The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 141 My youth is a bit difficult 03

At home, Ma Xiuzhu and her son and daughter live happily together, but Chen Yi is out of tune. In school, her classmates targeted her, which made her more withdrawn and introverted.

Under all kinds of bullying and harassment, Chen Yi's grades plummeted, and her classmates often reported her to the teacher, saying that she was hanging out with a few bad students in the school.

It's not like Chen Yi has never reported those bad students to the school, but in the end nothing happened. Those people are either tyrannical at home, or they are dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water. The school's punishment of them never works. Over time, the school only wants to send these plague gods away without asking them to change, but it harms Chen Yi. Such students.

It's not like she hasn't explained to her teachers the reasons for her declining grades and Zhou Qingqing's suppression of her, but no one believed her.

Because compared to her, Zhou Qingqing is a more convincing good student and class leader. His grades are among the best, he has excellent moral character and academic performance, and he has a good relationship with his classmates.

There was no one around Chen Yi who could help her. And the only grandma who truly loves her and trusts her unconditionally is not in good health...

Therefore, Chen Yi accepted his fate after trying it several times. She knew that she was too weak to fight against these evil forces.

She could only endure it and wait for herself to grow up quickly and get rid of these villains as soon as possible.

But Chen Yi's patience could not make the villains give in. Instead, they insulted her more and more.

Over time, the teacher's impression of her became worse and worse. After Chen Yi was late and absent from the exam, the teacher called Ma Xiuzhu.

Ma Xiuzhu held the blank test paper and cried with rain after Chen Jian came back, saying that it was not easy to be a stepmother and it was because she did not take care of her well that she raised a crooked daughter. But with the conscience of heaven and earth, she has tried her best. She made a fuss about Chen Yi's performance in school.

Chen Jian went to the school to verify the situation in person, and then asked teachers, classmates and Zhou Qingqing. Finally, he felt that the fault was on his daughter and scolded her severely when he came back.

He felt that the eldest daughter was not self-disciplined, not motivated, and did not want to make progress.

Chen Jian told Ma Xiuzhu not to have too many worries in the future, just scold and punish Chen Yi when necessary, and help him educate his children.

He looked at Zhou Qingqing, who was sensible and capable. After finishing her homework and washing the dishes, she was still sharpening pencils for her younger brother. He really felt that Chen Yi was far behind because he was used to it!

Since then, Chen Yi's situation has become even more difficult.

She was excluded at home and in school, and relatives always liked to compare her with Zhou Qingqing when they came to visit her. She is fat, does not study well, does not have the love of her biological father and mother, and has a bad personality. Naturally, she is not as good as Zhou Qingqing in every aspect.

No one believed her, and she was miserable and had nowhere to complain. Chen Yi became more and more introverted and withdrawn. She didn't want to see people, and she always had a cold face no matter who tried to persuade her. Ma Xiuzhu, on the other hand, used to cry in front of all her relatives, saying that she could not teach her children well.

Soon, relatives also began to dislike Chen Yi, who was unpopular and unsatisfactory. Chen Jian could only sigh when he heard it occasionally.

But one time, when Chen Yi was out of school, she saw Zhou Qingqing talking to the gangsters from the school at the entrance of the alley. She had a keen eye and followed her, only to find out that the reason why the gangsters bullied her regardless of the weather was because Zhou Qingqing gave them money.

Chen Yi was very angry. On impulse, she went to her father to sue Zhou Qingqing. This was the only time she said anything bad about the mother and daughter in front of Chen Jian.

As a result, she received a slap from Chen Jian.

Chen Jian didn't believe it.

Not only did Chen Jian not believe it, he also begged her to let her focus on her studies, cause less trouble, make less trouble, and fight less against her kind-hearted stepmother and introverted stepsister, so that she could be worthy of her dead mother and grandmother who loved her.

From then on, Chen Yi became cold-hearted towards this father.

She had only one idea: endure it.

