The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 483 The sister who overcame all obstacles 21

At this moment, Mr. Zhang had a bad premonition.

Now he has only one thought: Why, why is I on duty today? What does it have to do with me!

He just wants to get along, what's wrong with that?

Yao Sisi is from Jiaxi Company. Mr. Zhang helped her like this when she first came up. Doesn't he seem to be covering up? Tao Ran took a step closer, feeling full of oppression.

Mr. Zhang: Xiaolan, you are overthinking. The company has always dealt with matters rather than persons and acted fairly and openly...

Tao Ran shook his head: Jiaxi cannot escape responsibility for this matter. The police officers also saw it just now. A minor was left alone in an empty room with no one to supervise or take care of him. If something happens, who will be responsible? ? If a bad guy shows up, who will protect him? Is it considered abuse if he doesn’t even give him food? Is it considered cold violence if he ignores them? In view of this, I suspect that they have evil intentions.

Tao Ran lowered his eyes and choked up as he spoke, but his heart was cold, did he think that was all? This is just an introduction.

Today is the scumbag’s birthday, so she has to get back her roots! Try to make a lot of money!

The General Principles of Civil Law says that the legal rights and responsibilities of a person without civil capacity are borne by the guardian, and the personal safety is also borne by the guardian! Now that the child is in the childcare area of ​​Jiaxi Company, Jiaxi Entertainment is naturally responsible People! You abuse my daughter like this, don’t you have to be responsible?

Tao Ran had long thought about helping Jiang Lan with the divorce lawsuit and earning custody rights, so she had recently done some research on the laws in this world.

Mr. Zhang was stunned and naturally saw that Jiang Lan was deliberately looking for trouble. Today is Saturday, most of the staff are on holiday, so naturally there are no aunts in the child care area. Of course no one cares about the children.

But is there something wrong with Yao Sisi’s brain? Since Liang Cheng's child was left there, why didn't he even take care of the food?

He couldn't help but glare at Yao Sisi...

Yao Sisi also had a headache.

Is it easy for her? She is busy all day, how can she have time to take care of food? Today, she first drove Liang Cheng to Canary's for dinner, and then she took a taxi and left... Before she arrived at the company, Liang Cheng said that she had driven out and asked him to arrange a hotel so that he could make an appointment in advance.

She was busy opening a room, asking people to buy flowers, wine, cakes and decorate the hotel. She also had to drive to pick up Liang Cheng and send him to the hotel. By the time she got back to the company, she was so hungry that she fainted. Just when she took a breath, someone came to find trouble... Where could she go to reason with him!

Mr. Zhang stood up again.

Xiaolan, look, I just heard that it is indeed Sisi's fault. She neglected and neglected the child. It is understandable that you are angry. However, we are all acquaintances, and it is better to do less than to do more. It is hers Wrong, let her apologize, and the company will punish her differently.

You also hit Sisi. She was also injured. You two might as well just forget about it and forget about the grudges with a smile, even if it's just for Liang Cheng's face, what do you think?

Two different things! Tao Ran was extremely determined. I hit her, and I admit that it was my fault. But this matter has nothing to do with the child's suffering. When the matter is resolved, I shall accept the punishment. As long as they dare to pursue it! Moreover, she beat people for the sake of her children and to prevent the suspect from escaping, which is excusable, so the police would at most give her a few words about the beating. What is she afraid of?

But Mr. Zhang, why don't you think about it, if she didn't do anything wrong, why did she lie? Why did she run away? There is something wrong with this woman! I will never let her go easily!

Several police officers signaled to several people to calm down.

So, why did you take the child away without permission?

I'm not doing it on my own. Yao Sisi: I have permission!

Whose permission?

... Yao Sisi was stunned and frightened. She suddenly realized she didn't know who to say. What Liang Cheng’s parents and Liang Cheng are doing now is shameful!

Why are you hesitating? Have you not made up the lie yet? Tao Ran sneered and applied pressure. My parents-in-law allowed you to take the child away, right?


Tao Ran once again played the recording of her mother-in-law saying that the child was in class.

She called her mother-in-law again, but still no one answered.

So at least one of you and my mother-in-law is lying. Who is it? In front of Mr. Zhang and so many police officers, you have to answer well. If you are found to have lied, you will be held responsible. You’ve thought it through!”

You...I... Yao Sisi was already panicking. The lesser of the two powers harming each other, compared to cheating and having an illegitimate child, is it better to put the blame on Liang Cheng?

Even if something is discovered, it would be fine if he refused to admit it. With companies and capital behind us, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Liang Cheng asked me to pick up Coco! I didn't lie! This is what Liang Cheng meant! Yao Sisi finally gave the answer.

such a pity.

Yao Sisi never imagined that the reason why Tao Ran pressed so hard was because he was waiting for this sentence from her. There are too many bad things done by scumbags, it is impossible to catch them all in one go. You have to do it one by one. What we have to deal with today is not the matter of San'er and the illegitimate child.

Then why did you lie to me about going to Sanya? What was your intention?

... Yao Sisi had a headache.

Where is my husband?

... Yao Si wanted to die.

Since you lied for him and went to Sanya, you must know where he is.

I don't know, he can't get through on the phone.

Yao Sisi, I'm giving you a chance! You can't even think twice about lying in front of a police officer.

I... Yao Si wanted to cry. What could she say? What was Liang Cheng doing? Is she losing her job? I really don't know!

The person staying in the executive suite of Jing'an Hotel right now is Liang Cheng, right? Tao Ran leaned forward and stood in front of Yao Sisi.

This time, Yao Sisi's face was completely filled with despair, and she kept scolding Tao Ran in her heart. It turns out she already knew it! But she just kept fishing. What on earth is she going to do? What are her intentions? Why is this woman so scary?

Yes or no?

... She wanted to say no. But this kind of thing can't be seen by just adjusting the monitoring?

The police officers have already checked you. They know that you did not fly to Sanya, and they also know that you rented a house today. Since you are not living there, I guess it can only be Liang Cheng. It just so happens that Liang Cheng is not at home, and his mobile phone is not turned on. I can't find it either. I can't help but suspect that Liang Cheng is in that room. Just tell me whether he is there or not?

Over there, Mr. Zhang was quietly walking out of the conference room. Tao Ran wouldn't let him go and directly blocked the door.

Mr. Zhang wants to report something? Wait a moment, there will be a chance. Tao Ran lowered his voice: In front of a police officer, there are some things you should not do.

The words go to the bathroom that Mr. Zhang had not yet spoken were stuck in his throat...

Tao Ran returned to Yao Sisi.

Who is Liang Cheng at the hotel with?

I...I don't know.

have no idea?

Not sure.

Then I can only go and see it myself.


Officers, could you come with me?

No! Before the police officers could speak, Yao Sisi and Mr. Zhang said no in unison.

Mr. Zhang: The police station is not run by your family. The police officers are busy, who has time to accompany you to catch rapes or deal with household chores!

Mr. Zhang is not blind. Judging from Yao Sisi's expression, Liang Cheng is 100% doing something shameless. Although I don’t know who it is with, being discovered and not being discovered are two different things. If it involves the company's artists and the company's reputation, it is natural to stop it.

Tao Ran laughed: Mr. Zhang, please don't interfere with the police's handling of the case, okay? If you don't find Liang Cheng's testimony, how will you know if Yao Sisi abducted my child? Did he take away and abuse my child under his instructions? Of course, if you still not enough……

Tao Ran turned around and faced several police officers: I'm reporting that Liang Cheng is suspected of being a prostitute at the Jing'an Hotel.

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