The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 515 The sister who overcame all obstacles 53

It's been a busy day.

As Tao Ran expected, her fever reached its peak this morning.

There were so many topics last night that someone made a special topic for her and sorted out the timeline of her words and deeds last night.

Someone made statistics for her. Overnight, her Weibo fans surged to more than 12 million. The combined popularity of all hot searches about her last night exceeded 2.5 billion views this morning, which is comparable to It is called an overnight hit that is truly an overnight hit.

She actually has a fan club, her own super chat and support club. Fans are calling on her beautiful and kind-hearted sister not to be buried in family trivial matters, but to come back as soon as possible and bring good works...

Of course, it’s also indispensable to enjoy the popularity.

Someone mixed-edited all the scenes she had filmed in her early years, which aroused many people's memories and reminded them that she was once a popular actress. As a result, the calls for her to come back became louder and louder...

Someone made a special analysis post for her, discussing how a child with poor conditions in his native family worked hard step by step to realize his dream and then used his own actions to give back and repay the society... Her popularity among passers-by further expanded, and many people considered her She became a role model for ordinary people...

While these people were taking advantage of the traffic, they also brought new popularity to Jiang Lan.

Until noon, her fever did not drop.

Without any data, at least two topics remained in the top ten hot searches.

By the afternoon, Tao Ran signed a contract with the Rays. The previous three-month contract only took effect for a few days and then immediately expired. From now on, all her benefits have been increased by one level.

Although it was an appointment with a second-level artist, Sister Zhen told her that no second-level artist in the company could have a signing fee of tens of millions.

Sister Zhen fought for the specific amount of the signing fee, 12.66 million, which bodes well. 5.66 million will be credited directly to the account, and the remainder will be settled in seven months.

According to Tao Ran's wishes, the contract will not be officially announced for the time being.

But she already had her first job.

Previously, Luo Jiayu gave her a guest role in the drama. There were three scenes in total. Sister Zhen arranged for her to join the set the day after tomorrow. At that time, she would just warm up and check her condition.

Perform well. If your condition and acting skills are online, I can get you what you want most.

The most desired one, the heroine.

Although this clause is signed in the contract, web dramas are also dramas, star dramas are also dramas, and movies are also dramas. She has the ability to choose dramas by herself. She just wants to do a good show.

The initial plan was that the day she joined the crew was the day she officially announced her contract with Guang Guang. Luo Jiayu happened to be here, and he could help her gain popularity.

Sister Zhen officially took over her agent job and quickly contacted the brand manager Huang. At one o'clock in the afternoon, the brand official announced Jiang Lan's free endorsement. Jiang Lan became their first spokesperson in the 30 years since the brand was founded.

Yesterday, the brand made a donation of more than 50 million yuan, which is why it is in the limelight. This official announcement once again caused a wave of enthusiasm.

Tao Ran also recorded a video, hoping that everyone can consume rationally while supporting domestic products, and thanked all kind-hearted netizens on behalf of the brand...

In the afternoon, several official media outlets praised Jiang Lan and the brand by name, calling them philanthropic role models in their respective fields.

When some official media came out, the word Jiang Lan became popular again.

After changing the Weibo homepage phone number from Xiaoxia’s mobile phone number to the studio’s landline number, the landline phone kept ringing throughout the day, filled with inquiries about activities and endorsements...

At two o'clock in the afternoon, after Sister Zhen and Du Yun decided to free up time tomorrow for exclusive interviews and magazine photos, Sister Zhen took Tao Ran directly to Director Lu for an interview.

Now, the TV station is begging Jiang Lan to appear on the show.

Director Lu actually regretted that time when Jiang Lan came to visit her. After seeing her series of statements, he was clearly tempted, but he even hesitated to bet against her. How much time, money and energy could have been saved if Jiang Lan had been signed at that time?

What the show wants is attention and popularity, and now Jiang Lan is satisfied with both, so in addition to asking her to appear on the main show, the TV station also asked her to appear on two other spin-off programs.

But Sister Zhen persisted and never backed down easily.

An hour later, the deal was finally settled.

Tao Ran was very confident and told Director Lu frankly that she would ensure her personal popularity during the broadcast of the show and would also try her best to cooperate with the TV station's promotion.

In order to sign her, the TV station not only paid a decent remuneration, but also agreed to several resource exchanges and signed an in-depth cooperation contract with her. In the future, if Jiang Lan has a work, the TV station will help her promote it as soon as possible...

In addition, the program team not only did not ask her for any scripts, but also promised that she would not be given any malicious editing...

The two parties agreed that an official announcement would be made next week.

After the contract was signed, Jiang Lan became a member of the sisters. Tao Ran let out a sigh, one of Jiang Lan's wishes was finally fulfilled...

In the afternoon, a new topic on Weibo, Jiang Lan donated her wedding necklace, was slowly gaining popularity.

This was naturally a topic introduced by the studio under Tao Ran's instruction.

Netizens went online to look at the screenshots from last night's live broadcast, and found photos of the jewelry Jiang Lan wore at her wedding. Can they compare it? The diamond necklace Jiang Lan used for charity was one of the wedding accessories in the set.

Who would donate their wedding jewelry?

Is there any problem in it?

After further digging, netizens found that in previous years Jiang Lan would wear a wedding ring when she appeared in public, but last night, she didn't!

Coupled with Jiang Lan's previous Weibo post clarifying that charity has nothing to do with Liang Cheng, speculation that the two are suspected of getting married has become more and more heated.

More and more clues are being uncovered. Some people say that Jiang Lan was suspected of running away from home alone, and someone photographed Jiang Lan while traveling. Some people said that they saw Liang Cheng quarreling on the phone in the Jiaxi bathroom and scolded Jiang Lan; It is said that Liang Cheng has been severely disciplined by Jiaxi's superiors recently, and several bosses are trying to find fault with him every day...

A staff member of a program last night testified that Liang Cheng lost his temper backstage while recording the program and almost destroyed the entire dressing room...

Soon, Jiang Lan couldn't hide the incident of slapping Liang Cheng's assistant Yao Sisi in Jiaxi. In the past, paparazzi took advantage and were silenced. Now, Jiang Lan's traffic is so high, so naturally she will make money...

This time, Jiaxi’s public relations was useless.

The slap video was circulated on the Internet. Jiang Lan, whose expression was restrained and aggrieved, was seen by millions of netizens. They felt extremely distressed. Naturally, they all supported Jiang Lan.

Coupled with Jiaxi's strange behavior of suddenly firing Liang Cheng's assistant Yao Sisi, these two things make it hard not to make people think wildly.

Rumors spread, and Liang Cheng was called a dog for a while.

Jiaxi was timid, so the only thing he could do was to issue a statement and a lawyer's letter, asking Liang Cheng to clarify online that there was no marriage change, while trying to find a way to contact Jiang Lan.

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