The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 142 My youth is a bit difficult 04

The day Tao Ran came here was the day after Chen Yi made her confession to Chen Jian, and it was also the day when Chen Yi was taken those unbearable photos.

The second period in the afternoon was physical education. During free activities, Zhou Qingqing dragged Chen Yi away and said he wanted to have a good talk with her about yesterday's incident.

Chen Yi refused, but Zhou Qingqing threatened her grandma.

If you don't listen to me, I will tell grandma today and tell her that you got zero points in this exam and are ranked last in the whole grade. You have embarrassed the Chen family. You have been reported to the whole grade and made fun of by the whole school. And the reason is that you skip school and play games every day! Guess what will happen to your grandma if she finds out?

Chen Yi was shaking with anger, but she could only agree. Grandma is her weak point, and her illness is that she is afraid of being irritated. What can she do?

The two went to a flower garden behind the playground.

But Zhou Qingqing didn't want to talk. As soon as he arrived, he whistled and some of the most arrogant gangsters in the school showed up.

Didn't you complain to your father that I didn't study well and bribed bad classmates to harm you? Zhou Qingqing hugged her chest: But so what if you know? What can you do to me? Does anyone believe you? So what if I harm you? ? Who told you to be such an eyesore? But it’s okay, so you don’t have to cover it up in the future.”

Zhou Qingqing turned to the gangsters and asked, Have you brought them?

Several people took out a mobile phone.

Don't worry, it's the latest model, anti-shake, and has high pixels.

Well, not bad. Zhou Qingqing chuckled, took out a dozen red tickets from his school uniform bag, and waved them. Take good care of her. These are the deposits. Once you've done the work, you can exchange the photos for bonuses. She even shook the bag to reveal the remaining thick wad of banknotes inside.

After saying that, she clapped her hands and left.

Chen Yi was shocked by this. She immediately realized that after spending so much money on such a trick, the person standing behind Zhou Qingqing was clearly Ma Xiuzhu. She originally thought that Zhou Qingqing was just jealous, but apparently her stepmother was the one pushing it.

Just like that, the school gangsters who usually just burned her with cigarette butts, splashed her with dirty water, poked her with pencil ends, and locked her in the bathroom, today pointed their cell phones at her.

Several people were pressing closer, and Chen Yi, who didn't know what they would do, could only turn around and run away.

It's class time now, and there are no people in this area behind the playground, so there are no classmates passing by. So Chen Yi wanted to ask for help, but didn't see anyone.

Several gangsters deliberately chased her and prevented her from running toward the playground and teaching building. Instead, they forced her in the opposite direction.

So the only direction Chen Yi could run was to that abandoned building...

A quarter of the building was demolished. However, students complained that the previous demolition was too noisy, so the project was temporarily shelved. The school’s plan is to knock down the building and rebuild it only during the summer vacation, which also resulted in the area only having erected buildings on weekdays. A few no entry signs and a few cordons were put up, which actually gave the bullies an advantage, and they often smoked and drank beer secretly here.

So in fact, there are not many people in this area.

When Tao Ran came over, it was when Chen Yi was being chased.

Chen Yi begged and threatened, but not only was it useless, she was hit several times by branches thrown from behind and hit by stones thrown several times. Even the back of her head was hit with a bulge.

Chen Yi fell down several times, and she also begged several times, but these little devils felt that the more embarrassed and helpless she was, the happier they were, and they laughed even more...

No, their intention is obvious. They are clearly not satisfied with the few existing photos and want to get something more exciting.

That's why Chen Yi fell like this in order to escape.

Tao Ran was quite angry.

These brats are nothing. Although they are minors, what they are doing is committing a crime! Their outlook on life is already distorted at a young age, and they are so vicious right now. Do you really expect them to be able to change their ways and become pillars of society in a few hundred days as adults?

The most ridiculous thing in the world! The law and the world are too tolerant to them, and minors will continue to commit crimes without restraint!

Of course, that mother and daughter are nothing!

For selfish reasons, he attacked an innocent girl and ended up killing a young man and a sick old man. It was really abominable...

In the plot, today, Chen Yi was photographed in a bunch of photos. Some were bullied to the point of crying, some were begging on their knees, and some were forcibly put around each other, with their coat torn and underwear exposed...

If an old lady sees such a photo, how can she not get angry?

So today is the day when Chen Yi's fate is completely pushed into the abyss.

Tao Ran took a deep breath. Today, she can't let this happen!

Otherwise, those ugly photos will ruin Chen Yi's reputation tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and the photos will be in front of grandma in two days. So, today is the key! She can't get caught!

She couldn't help but miss the wrong tooth again.

Very angry!

Is there really no one who can take care of these lawless little beasts?

Also, why can't she come half a day earlier, even half an hour earlier?

It's good now. Not only are we outnumbered, but Chen Yi's physical strength and figure are obviously not suitable for fighting and escaping!


Outside, the footsteps and shouts of several people could already be heard, and they must have almost reached the fourth floor.

Tao Ran observed the toilet.

She gritted her teeth and said, forget it! If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent and risk it all!

Can schools and society really not control these little beasts? No, it’s because I don’t dare to take care of it, it’s inconvenient to take care of it, I’m afraid of taking care of it, I’m afraid of making trouble, I’m afraid of something going wrong, I’m afraid of taking responsibility!

Now that Chen Yi is in danger of falling off the cliff, she will simply cause a big trouble and make everyone uneasy. She wanted to see who dared to turn a blind eye when everyone was facing a crisis!

In the bathroom mirror, the girl's body was still bleeding from several wounds. It was so miserable. Tao Ran looked in the mirror and smeared the blood on his face, lips, neck... but it made the area even bigger.

Because of these reds, the contrast between the fair, plump and cute face is so intense that it looks terrible.

Seeing that there was still some red on his hand, Tao Ran simply wrote Braille on the bathroom mirror and the corners near the back window.

Then, she took off her school uniform, wearing only a white T-shirt, wrapped her school uniform around her elbows, gritted her teeth, flushed the toilet and hit the window glass hard.

The glass shattered.

Tao Ran bit his back molars and squeezed several drops of blood from the worn fingertips onto the windowsill...

At this time, the door of the women's restroom was locked from the inside, so the few little beasts outside noticed it as soon as they came nearby.

Hey, fat girl, why did you lock yourself in there?

What's the point of being inside the lock? If you're desperate, why not just open the door obediently? We have good photography skills, and I promise to give you some good photos of internet celebrities.

Your figure is so unique. If you post it on a certain music platform, maybe you can become an instant hit and become an Internet celebrity with millions of fans?

The three people outside laughed...

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