The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 514 The sister who overcame all obstacles 52

As Tao Ran drove out of the community, the scumbag called and threatened her to call the police.

Well, let's report it. Do you want me to report it for you? You did domestic violence to me first, then self-mutilated and violated me. I also want to ask the police for comment. You tore my things worth more than six million yuan, and I I also want to ask the media to help me get an explanation...

Ah. Now, who is afraid of whom?

Not to mention calling the police, those scumbags don’t even dare to call the police. Yesterday, the media sniffed out the marriage change information. She came home in the middle of the night and left in the middle of the night, and the doorman recorded it. There are only a few people in the family, and a pinch of time can make people think wildly. Liang Cheng is now more afraid of marriage problems than anyone else. Once the news leaks out, others will not be able to protect themselves, and Jiaxi will also have to make him look good.

Therefore, even if the three of them were beaten by her, they could not seek justice. They could not make it public yet and could only hold it in. Even if they were all seriously injured and in agony, they could only lose their teeth and swallow blood.

There was nothing they could do except swallow it.

Tao Ran sneered, Jiang Lan had to bear this in the plot, and now it's their turn.

In the short term, Tao Ran has no plans to return to that home.

She counted ten and moved all Jiang Lan's important and valuable things in batches a while ago when Liang's father was hospitalized and there was no one at home.

So today's trip is purely for show.

Now, you can go back to sleep.

On the way, Mr. Zhang’s call came.

She didn't give Mr. Zhang any face at all.

I'm sorry. I will never sign Jiaxi! Not in this life, nor in the next life! Not only will I not, I will get divorced! I will also sue him! Ask him for the specific reasons! In short, in the future, I will , I don’t want to have any more entanglements with him!”

Tao Ran hung up the phone directly, and then blocked Mr. Zhang.

Hey, next time Liang Cheng will be lucky again! She wanted to see how long Jiaxi could protect him! Will Jiaxi give up on him, or squeeze all his value out of him? And without protection and confidence, how should he continue to struggle?

Tao Ran returned to the studio, and Xiaoxia and the others were still working overtime.

Her current statistics are very good, and her number of fans has exceeded 10 million.

Tao Ran laughed. This time, she actually started her career as an Internet celebrity! Never thought of it before!

Xiaoxia's mobile phone also received a call from Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang asked Xiaoxia to tell Jiang Lan that as long as she could sign the contract, Jiaxi could add other conditions. If she still feels dissatisfied, they can put Liang Cheng in cold storage now and transfer all Liang Cheng's resources to her in the future.

Tao Ran answered the phone:

How is Liang Cheng doing now?

Her voice was calm.

Mr. Zhang couldn't figure out whether she hated Liang Cheng because of her love, or whether she had a mixture of love and hate, or she had begun to feel distressed, so she could only tell the truth.

Liang Cheng's family was injured and called the assistant. I personally took the doctor to your house without asking him to call the police or ambulance. They are all celebrities, so it is inconvenient to go to that point. I know everything, last night The thing is that they were wrong. Everyone was impulsive. But we are all a family, there is nothing we can't live with. Even if it's just for the sake of the children, right?

Seeing that Jiang Lan's attitude was acceptable, Mr. Zhang felt that she still had feelings for Liang Cheng.

Liang Cheng's parents are both in the hospital now. Liang's father's injury was a bit serious and he was hospitalized again. His mother had to undergo a minor operation, and her pelvic bone was also cracked, so she also had to be hospitalized.

They have to stay for a while. Liang Cheng had several contusions on his body, his wrists and ankles were sprained, and two ribs were broken. He had to stay in bed to recuperate. He is now lying at home.

He cried bitterly, regretting and regretting his actions. He also misses Coco and feels sorry for you. He said that as long as you come home, he is willing to let your parents move away and live a good life with you, Coco, and the family of three. He wants to go back to the past... Can I ask him to answer the phone?

Yeah. Tao Ran was very meek, and vaguely heard Mr. Zhang's fierce warning to Liang Cheng.

Liang Cheng answered the phone, pitifully, and really started sobbing: Please, Xiaolan, I can kneel down for you. I admit my mistake, and I agree to anything. As long as you can come back, you can come back with Coco...

Promise to everything?

Yeah, promise.

Although you haven't received much work these years, you've been quite prosperous. Excluding expenses, your savings are not hundreds of millions, but almost nine figures, right? In this case, you can transfer your savings over the years to mine. On the account, I will go back without saying a word. Only in this way can I trust you. Do you think it’s okay?”

... There was no movement on the other end of the phone.

Haha! Tao Ran hung up the phone again.

He refused to pay out the four million he owed the company, let alone hundreds of millions of dollars?

Xiaoxia's phone rang again, and Tao Ran suddenly clicked on speakerphone. The moment the phone was connected, he could still hear Mr. Zhang's vulgar curses from Liang Cheng.

Xiao Lan, don't worry about Liang Cheng. Jiaxi really wants to sign you. So, if you want anything, just tell me. I...

Tao Ran hung up the phone again.

Ha, Mr. Zhang is hung up on again and again. I'm afraid I can't bear to be so embarrassed. And his outlet is naturally only Liang Cheng... he deserves it!

Asking Xiaoxia to block the call there, she checked her phone again.

It was only then that she replied to Director Lu's message, saying that a lot of things happened that night. There were 999+ messages on her mobile phone, and she just had time to deal with them one by one.

Director Lu was still awake and directly made a video call to ask her to meet.

I may not be free these two days.

You don't need to come over. I just need to share your free time and I'll go find you. A busy man who had squeezed out ten minutes last time actually expressed this proactively now.

Okay, if I'm free, I'll contact you then.

Okay, I'll wait for your call. Director Lu smiled brightly: My assistant is already drafting a contract for you. It will be sent to you at noon. Please take a moment to read it. If you have any questions, just ask me.


It wasn't long before dawn, so Tao Ran went directly to the balcony and meditated to welcome the first ray of dawn. At this time, the earth's yin turns to yang, and this is the time when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is at its purest.

After more than two hours of meditation and an hour of morning exercise, she was full of energy and started Jiang Lan's new life.

She and her bodyguard sent Coco to school, and the school teacher actually found out about the series of charitable acts performed by Coco's mother last night, which shows the huge impact of what happened last night. After chatting privately with the teacher, she returned to the studio.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Sister Zhen arrived on time.

As soon as we met, she gave him a thumbs up.

Over the past few years, your progress has been impressive.

Sister Zhen came with a drafted contract to discuss with her.

The contract standard offered to her by Guangming now is no lower than the contract she received from Jiaxi last time. What Sister Zhen means is to take advantage of the current high popularity and sign the big rules first, so as to avoid the company going back on their word or tightening the conditions if the popularity suddenly drops in the future.

Tao Ran was not in a hurry about this. She has confidence in herself, and her popularity will never drop so quickly. But she really needed a backer.

So she agreed.

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