The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 511 The sister who overcame all obstacles 49

Before the call was hung up, Tao Ran's phone lit up again.

At first glance, it was Guangguang's largest shareholder, the middle-aged man who gave her great trust last time, Director Han.

It turned out that Guang Guang was worried.

I was afraid that she would be signed by someone else.

After she spent a lot of money at the auction tonight, entertainment companies and agents have noticed her condition. At that time, someone had already contacted Xiaoxia and wanted to sign her.

In the past few hours, dozens of companies were interested in her and called to offer her an olive branch. Among them are some of the top domestic companies.

Guang Guang was also a little anxious, fearing that the cooked duck would fly away.

Don't worry, haven't I already signed a three-month contract with the Rays? Tao Ran laughed.

That contract is too bad. Who would have thought that this Jiang Lan would be so capable, and that he could make such a big splash on his own without the company's help.

Tonight's series of operations, whether they were man-made or coincidental, have already spread in their circles and advertising circles. Needless to say, for a long time to come, last night’s series of popular search operations will become the most successful case of “grasping traffic passwords” and will be talked about by people in the industry.

Oh, when she invested more than 6 million yuan to buy paintings, who wouldn't say that she suffered a big loss? But what her eight million now brings is a steady stream of hot searches, tens of millions of traffic, hundreds of millions in sales, and a reputation as an almost national treasure-level actor.

If the current trend continues, she will likely occupy a place in various charity awards, achievement awards at the end of the year, and even the official media's best artist, best youth, annual role model, etc.

Not only did she do charity, her actions also inspired businesses and people to do good deeds, which coincided with the above call and coincided with the core values ​​promoted in recent years.

The higher ups need artists like this to serve as role models, don’t they?

From the first time he saw her, Director Han felt that she was not simple. Although she was a little older, she should still have a lot of value. Who would have thought that a female artist in her thirties could make a big splash and become a star, becoming as popular as those young idols?

This is not a late bloomer, but incredible!

Who will sign her back now? Not only is it a matter of making money, but she can also expect to receive a lot of awards, even if she is just a mascot to attract the attention of passers-by?

The top management of the Rays just held an emergency meeting, and the topic was her. Although she had already signed a contract with them, the contract was for a third-level artist, which made them very upset.

With her current value, no one would be willing to help her pay the small liquidated damages, right? They were afraid that someone would snatch her away!

Why didn't they consider before that Jiaxi could give her a contract as a second-level actress precisely because she was so valuable? If they had been more generous at that time and signed her with a second-level actor contract, there would be sky-high liquidated damages there, and there would be no need to scratch their heads like this now...

Let's change the contract at dawn. As I said before, I will tailor a contract for you. You decide the conditions. You want to act. You can choose from several books in the company. Female protagonist, variety show, or other. Except For some basic contracts, we can also apply for a signing fee for you. A signing fee of tens of millions. Do you think it’s okay?”

Tao Ran's heart skipped a beat. Gee, this treatment is almost as good as her previous contract with the company in reality.

Don't worry, Director Han. Let's talk about these things tomorrow. Isn't there Sister Zhen? She will come over tomorrow morning, and I will just discuss it with her then. I have said before that I am a person who values ​​affection and repays kindness. Please feel free to rest early!

She seemed to have agreed, but it seemed like she didn't agree to anything...

Because it was already past one o'clock and she had to go home.

Xiaoxia and the others are still asking: There are also prepared push topics...

Let's put it aside for now!

Um. In fact, the hot search topics she plans to promote today are far more than the previous ones. Internet trolls and generous donations from brands were not originally included in her calculations.

That's enough for tonight.

Everyone has rested. If we push it now, the effect will not be good. And eating too much in one sitting can easily appear deliberate and cause resentment. The few items I recommended before can still be fermented after dawn, and we can continue after the effect is achieved. Even better...

Tao Ran: Everyone pack up, leave a few people on duty, and others get ready to go home. Everyone worked hard tonight, five times the salary!

Sister, are you still going out? Xiaoxia was extremely surprised when she saw Tao Ran was still wearing her coat.

I'll come as soon as I go! Please take care of Coco for me first. Tonight, Coco slept in Tao Ran's lounge in the studio.

Tao Ran put on his hat and mask, took another button from the office, carefully clipped it to his coat, took the things and took a taxi home...

When we got home, the lights in the villa were still on, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Obviously tonight is another sleepless night for some people!

Tao Ran pulled the scumbag out of the blacklist and then made a phone call, Come and help me get my things!

The scumbag ran straight to the garage and came out of the garage door. Only then did he see his wife had arrived at the door holding her things.

Where's the car? He had suppressed his anger and the words came to his lips. Why hasn't his sports car been driven back?

I drank and didn't drink.

Where is the car parked? Liang Cheng's voice was a little trembling. He had a feeling that the car would never come back.


Where's that off-road vehicle from before?

Still repairing.

Where's Coco?

At Xiaoxia's house.

That Wu Xia?


Are you crazy? Why did you leave your child in someone else's home?

You're crazy! You have to go to work, your parents are irresponsible, and I have something to do tonight, where do you think Coco should go? And Xiaoxia is my friend, not someone else's!

You have the nerve to say you have something to do tonight? Do you mean you have something to do? You spent eight million dollars on a trip! Are you as wasteful as you?

Liang Cheng, do you want to be shameless? That eight million is not your money!

Saying this, Tao Ran opened the door and deliberately knocked the object in his hand against the scumbag.

The cylindrical hard board gift box knocked on Liang Cheng's forehead, making a muffled sound and feeling a little painful.

Liang Cheng's anger was already rising, and he just wanted to strangle this woman to death!

And he suddenly realized what it was that hit him on the head. This...could it be...that 666?

Liang Cheng stared at the cylindrical gift box and rushed to snatch it from Tao Ran's hand.

Open it and see, it’s not exactly the case!

What colorful ghost drawings?

That's it?

That's it?

More than 6.6 million?

His money, his money!

This garbage... His heart was bleeding.

What rubbish! You are rubbish! Give me back the painting! It's more than six million! Tao Ran went to grab it, but Liang Cheng subconsciously avoided it, and Tao Ran missed it.

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