The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 510 The sister who overcame all obstacles 48

The hot search for Jiang Lan's free endorsement came as expected, going straight to the first place.

In just one night, she overcompleted the seven hot searches in ten days bet.

At this moment, five of the top ten hot searches are related to her. Those celebrities who bought the draft tonight have all disappeared from the front of the list, and no one cares about them.

Several official media spoke out again, praising her and the brand by name, and helping her attract a wave of fans from passers-by.

So far, her Weibo fans have exceeded 7 million.

She felt that now she could at least be regarded as a top performer overnight. Haha, it shouldn’t be too difficult to realize the bet with the Rays’ senior management...

After several hours of operation, Jiang Lan's image and personality have been completely established.

Many celebrities use years of marketing to make their image deeply rooted in people's hearts, but it only took her one night.

After the fact that she said she would spend money to create a charity image, Xiaoxia and the others felt distressed about the large investment. But now, without exception, they all feel that the money is well spent!

And the benefits of the whole set she played tonight are probably endless.

Because Xiaoxia’s phone almost exploded...

Only then did Tao Ran have time to look at his phone.

In WeChat, it’s already 99+.

In addition to several news from the brand owner Huang and Du Yun, Director Lu sent a message two hours ago, expressing his expectation for tonight. An hour ago, Director Lu sent another thumbs-up emoji. Half an hour ago, Director Lu expressed that he wanted to meet him tomorrow.

And just now, Director Lu sent another message, directly giving a contract for the Sister show and asking her to take a look...

Tao Ran was in no hurry to reply. For those of you who have such an appetite, it’s better to whet your appetite first.

Sister Zhen congratulated her and said she would come to her studio tomorrow morning.

Scroll further down, Mr. Jiaxi Zhang, several high-level executives of Guangming, Luo Jiayu and others all sent messages.

Even many friends whom I had not contacted for many years appeared.

In the WeChat contact column, there were actually two hundred messages sent to add her as a friend.

Of course, the scumbag's verification message is at the top, begging her to go home...

Xiaoxia is even busier.

Many business events came to our door, and they all wanted to find Jiang Lan to bring goods.

Several domestic brands similar to the brand tonight were also calling non-stop, saying they wanted to ask her to endorse them.

As we all know, Jiang Lan is very popular right now. The sooner she officially announces her first endorsement, the more dividends she may get...

Let's talk tomorrow morning! Tao Ran smiled and took a few bites of the midnight snack she bought for everyone. Anyway, it's not us who are anxious.

They are all human spirits. They all know that it is the middle of the night and the heat can reach this level. When more people wake up from their sleep tomorrow morning and understand the causes and consequences of tonight, from eight o'clock in the morning to one or two o'clock in the afternoon, I am afraid that it is her. When the popularity is the highest!

Tomorrow, she will have more and better choices...

Even Du Yun and his magazine had already sent a confirmation letter, hoping to finalize her exclusive interview as soon as possible. The reality has changed so quickly. Before, they were looking for favors, but now, they are begging Tao Ran for face...

Tao Ran looked at the confirmation letter and saw a number on it. It's a reward, and the price is pretty good. There's also a note at the end that the price is negotiable.

She still wanted to sell the chief editor's favor, so she directly signed the confirmation letter and asked Xiaoxia to reply, and immediately sent a message to Du Yun. Du Yun readily stated that she would be able to help if there were resources in the future, and she would not hesitate to...

It's past twelve o'clock, but the sales of various products of the brand have not only not dropped, but have completely blossomed because of the charity provided by the brand.

Now, not only the suits worn by Tao Ran are selling well, but most of the brand's products are in short supply. From clothing to shoes and hats, all stocks are nearly bottomed out.

Do you want products? Everyone is just supporting domestic products and doing charity in their own way.

At 12:30, the brand's statistics showed that in less than two hours last night, their total sales were 18.3 billion, so they will use 54 million of them as brand products. Make a donation in the name of Jiang Lan, and the sales and donation receipts will be posted later...

In addition, the brand apologized again, saying that it may take a long time for the goods last night to be shipped from production to delivery. Please give them time...

Wow even!

no sooner said than done! This is so conscientious!

The Internet exploded again.

Once again, the brand was not only ranked first in the hot searches, but also became the hottest topic on major short video websites.

The public was motivated and sales continued to increase.

Mr. Huang called.

Sales after twelve o'clock exceeded 200 million in forty-five minutes. I was a little scared. I called for 'rational consumption' on my personal Weibo, but they bought more. There are many enthusiastic people who are afraid that the company will advance too much money and it will be difficult to get the money back, so they will directly confirm the receipt of the goods after taking the photos. It is so touching to have such a sense of trust.

Tao Ran: Congratulations, the brand can return to its peak and become the pride of a national brand!

It's you who I have to thank! Compared with hard work, Mr. Huang is not particularly good at talking. I really don't know how to thank you.

Originally, the business was already very difficult.

The cost of autumn and winter products is very high, and the financial pressure is severe. Originally, if sales did not break through by December, they could only plan to shut down two production lines next spring. Well now, all problems are solved.

That night, even their backlog of inventory was sold out. It's all like a dream.

Others don’t know it, but he has just come from the production line. The faces of the workers who were already thinking about being fired are not tired. They are all beaming with joy and are very busy. They actively ask to work overtime... Everyone, you can have a good year!

I... Mr. Huang hesitated.

I'll give you 8 million first. Don't think it's too little. He felt very sorry. His production line was brought back to life. Although he made a profit of more than 50 million, the harvest was obviously much more. But Jiang Lan worked hard all night and posted so much money, but got nothing, and even scolded her many times. he……

Mr. Huang, I'm not that kind of person! Tao Ran said this with some heartache. Now accepting this money, wouldn’t it be like getting scolded by those trolls? So shameful.

Moreover, the donation of more than 50 million yuan was signed in her name, so how could she have the nerve to accept other money?

I won't charge you what I said. Tao Ran was afraid that Mr. Huang would not be able to turn around, so he added half-jokingly: In the future, in the future. If we cooperate again in the future, you can give me more.

Natural, natural! From now on, you will be the spokesperson of our brand. It all depends on you when to sign the contract. Tomorrow can also be used. If you have any request, just ask for it. You can add the endorsement fee plus commission. The commission starts from today It can be calculated based on sales volume.

In addition, Ms. Wu Xia has given me your address. I will send a batch of goods there tomorrow. If you don’t mind, I will also cover the clothes of the staff in your studio. I will trouble you later.

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