As long as she endures it until she is sixteen after graduating from junior high school, she can find a job. Once she has a stable income, she will be fully capable of civil conduct. She can leave home, she can get rid of these people, she can take her grandma out of the nursing home, she can take care of her grandma herself...

But even with such a humble little wish, she failed to achieve it.

Zhou Qingqing became angry because of her complaint.

The gangsters at school became even more aggressive towards her, taking many ugly photos of bullying her and spreading them. Almost everyone in the entire school saw those photos, and even the principal notified her to talk. Chen Yi almost collapsed.

What really pushed her off the cliff was that Zhou Qingqing accidentally exposed a photo of her and her male classmate hugging each other in front of her grandma, and said some untrue words, which caused her grandma to have a heart attack...

Grandma said it was gone. When Chen Yi arrived, she was slapped to the ground by her father.

Beast! Are you worthy of your grandma who raised you up? It was you who killed your grandma. You have no face to see her. Get out of here!

Chen Yi collapsed completely.

I live just to take care of grandma!

Now that the only old lady who loved her was gone, what was she living for?

Chen Yi's life goal suddenly disappeared. She was disgusted by the indifferent environment and reality, and she was filled with guilt, which made her lose the motivation to live.

She took out the dagger from her bag and bumped into it.

Instead of continuing to struggle in the cold world, she might as well go to accompany her grandma.

She is unable to take care of her grandma when she is alive, so let her accompany her grandma in another way...

But when she was dying, she saw her stepmother and stepsister crying with joy.

They actually said: It takes no effort at all.

This old lady is indeed her weak point. With just a few tricks, these two eyesores were killed.

It's God's will to kill two of them at once!

Being stupid enough to commit suicide really saves our hands and feet.

From now on, everything in the Chen family belongs to us, and we don't have to share it with outsiders. It's great. Our family is neat and tidy, and we can live a good life!

Great! From now on, I will be the only eldest lady in this family. From now on, my brother and I can divide the family property equally and inherit my father's company.


Only then did Chen Yi realize that her death had no meaning other than escaping. Instead, it fulfilled her enemy's wishes to the greatest extent and gave everything she had to her enemy.

No one would feel sorry for her or feel pain for her, and grandma's death was unclear.

She was unwilling to do so.

So Chen Yi’s wish is: 1. Live well and not be easily knocked down. Second, lose weight, learn, regain your confidence, and regain your life. Third, try to get the person who bullied her punished as much as possible. Fourth, and the most important thing: protect grandma well, fulfill your previous wish, take good care of grandma, and lead a good life with grandma.

Tao Ran couldn't help but sigh.

Unlike Ye Qin and Yang Yue, whose tragedy was largely caused by their own problems, it was actually much more difficult for Chen Yi. She is a minor, young, not strong enough, mentally immature, and does not have the slightest bit of help. It's not fair to ask her to contend with adults who are like snakes and scorpions.

There are too many unavoidable grievances. For a teenager, tolerating and waiting for adulthood is indeed her most feasible solution.

It's a pity that the enemy is too powerful. Such a child, facing a cruel environment alone, isolated and helpless, is easily destroyed by the enemy.

Feeling distressed!

This article brings with it a relatively serious social issue. Here, I would like to state a few points:

First, this article, this article, is all fiction and fiction. So please don’t substitute, don’t take your seat according to the number.

Secondly, this article is for the purpose of dramatic conflict, and the contradictions will be dealt with more intensely. If you feel uncomfortable, please feel free to comment.

Thirdly, the passionate festival that appears after this article is a more suitable way to deal with the protagonist, but in real life, such methods are not advocated and encouraged.

Fourth, this article mainly emphasizes that in the face of bullying, everyone can not be afraid of evil forces and can bravely stand up and speak out. It is not intended to insinuate or criticize. It is known to everyone.

Fifth, and most importantly, please do not imitate the protagonist’s behavior! Please do not imitate! Please do not imitate! If you encounter domestic violence or school violence, please call the police!

Can you see the author’s desire for survival?

Compare yourself to each other~

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