money to Jiang Lan?

Miao Xiaohui wanted to die.

Is it easy for her to save money? Last time, her villa was sold just to raise money. Now, the wealth she saved is still given to Jiang Lan? What kind of joke is this? In the world, only the mistress wants to take advantage of the main wife. How can the main wife defraud the third son of all his belongings? funny!

She could barely take it.

Her millions of money were finally exchanged for the man's 200,000 yuan, but she is still complacent? Miao Xiaohui felt like she was going crazy.

When she got excited, she slapped her hand on the table, and the bracelet on her wrist hit the table hard, causing a tear. She simply smashed the bracelet to pieces.

But even so, her anger didn't go down even a little bit.

No, no! How much did that woman ask you for? After I sold the villa last time, didn't you still have nearly ten million? Didn't you say that you settled with the company for five million? But why did you still take away so much from me? How much money? Your parents have no money? Why don't you ask your parents to get it? Liang Cheng, what are you doing? How much money did you give to that woman?

Xiaohui, divorce is not that easy.

Liang Cheng opened his mouth and came: She doesn't agree to the divorce. She refuses to live or die. The divorce will have a bad impact on her, so she keeps delaying it. My lawyer has been talking to her. In order to get her out, I promised to give her a large sum of money. Only then will she divorce me. Xiaohui, I do it all for you and my son!

How much did you promise to give her?

She asked for 50 million yuan in compensation. My lawyer worked hard for many days and finally negotiated the price to more than 30 million yuan.

so many?

Yes. She said that if I don't give it, she won't leave. Let me sue her! But you know, she didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary, her reputation is very good. If we sue for divorce, it will be difficult for the court to divorce us. , but I will suffer a loss. I will definitely be known as a scumbag, and it will also ruin my personality and affect my career!

Liang Cheng said this with a tearful tone.

But he was proud in his heart. Look, women are so easy to manipulate...

Miao Xiaohui believed it. Because Liang Cheng’s words are reasonable and well-founded. In this circle, there are many fake couples who play their own roles. But for the sake of their own careers, most celebrity couples will not really divorce. A yellow-faced woman who has stayed at home for many years will definitely refuse to get a divorce.

Jiang Lan has repeatedly asked for a big deal, and this time she wants so much. In fact, she just refuses to divorce and wants me to give up. But I really don't want to continue with her, so I have been trying to negotiate with her. My The money, the company's money, and my parents' money were all used by me to make up the money. But I don't regret it. Not to mention more than 30 million, for you and my son, even 300 million, I will not hesitate.

Why, why do you want so much money?

As I said, one is her alimony, and the other is the daughter's alimony.

Daughter... Keke... Keke, I can raise her. If I help you raise Keke, then you don't have to pay alimony? Although Miao Xiaohui was very reluctant, raising a child was easy. If you're happy, just find a nanny. If you're not happy, just send it away. Then you can save at least tens of millions. Why not?

Fool, if Jiang Lan loses me and has no more children, she will be even more unwilling to divorce. Liang Cheng's voice was low and pleasant, a little hoarse and doting:

So Xiaohui, can you understand my feelings now? What I told you the night before yesterday is all true. Everything I do is for you and the children. For you, I don't even want my daughter. Can't you see my sincerity? What's money? As long as I'm here, I can earn it back for you no matter how much money you have.

Xiaohui, don’t worry, I will buy you a diamond necklace again after my salary is settled this month. It’s bigger and better than the previous one, you have to believe me. Now I only have you. If you don't believe me either...then I...then what else do I have to do?

Liang Cheng choked up.

Miao Xiaohui wiped her tears and finally felt better. Looking at the bracelet she smashed on the table, she felt a little guilty.

This bracelet was one she had seen Liang's mother wearing before. I'm afraid it was really a family heirloom. After all, she was the woman who gave birth to a son for the Liang family, so she was naturally incomparable to Jiang Lan.

Then...when will the matter between you and her be settled?

Don't worry, it's coming soon. She won't go back to filming in lockdown for half a month, and I will definitely divorce her within half a month.

A man's mouth is a liar.

After a lot of coaxing, Miao Xiaohui's anger towards Liang Cheng almost disappeared, leaving only her hatred for Jiang Lan.

When Liang Cheng said that Jiang Lan dared to threaten him only after holding his guarantee letter, she was instantly inspired.

What about you? Can you write a note for me? Write down how much money you owe me, the things you owe me, the house, everything!

... Liang Cheng was biting his back teeth. All the women in the world are probably the same greedy snobbery and the same vicious heart! What else can one do besides forcing him?

I will come over in the evening and write to you then. I am busy making money now...

Miao Xiaohui then remembered that she forgot to ask Liang Cheng about the villa.

Why, why don't your parents live in the villa? Don't say they went to Harbin, I know they are in the hotel.

Fool. Liang Cheng's expression remained unchanged and his heart did not beat. You still don't understand? Because we are going through a divorce! The house has to be sold and no outsiders can know about it. So my parents moved out. And the villa is in my and her names and needs to be divided. Each person has half. no?

Half for each person? She took so much money, why would she give you half of it! Shameless and greedy! Miao Xiaohui once again felt a hundred claws scratching her heart.

Okay, now I just want a quick resolution. She doesn't want a house, she just wants money. So, the villa can only be sold. No matter how good it is, I don't want to keep her memory at all. We will buy a new one in the future. Villa. Wouldn’t it be better for us to start a new life?”

After hanging up the phone, Miao Xiaohui was still angry.

Liang Cheng is too honest. That much money was actually cheated away by Jiang Lan. No wonder she spends a lot of money on charity. If the money were converted into RMB, it would pile up into a mountain.

I clearly have a share of that money!

Miao Xiaohui's heart was bleeding and she just wanted to do something, otherwise how would she be able to swallow this breath...

Two chapters in one

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