The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 546 The sister who overcame all obstacles 84

While having dinner, news came from the studio friend.

Everything in the house, from chandeliers to carpets, from furniture to fish tanks, including all kinds of tea sets and wine, has been agreed to be packaged and sent to the collectibles company, and the other party directly quoted a price of 8.88 million.

The information introduced by the company is indeed reliable!

Tao Ran was already very satisfied with this price.

Tao Ran contacted Director Lu directly and said that she had collected a sum of money and planned to donate it to the Sister Fund as a token of appreciation for her charity sponsor.

Director Lu was amazed and admired her so much that he asked someone to make a big poster and publish it on the official blog now.

Tao Ran refused.

Keep it a secret for now. Can you announce it later when I need it?


When the friends came back from their hard work, Tao Ran asked the hotel to send a large table of delicious food to reward everyone.

After the handover, a friend asked: Are we really listening to Liang Cheng about the divorce? Shouldn't we announce it first?

This morning at the Civil Affairs Bureau, Jiaxi found someone to make arrangements. Therefore, they handled the divorce quickly and in a low-key manner. From beginning to end, no passerby noticed.

Yeah. It won't be announced.

Tao Ran raised his glass and took a sip. But not announcing it is not because I want to listen to Liang Cheng, but this is my plan for the time being. Not announcing it doesn't mean we can't do something.

What to do?

Let the news out a little bit, just a little bit!

Tao Ran narrowed his eyes and smiled. I saw it was quite easy for him to borrow money today. It seems that he has been divorced, left home, sold cars and houses, and the news of the economic crisis has come out. In this way, no one with any sense will dare to lend him money again in the future. . And the friend who lent him three million today should urge him to pay back the money soon!

She just wanted to force him. She wanted to block all his paths.

In the plot, Jiang Lan was desperate and became increasingly ill. After being married to him, she endured so many years of mental violence. Later, he sent her to a mental hospital, and her mother and daughter were separated. It took three years with great difficulty, and she went through all kinds of hardships to find her daughter. , and died inexplicably...

If she didn't torture Liang Cheng properly, she would be sorry for this!

Only if he can't borrow money from outside, he will continue to pester Jiaxi and Miao Xiaohui, or do other stupid things. Therefore, we will put in some specious information to let everyone make some guesses, but not be sure.

Only then can Liang Cheng continue to be controlled by me. After all, I am still waiting for the ten million from him.

Tao Ran guessed that Liang Cheng was 100% afraid to tell Miao Xiaohui that he was divorced and had lost his villa. He also wondered if Miao Xiaohui knew that the man she had been attached to for many years not only had nothing, but was also in debt. What would it be like to feel like a castle in the air that could collapse at any time?

Tao Ran took the ugly photo of Liang's father and Liang's mother leaving the villa in an exaggerated haste and took it with his mobile phone to his friends, asking them to release the photo tomorrow. It should be enough to arouse the curiosity of many people...

There is another benefit to doing this.

Today, Liang Cheng had repeatedly told his parents to keep a low profile and be cautious, but in the end, someone took such an exaggerated photo that aroused speculation. I think it was enough for them to start a fight again...

Indeed, before Tao Ran's photo was sent out, Liang Chengcheng was already being beaten by his parents.

The moment his parents checked into the hotel room, one pulled out the crutches and the other stretched out their fists at their son. Thinking about it hurts, makes him angry, and makes him unable to live...


What was unlucky was that all the hotel cups were pushed to the ground by Liang Chengyi's sleeves.

Liang Cheng is also angry. The worst thing is him, okay? He was the one who suffered the heaviest losses, he was the one who suffered the most, and now he is the one who is getting beaten up!

If you hadn't treated her badly, how could she be so resentful and so ruthless? I'm usually busy with work and not at home at all. You must have treated her harshly, and she became like this!

But you don’t know she has changed! Do not know at all! As a result, one bad thing happened one after another! That’s why I even lost my backer! Only then did she catch me!

You actually blame us for this? The old couple started crying again...

Liang Cheng took the trouble: You two go back to the countryside first... No, go out and find a place with beautiful scenery and clear water and no one to live for a while. Just think of it as a way to relax. The people in the capital are very discerning, and if your parents live here, people will find out sooner or later.

How can we still think about going out to relax at this time?

Then you stay in the hotel all the time. I will have three meals delivered every day. Please don't go out! Don't let anyone find out that you are staying in the hotel!

