The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 545 The sister who overcame all obstacles 83

Tao Ran was so angry that Liang Cheng gasped in shock.

Shameless dead woman!

There is simply no bottom line!

However, Liang Cheng had no choice but to stare blankly.

Tao Ran ignored her and sat in front of the large floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, basking in the sun and drinking foreign wine. He also ordered takeout for 500 yuan for everyone.

Tao Ran had already planned this step.

She was short on time when she came back this time, and she didn't want to waste time talking about divorce with Liang Cheng. So she just wanted to cut through the mess quickly.

She knew that once the property distribution began, it would be trivial. So much property, divided bit by bit, is simply too troublesome.

So when drafting the agreement with the lawyer, she only mentioned the division of the children, the house and the money, but didn't mention any other property. She just decided to use extraordinary methods to solve the problem simply and neatly.

And Liang Chengfang was afraid that she would misappropriate other properties just like occupying the villa, so after the agreement came out, he naturally would not remind her of the leakage. He also thought that in the worst case, he could get half of it, but he never expected that she had already prepared The last move.

Now Liang Cheng, from beginning to end, has no choice at all.

He didn't dare to file a lawsuit, he didn't dare to call the police, he didn't dare to speak out, he didn't dare to be discovered, he was sneaky, and he had to compromise, how dare he not suffer the consequences?

Liang Cheng, the time I give you will only last until five o'clock in the afternoon. If you don't leave with your things by that time, I will call the police. It's up to you! He didn't dare to call out anyway. The truck was used to load the belongings, and even with the car he recently bought and the SUV he ordered from his friend, the personal belongings of the three of them might not be able to be accommodated.

Tao Ran then started to watch the three people packing.

The old man and the old woman were crying and wanted to take everything away. When Tao Ran told them that there was only half an hour left, the old man was still counting his calligraphy and paintings.

The two of them were in such a hurry that they couldn't figure out what they were doing. When I heard that I couldn’t even take away my treasured Lafite Moutai, the old man almost fell to his knees and couldn’t get up…

On the second floor, Liang Cheng's packing is also in progress.

After several choices, he mostly chose valuable luxury goods such as bags and watches. There was really no room for it in the car, so he didn't even take any clothes. In short, he packed the valuable ones first, and before long, he had packed dozens of packages.

Seeing that it was half past four, he thought carefully and decided to send the things out first.

He slapped his thigh. Why didn't you think of that before? If he can't pretend it once, just pretend it a few more times! Anyway, just move out before five o'clock. Even if he works harder, Jiang Lan cannot be given any advantage.

So, Liang Cheng asked his parents to continue packing, took his friend, packed the few large bags he had packed, and left in their own car.

First find a place to unload the things. As long as he goes faster, it's now four-thirty. By five o'clock, he can still make at least two trips!

However, Liang Cheng never expected that when he asked his friend to rent a box in a hotel next door to put down his things and rush back to the villa area, the doorman refused to let him in.

Said it was the owner's intention.

Liang Cheng called their manager, but the other person begged him not to be embarrassed, saying that he was just doing things according to the regulations.

Liang Cheng called Tao Ran again, and she didn't answer until the fifth call.

Do you think my place is a vegetable market? There are so many men and cars coming and going from my house. I am a big star. I don't want fame? Besides, the time is coming. If you are bothering me so much, why not hurry up and hurry up? Parents, please leave!”

It turned out that Liang Cheng spent more than ten minutes talking nonsense with the guard, calling the leader, and calling Tao Ran.

The time now has come to 4:50 pm.

Tao Ran and her people, with more than a dozen pairs of eyes, were staring at Liang’s parents and Liang’s mother...

Liang Chengyun took away almost all his personal belongings, so Liang's parents and Liang's mother hadn't taken anything away yet.

After the two knew that their son could not come in, they sat on the ground and cried.

It will take at least fifteen minutes to walk out from here.

How much can the two of them carry with them on two legs?

How much can they carry?

The injuries from last time haven't fully healed yet, and they don't have the ability to do physical work!

Moreover, their son called them and warned them repeatedly not to attract the attention of outsiders. So, wouldn't it mean that they couldn't get the few large packages they packed?

Surrounded by a bunch of strangers, they had no idea that their son was not there. Thinking of how terrible their wife was, they almost didn't dare to look at the ex-wife they once trampled under their feet. So, they could only cry to their son on the phone. Noisy.

Another five minutes passed.

Tao Ran strode up to Liang's mother. The old lady was startled and dropped the phone in her hand.

Tao Ran picked up the phone:

If they don't leave my sight within five minutes, I will beat Yao Yao Ling in front of them.


Liang Cheng begged his parents, but the old man and the old lady had no choice but to take what they could and leave...

Tao Ran saw this and felt happy in his heart.

People, it’s okay to never have anything.

Even if you don't get it, at least you have something to think about.

But the pain of missing something, the pain of losing it again after gaining it, is really torture for this family who regards wealth as life but misses everything. From today on, they all have to live in the pain of all kinds of regrets, all kinds of complaints, all kinds of yearning, and all kinds of curses!

In the end, the tearful old lady could only pack up all the cash, gold items, and various documents. She found a few valuable things that could be taken with her and packed them in a suitcase. She wore two woolen coats and one a piece of fur and hung all five of her designer bags on her body...

But the old man who was weak on his legs finally chose to take away his calligraphy and paintings, tied them tightly with one of the old lady's brand-name scarves, hung them all on his back, leaned on a cane, carried two wine boxes, and gave Tao Ran a good look. After Fan's curse, the two left with difficulty...

The two of them, one dressed like a polar bear and the other like Ning Caichen, made people laugh.

Tao Ran waved to his assistant and asked him to go out and take a photo of the two of them. Photo, she will be useful later.

Five minutes later, Liang Cheng's call came again.

After he contacted his parents, he found out that the old couple only took away a few things, and they were obviously not giving up.

Xiaolan, can you let me get something more?

Five o'clock, Liang Cheng. Your time is over. If you feel it's unfair, you can call the police. If you feel it's unevenly distributed, you can sue me. Please do as you please. In addition, within six days, please use the remaining 10 million Call me. Otherwise, you know the consequences. Tao Ran hung up the phone.

A quarter of an hour later, the professional collection handling team that the company contacted for her arrived, and Tao Ran handed over the scene to everyone in the studio.

She doesn’t want anything in this house!

She has already warned that all the items that can be sold will be sold. She believes that Jiang Lan will not like or want these objects that are full of painful memories, so she will use all the money from the sale for charity.

In this way, you will avoid long nights and many dreams. Liang Cheng was speechless.

Now, she has to go back to have dinner with Coco.

She has always been a punctual mother and has already made an appointment for dinner at six o'clock...

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