The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 484 The sister who overcame all obstacles 22

Female prostitute?

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Zhang and Yao Sisi choked almost at the same time.

They never expected that Jiang Lan was so amazing!

Is it ridiculous to report your husband?

As if it would make her own face shine.

At this moment, even Mr. Zhang felt that Yao Sisi was right, Jiang Lan was sick! Neuropathy!

But no matter what, Jiang Lan can break the jar, but they can't.

He must stop it.

Xiaolan, what are you talking about? You have no evidence. Do you know the consequences of reporting a false police report?

How do you know it's a fake police officer? She didn't even say it was a fake police officer! Tao Ran pointed at Yao Sisi. If she said it was false, then she must know the truth. Then if she doesn't speak up, she is deliberately hiding it!

So, who is Liang Cheng with? Is he a chicken? Tao Ran continued to put pressure on Yao Sisi.

Yao Si wanted to cry.

Who will save her?

explain? say what? Are you saying that the person hanging out with Liang Cheng now is not a chicken? Are you a shareholder of the company? Is it a rich boss? If it is exposed, the company's reputation and stock price will be in serious trouble! He might even be investigated! It might as well be a chicken!

But she couldn't say anything. Liang Cheng is her boss, if he ruins it, how about her?

Did you see it? Sisi didn't dare to say it! How could she not refute Liang Cheng if she was being slandered? It can be seen that Liang Cheng was doing something wrong! I was right! Comrade police, I will report Liang Cheng. If Cheng is not working as a prostitute, he is engaging in disgraceful dealings with someone! It is all illegal! Please ask the police comrades to find out the truth and help the victim find out the ins and outs of the child abduction incident as soon as possible!

With these two items, is it enough reason for the police to dispatch police?

As for reporting a false police report... Tao Ran thinks it's not a big deal, right? She made the report based on certain reasons and reliable current evidence, and it should not be considered a deliberate false alarm. Taking a step back, even if the police really characterize her like that, in a situation like hers where the circumstances are not serious, the most they can do is a fine.

She's not worried.

In addition, she is not worried about her reputation. Liang Cheng and Jiaxi were much more anxious than she was. She was the victim anyway, and the police could prove it.

As of now, Tao Ran can hold his head high.

Her first step of counterattack has been achieved...

At this moment, Xiaoxia was very excited.

My sister said that she wanted to take her to watch a rape, but she didn’t expect that she would get her wish so soon!

She never expected that her sister would go around in such a big circle and come back again.

I have to say, it’s high!

Not only were the parties involved, but Yao Sisi and Jiaxi Company were soon to be involved.

How about her sister being so powerful? She took advantage of the child's affairs to vent her anger and catch the other party off guard.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to myself and catch the adulterer on the spot. What's the use? The hotel room was opened under Yao Sisi's name, and they couldn't even find out the room number, let alone let the pair of bitches take the initiative to open the door. Apart from alerting the enemy, what can they accomplish?

Without evidence, the rich woman Wang and Jiaxi could easily kill them in order to cover up their scandalous behavior. It's different now.

Extramarital affairs are not illegal, but female sex is. Only through the hands of the police can it be possible to successfully catch the rapist. Of course, the process of catching an adulterer is secondary, and obtaining actual evidence is the key.

What's even better is that until now, except for a few people in this conference room, even the internal staff of Jiaxi Entertainment outside thought that Jiang Lan was making a fuss for the sake of her children and Yao Sisi. Never would I have imagined that this matter has something to do with the shareholders of their company.

So now even if people from Jiaxi went to report the news, they would only think of informing Liang Cheng.

Liang Cheng turned off his phone, so it would be difficult for the pair of traitors to receive the notification. Poor those scumbags, they still don’t know what happened, right?

And they have their biggest backer - the police uncle. They also have help that is ready to move—the people's voices in the lobby on the first floor that have just been biased by what they have seen and heard. As long as sister continues to wipe away her tears, you will be on the hot search in minutes!

Just asking you if you are afraid?

Xiaoxia was thinking about it, and her waist was completely straightened up. Who would have thought that the person who was about to lie down and beg for help right now would be a scumbag, a bitch, and this lousy company!

Over there, Mr. Zhang was having useless negotiations with several police officers, while Xiaoxia gave Tao Ran a thumbs up.

Tao Ran smiled faintly: You think that's all I want? This time I'll show you what it means to take one step and count it as five steps and ten steps. Do you think the current situation is the result I want? No! This is not enough It’s just a raft, an introduction, and a beginning. What I really want is still behind!”

Since it has been reported, and this matter is indeed related to Jiang Lan's previous report, the police must make this trip.

So even though Mr. Zhang tried very hard, he couldn't stop it.

The group all rushed to Jing'an Hotel. Mr. Zhang and Yao Sisi were also among the followers. Of course, they were closely guarded to prevent leaks.

The hotel is not far away, more than ten minutes away.

However, after the police clearly identified themselves and asked to open the door, and with the help of the waiter, they swiped the card to open the guest room door, Xiaoxia's wish was still not fully realized.

I don’t know whether the scumbag turned on his phone in advance and received some news about Jiang Lan causing trouble in the company, or whether Wang Baolai received some notice from the company. In short, when they opened the door, although the two of them looked panicked and a bit busy, they were already He wrapped himself in clothes and sat at the table.

Wang Baolai asked the police about their purpose, but what he never expected was that they suspected that someone was recruiting female escorts or engaging in improper transactions and asked them to show their ID cards...

Xiaoxia is so sorry.

Tao Ran's reaction was dull.

To her, this was expected. In fact, it might be safer for her not to directly catch Wang Baolai's scandalous behavior. It would be detrimental to her to force the other party to jump over the wall. Now, if you give the big guys some opportunities to close their mouths, maybe you can grab more.

While the two parties involved were being questioned by the police, Tao Ran was busy with the work at hand and was too lazy to explain to Xiaoxia.

From the moment she opened the door, she filmed what she saw. Of course, not only does she have a mobile phone in her hand, she also has a button camera on her clothes...

What's your name? the policeman asked.

Wang Baolai.

Show me your ID card.


Wang Baolai felt that this was the most embarrassing day in her decades of smooth sailing. Not only was she questioned by the police, she was also treated like a chicken. So insulting. Why couldn't she be the one doing the trick?

Show me your ID card.

My lawyer...

It's just a routine cross-examination. If you insist on delaying, I'm afraid you will have to go to the bureau to be investigated. Are you sure you want to wait for the lawyer there?

Wang Baolai could only show his ID card.

The police photographed the ID and obtained information.



What are you doing here?

Talk about cooperation.

Why are you talking about cooperation like this? The police officer pointed to the bed which had been simply tidied up but was still messy.

When I came, Liang Cheng was taking a nap.

Tao Ran: But the mattress is still hot. Both sides are hot. Are you taking a nap together and talking about cooperation?

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