You traitor! Am I a criminal? What crime have I committed that I have to hide from? Father Liang's crutch flew towards Liang Cheng.

Then I'll rent a house for you. A big house. Okay?

You traitor! I don't live in other people's houses!

Liang's mother grabbed Liang Cheng: Yes, son, can't you think of a way to get the house back? You go find the company to find a way! Don't you know many rich and powerful people? You go to them, Let’s see if we can deal with Jiang Lan?”

Handle it? How do you want me to handle it?

If it could be handled, could he and the company wait until now?

Jiang Lan herself hired a bunch of bodyguards to follow her closely, and the people in his studio are also loyal to her! She is still covered by the light. She has made a lot of money for the light. The specifications that the big boss of the light now gives her, It’s almost time to catch up with Xie Yun, the first sister of Guangguang!

Anyone who touches her is going against the capital behind her and affecting the capital's ability to make money! Tired of living? Who am I in front of capital? It's just an ant that can be crushed to death by someone casually!

Also, haven’t you seen how hot she is now? How popular is Sister Pi? How many fans does she have? Even elementary school students know her! Who dares to touch her?

She is so stupid that she does charity, both on stage and behind the scenes, online and offline, who wouldn't praise her? I don’t think there’s anywhere to start to blackmail her! No one would believe me if I tried to slander her!

She now has a TV station as her backer, and they signed an in-depth contract. Because of the charity fund she created, she was promoted by the TV station. Mr. Zhang told me that he has received the news that she will be the star promoted by the above next year! Up there! do you know? Up there! Untouchable! She will be red, representing the image of the artist! Who can touch her?

Not to mention, she also took advantage of me...

Liang Cheng actually cried while talking. What he never understood was whether Jiang Lan had a deep hatred for him or was there something really wrong with her brain? Why is she forcing herself so hard? She can spend a lot of money on charity, why can't she pity him?

To tell you the truth, I'm afraid of her. I'm really afraid of her. She has become a nightmare for me. Every time I have anything to do with her, I either lose money, suffer hardship, or lose my support and connections. There is no luck, no accident. . Now I wish I could cut off all ties with her and never see her again!

I don't dare, I don't dare to touch her anymore. I always have a hunch that she has a big move. What I hope most now is that she quickly forgets me! Understand? So, I can't handle her. I just want to stay away from her.

You're worthless! You're worthless! You're a traitor! Father Liang was angry again. How much money have you lost? From cash to houses to assets, it’s almost 200 million, right? The good days, two villas, and so much money were all gone. Now the brat says he has to swallow his anger? It’s better to just die!

But son, Mother Liang persuaded again: Your father and I are too old to wander around or rent a house under someone else's roof...

I beg you, please don't force me! I can earn several million every month now, and I will make my money back soon. When the time comes, can I buy you a house? Even if it is a loan, I will give it to you Would you like to buy another big villa?

Then...are you really going to lock us up in a hotel? Mother Liang couldn't think about the future: How about you let us stay at Xiaohui's place, and we can go and accompany our grandson!

No! Liang Cheng got angry. Do you have any brains! Do you still think I don't have enough handles? If someone finds out about her, I won't be able to make any money! Do you support me? So I tell you, in the next period of time, you will definitely You can’t go to Miao Xiaohui! You can either stay in the hotel or stay away from the capital. It’s your choice!”

After Liang Cheng finished speaking, he hurried away.

He has to go to the company.

He had to beg to see if today's fine could be reduced, and he had to ask about the money. In addition, there is a monthly shareholders' meeting tomorrow. I haven't seen Baolai for a long time, and I don't know if I can meet again.

People say a breakup is better than a new marriage. Maybe Baolai can think of him?

He really misses the time when he chartered a private jet with Baolai to travel abroad, chartered a large yacht to go to sea, and received gifts every three days...

Of course, he can only go to the company.

He is worse than his parents! He was afraid that people would find him, so he couldn't even stay in a hotel. Forget it, you can save some money by living in the company dormitory for a while...

Early the next morning, the photo of Liang Cheng's parents was exposed on Weibo by an enthusiastic citizen.

This photo was so exaggerated that it caused ridicule across the Internet.

Especially Liang Cheng’s mother, who didn’t know it, was a polar bear that fled to Siberia in big and small bags!

In response, Liang Cheng became furious again and called his parents to scold him.

