The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 470 The sister who overcame all obstacles 08

Time flew by.

Tao Ran liked this clean and nurturing place very much.

But seeing that the scumbag's birthday was coming and her condition had basically recovered, it was time for her to go back. She still has a lot to do.

She was packing her bags that day when the phone rang.

A call from a scumbag, video call.

Tao Ran didn't answer it in a hurry. Instead, he walked to the dressing table and applied a layer of yellowish foundation on his face that he had prepared long ago. He also used contouring to cover up the look of gray hair and face to hide his true condition.

She calmly walked to the edge of the mountain, chose the right angle, and fought back.

Liang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the background of the call. What about in the mountains? Humph, it feels comfortable, but that’s okay.

Where is it? He rarely smiled in front of his wife.

The doctor said that more exposure to green mountains and green waters and walking around will help my recovery.

How is your illness? Coco said you are recovering well.

There are three courses of treatment in total, and we have already reached the second course of treatment. Tao Ran said nonsensically.

Will the treatment take a long time?

Well, according to the doctor's opinion, it's best to take another month. But I miss Coco too much. So I plan to go home after the second course of treatment. I will go back on time.

Liang Cheng's facial muscles trembled obviously.

I've seen it all and spent all my money. How can I give up halfway? Naturally, I have to wait until I get better before I go back. I will take good care of Cocoa...

But I've only been gone for more than 20 days, and Keke has already lost weight! Another nonsense. It's almost 7:30 when Keke gets home from class every day. The child is working too hard. I can't even say a few words in the video. The more I think about it, the less practical I am...


Liang Cheng suddenly interrupted: Starting tonight, Keke will go home an hour earlier. I will cancel a homework for her. Let her have more time to rest and spend more time video chatting with you. Don't worry about Keke. Be sure to do it. Put your body first.”

The scumbag starts building up his loving persona again.

My child and I are waiting for you to come home healthy!

Tao Ran smiled.

Ha, how much he wished he didn't go home!

However, she also expected that when he called, he didn't have three hundred taels of silver here, and he was just following her, but he wouldn't let her reply. So she took advantage of the situation and helped Coco gain some rights.

What a scumbag! As expected, it was easy to regress.

Promise me, Xiaolan, that you will take good care of your illness. When you come back, we will start from scratch.


Is there enough money? Can I give you some more?

puff! If you say that, it's naturally not enough. Just waiting for your words!

Just like that, another three hundred thousand was transferred.

Don't worry, husband. I won't come back for the time being. I will come back after I am cured.

One day, if the scumbag knew that all the money he spent on his wife's medical treatment was spent on digging up his secrets, would he faint from anger?

Tao Ran knew that Liang Cheng would definitely keep an eye on his itinerary, so he would not foolishly take transportation like airplanes and high-speed trains to go home.

She chartered a car.

It only takes more than ten hours to drive back to the capital...

After Tao Ran returned to Beijing, he did not go home or notify anyone. Instead, he moved directly into a high-end community.

A few days ago, she asked her former assistant Xiaoxia to rent a two-bedroom apartment with the name of sister Xiaoxia.

In the early years, Xiaoxia followed her for almost four years. Later, when she got married and had children, Xiaoxia returned to the company to take charge of other artists. As a result, she was ostracized and the company forced her to resign. When she got angry, she switched to another company. Now the treatment is quite average, so Xiaoxia's life is not very satisfactory.

After Tao Ran suspected that Liang Cheng had a shady collusion with the company's upper management, he had to suspect that Xiaoxia was also implicated by Jiang Lan. The company wanted to cut off Jiang Lan's room for advancement, so even Xiaoxia was dealt with...

After thinking about this, Tao Ran asked Xiaoxia out for a chat a while ago. As a result, judging from Xiaoxia's experiences that day, her guess may be true.

Xiaoxia missed the days when they struggled step by step from supporting roles to leading roles. She sighed at that time and asked Tao Ran if he really didn't want to come back again?

I have long said that man is unreliable. After Jiang Lan gave birth to her child, Xiaoxia visited her, so she knew that she had postpartum depression, and the reason was also because of the Liang family. I advised you so much back then, but you just didn't listen to me. You...

Xiaoxia sighed.

If one day, sister, you want to return to the entertainment industry, tell me as soon as possible. No matter how far you can go, I still want to fight you again!

That day, Xiaoxia told Tao Ran so straightforwardly.

Tao Ran trusted this Xiaoxia.

She could tell that Xiaoxia was sincere and not acting. And Xiaoxia has always been disgusted with the style of Liang Cheng and Jiaxi Entertainment, so she can use the fact that the enemy of her enemy is a friend.

In addition, Tao Ran recalled in detail the struggles Jiang Lan and Xiaoxia had together. Knowing that the two of them have worked together step by step since they were rookies, Xiaoxia is very useful, no worse than her own Shanshan.

So Tao Ran decided to find Xiaoxia as a helper.

Xiaoxia did not disappoint Tao Ran. It only took two days to help her settle the rental matter.

This place is quiet and quiet, with few people and a good environment, which is very suitable for her to live in seclusion.

Why... want to rent a house? Xiaoxia knew that Jiang Lan was back, so she bought the household items in the house, and even arranged the water, electricity, and gas, so that she could move in directly as soon as she returned to the capital.

I want to make a comeback. Do you want to come back and help me? Tao Ran poured her a glass of wine.

Can you drink? Are you not in good health, or... Xiaoxia came to grab Tao Ran's cup.

Tao Ran avoided it.

I'm ready.

Tao Ran was even more satisfied with this person who really cared about him. My health has improved, and I am thinking about it, so I want to start a career. But I can't stand it alone. Are you willing to fight with me? It's the same as many years ago. We picked up our previous dreams, set sail again, overcame all obstacles, and moved forward bravely.

In the past, Jiang Lan dreamed of winning a Best Actress Award. Xiaoxia hopes to become a powerful agent.

Have you made up your mind? Xiaoxia's eyes lit up. Are you really determined? You won't be tied down by your family?

Yes! Tao Ran raised his finger, making a gesture of swearing. I will make a clean break with that person! I will fight for custody rights! I want to realize my early dreams! No one can stop me!

Well! It should have been like this a long time ago! Xiaoxia nodded repeatedly. Since you need me, I will definitely help you!

Xiaoxia was excited.

She told Tao Ran that the biggest recruiter in their company had been learning acting skills from a teacher at a film school. She had a good relationship with the teacher and could bring the teacher over to help teach acting skills;

The company she belongs to is not big enough for Jiang Lan to consider, but she knows two agents who are easy to talk to;

She knows the two styling teams and their styling styles are very suitable for Jiang Lan. She can contact them...


Xiaoxia has many ideas and is full of enthusiasm.

Tao Ran became more and more satisfied with her.

This is the partner she needs. After my dream was rekindled, I became very motivated. Because of my trust, I didn’t even ask about basic salary conditions.

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