The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 469 The sister who overcame all obstacles 07

Tao Ran walked to the corner of the stairs on the second floor, and the phone rang downstairs.

Naturally, it was Liang Cheng who called back.

He wanted Jiang Lan to leave, so how could he let his parents ruin his good deeds?

So, I saw Father Liang holding the phone without saying anything for a long time, his face almost collapsed, and after a long while he said: I know. Then let her go. We won't say anything else.

I don’t know what Liang Cheng said again, but Father Liang’s eyes suddenly lit up and he said excitedly: “Are you sure? That’s great!”

After hanging up the phone, Father Liang whispered in the ear of Mother Liang who kept mumbling.

Mother Liang's expression also changed from gloomy to clear in a second: Really? Ouch, that's great! Then, her eyes formed chrysanthemum folds from laughter.

The two were smiling happily and started whispering on the sofa.


What's so good? Can you make these two old monsters so happy?

The corners of Tao Ran's lips curled up, as if she knew.

The phone buzzed, and it was from Liang Cheng: I have already agreed with my parents, you should go to the doctor as originally planned...

not going!

Tao Ran smiled brightly. Now everyone wants her to go, but she doesn't want to comply with their wishes.

Stop messing around! Get cured as soon as possible! I'll reimburse you for your air tickets! The scumbag also transferred another 30,000 yuan...

Tao Ran confiscated it, but the scumbag couldn't hold it in anymore, so he called again, his tone softened and he said a few good words to his parents.

Then tell your parents that I have to have a video call with Coco every night at 8:30, and they are not allowed to stop me. If I call you, you are not allowed not to answer. If I still need money, you have to give it.

... Liang Cheng wanted to curse, but he held it back. Okay! I will transfer another 50,000 yuan to you. I have recently negotiated a job. If nothing happens, please call me less! The illness is not urgent, treat it slowly. Don't worry about me and the child.

As soon as the phone was hung up, the scumbag transferred the money.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Taking the initiative to pay for something is obviously a scam.

Tao Ran already knew what was going on.

Twenty-three days later, it will be October 28th, Shi Huo’s birthday. Most likely there are already arrangements?

The scumbag sent another message, asking her if she could buy a plane ticket? Has the hotel implemented it? He can arrange it. Air tickets can be exchanged for his airline miles. He asked her where she was going and which flight she had chosen. He would ask his assistant to come and explain to her later...

Is that too considerate? Tao Ran smiled, only caring now, it was too obvious...

The next day, Tao Ran went out early in the morning. Once again, she was so angry that the old couple who had prepared a lot of words to teach her could only stare.

Wearing a black hat and a large mask, she went to buy some daily necessities, sportswear, shoes, etc., and then went to the mobile phone market to find someone to buy a black market phone card, which was not her real name.

At noon, she had dinner with several mothers from the Family Committee.

In the afternoon, she made an appointment with her former assistant to chat and learn about the recent gossip and situations in this circle.

After school, she continued to pick up her children, skipped tutoring classes with her children, and then went out for a wild play session.

Being alone together and communicating on an equal footing made the child further encourage her to go out. In this way, Tao Ran was finally able to go out with peace of mind.

She went to a southern city thousands of miles away.

Of course, this is just for scumbags.

Why would she go to a city with such a bad environment?

She prefers nature!

After arriving in the city, she took another two-hour drive to a mountainous area and rented an empty house on the mountain.

No one there knew her, and no ID was required, but she had her favorite green mountains, green water, and good air. She chatted with the landlord at the foot of the mountain for a while, and the landlord readily agreed to sell her two free-range eggs and two handfuls of vegetables every day, buy some fish and meat for her, and collect express delivery for her...

Tao Ran bought a lot of things online when he went back.

With the developed Internet, express delivery is now available even in rural areas, which is really good.

She bought a lot of medicinal materials that replenish qi and blood. Yu Tong learned a lot in that world, and now she is making some medicinal food to replenish Jiang Lan's health.

Once the environment changed, Tao Ran felt that his whole mood was much better.

In the first week, she mainly focused on various psychological adjustments. Immersive meditation among green mountains and green waters can not only relax the body and mind, but also integrate with nature and be close to nature.

Jog, walk, go down and up the mountain, feel good.

Exercise and hearty sweating are also good ways to vent your depression. She must cure her illness first. This is the basis of battle. Otherwise, how can we fight? How to fight for child custody? How to help Jiang Lan conquer the world?

The effect is very good. In one week, she lost ten pounds. The feeling of depression that she felt when she first arrived in Jiang Lan's body was obviously reduced.

Not only does the complexion of my entire face improve, but half of the dark circles under my eyes have also disappeared.

Next, she would get up at sunrise every day to run and practice martial arts, and meditate by the lake or in the forest at noon and sunset.

The weight loss effect of martial arts training is very good, and Jiang Lan's physical fitness has made a big leap.

I don’t know whether it was because she already had experience in the real world, or because the accumulation of two worlds made Tao Ran’s soul much stronger. On the sixteenth day after arriving in the mountains and rivers, she saw those green little things scattered in the air while meditating. light spot.

She worked hard to attract those small spots of light, and from noon to evening, she did not dare to interrupt. At sunset, the green energy that had been in her sea of ​​consciousness suddenly jumped, and then she saw two or three small green light spots rushing into her body...

Introducing the air into the body, it’s done!

Although this world is also thin in spiritual energy, this thing is a process of accumulation. If you add up a little, it will always be useful.

In the next few days, Tao Ran prepared dry food and did nothing else except stimulating spiritual energy.

After the spiritual energy circulated in the body, the whole physical condition improved a lot, and even the complexion improved a lot.

More than twenty days later, Tao Ran took a closer look in the mirror and confirmed that she had seen it correctly. The fine lines at the corners of Jiang Lan's eyes had diminished.

Although her current condition is not as good as the peak condition before pregnancy, she is already many times better than when Tao Ran first arrived!

After this period of adjustment, Jiang Lan's depression has basically disappeared.

Her figure has also shrunk by two sizes, and her return to size M is just around the corner.

This time is quite fulfilling.

Tao Ran also used his newly purchased mobile phone number to chat with several gossip accounts. Just like in Ye Qin's world, she called herself Little Red Flower, and this time she became Liang Cheng's crazy fan and illegitimate fan. He is still the kind who has a lot of money and wants all the news about idols.

Therefore, although she was no longer in the arena, Liang Cheng's every move was still under her control. You know everything from what clothes he wears every day, what announcements he makes, who he eats with, what time he gets to work and home, and even what is served in his lunch box.

In addition, Tao Ran takes time out to have video calls with Coco every day.

Coco was still a little unwell a few days ago, but she also saw through the video that her mother's condition had improved, so she ended the call with joy every time...

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