Tell them to keep a low profile, keep a low profile, but why don’t they listen? With so many designer bags hanging on her body, is she a Christmas tree? This looks like being kicked out to everyone, right?

As expected, rumors of Liang Cheng and Jiang Lan's divorce began to emerge.

Liang Cheng was caught by reporters at work. He could only refute the rumors: My parents are going to travel to the north. I heard it was very cold, and the elderly were worried, so they exaggerated. I hope everyone will not doubt it.

Miao Xiaohui also saw the photo and urgently called Liang Cheng.

Are you divorced? What's going on with your parents? Why do people say they were kicked out of the house? Is she more anxious than anyone else? That villa is worth over 100 million. Liang Cheng agreed that she would have half of the villa.

What are you thinking! I won't get divorced so soon! How can I give up the villa? My parents are going on a long trip to Harbin. I heard that the temperature has dropped sharply recently, maybe more than ten degrees below zero, so my mother I wore a little more, what’s the problem?”

You haven't seen me for a long time, haven't you? Let's meet. Jiang Lan is back. How was your talk?

Liang Cheng had a headache.

Jiang Lan has been on the set these past few days. She and I have only met briefly, and the divorce details have not been finalized yet. Don't be impatient and don't rush her. I...I will go over and see you in just these few days.

I have no money. Give me some money. You sold my villa and still only gave me 200,000 yuan. Have you...

I'm busy! I said I would be there in the next two days, and we'll talk about it then. I'm divorcing Jiang Lan these days. I beg you, don't call me yet! So as not to alert the enemy!

Liang Cheng finally got rid of Miao Xiaohui. Money, money, money, money is needed everywhere!

And bad things soon followed.

Because of this photo, Jiaxi Company was also afraid that Liang Cheng's divorce would not be concealed, which would cause Liang Cheng's net worth to plummet.

Therefore, they temporarily stopped the idea of ​​lending money to Liang Cheng, and even refused to give him last month's settlement.

It was useless no matter how Liang Cheng begged.

Liang Cheng, who was really helpless, blocked Wang Baolai after the shareholders' meeting, then knelt at her feet and admitted his mistake and asked for help.

Get out of here! Didn't I tell you clearly enough last time? Wang Baolai looked at him with contempt. To put it bluntly, the relationship between you and me is a business relationship. When the transaction is over, the relationship is over. It's not kind of you to keep stalking me like this!

I...I'm not a stalker. Baolai, I'm here to beg you. Please help me. Remember our previous relationship...

What do I have to do with you?

The whole cup of black coffee in Wang Baolai's hand just splashed on Liang Cheng's face.

Please wake up! If you help him at this time, wouldn't it solidify their relationship? It's just a game, why bother putting your own reputation into it? She would only help him if she was crazy! Moreover, he doesn’t even look at his current virtue! What she hates most is this kind of groveling trash.

Don't you just want money?

Wang Baolai rummaged in her bag, took out a wad of bills, and threw it at Liang Cheng's feet.

This is my last mercy for you. Maybe my bodyguard didn't explain it clearly to you last time, so I'll repeat it to you personally. From now on, if you dare to appear in front of me again, I guarantee that your I'm afraid I won't be able to earn a living again in the future. You have to weigh it yourself.

Liang Cheng glanced at the ground and saw ten thousand yuan.

Only ten thousand yuan!

For Baolai, this is just sending a beggar away, right?

But even being her beggar is happy. For a cup of coffee in exchange for 10,000 yuan, he is willing to live next to her every day.

After thinking this, Liang Cheng took courage and stepped forward, kneeling at Wang Baolai's feet.

Sister, help me. I really can't live anymore. I'm willing to do anything, as long as you help me.

Wang Baolai kicked him out and pressed the sharp heel on Liang Cheng's neck, but the guy didn't retreat at all. Instead, he shed two pitiful tears.

I'm not interested in you anymore. Get out! If you get out now, I'll let the company pay you some money first.

Thank you, sister, thank you, sister! Liang Cheng picked up the ten thousand yuan on the ground, but did not stand up. Sister...Last time, you said last time that Sister Zhao was very interested in me and wanted you to introduce me to her?...

Since Wang Baolai is not interested in him, can he find other backers?

That Sister Zhao is also a female capitalist. If she can make the other party happy, then money and future will be secured. If Jiang Lan wants to deal with him again, she has to think carefully...

This is the fastest and best way Liang Cheng can think of to solve the problem.

Two chapters in one

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