The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 118: The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 50 (Sister Xue will give you a ten

Qiao Qiao also became increasingly dissatisfied with Ding Yi.

The two of them were together, basically staying in the rental house. What about the promised happy days? Is it just to stay at home to eat, drink and sleep?

This is obviously not what Qiao Qiao wants.

Except for the first few days when he arrived in the capital, he took her out for a play. After that, he became more and more perfunctory. Not only did he not even invite her out to eat, he even refused to buy takeout, and asked her to cook and stir-fry every day.

On this day, Qiao Qiao finally got angry.

She married him to live the life of a rich wife. But why should he be so obedient to Yang Yue? Why should Yang Yue be able to eat well and drink hot food, but she has to wait at home every day? Did she come to the capital to cook, wash clothes and wash dishes for him?

She is not even as good as San'er!

The three sons are living like a young mistress!

Give me back the five thousand. I'm in a bad mood and want to go out for a few days.

I'll give it to you when I get paid.

In order to coax the woman, Ding Yi could only agree to take her on a weekend trip to the surrounding area.

When Qiao Qiao saw that Ding Yi signed up for a tour group instead of driving, her heart almost broke. Yang Yue was going out that day, and he had tried his best to plan and prepare. Now that it was up to him, wasn't this too perfunctory?

Where's your car?

Yang Yue's parents are not in good health, so they gave it to her.

Go get it back.

Then I will have to be busy picking up her parents every day, and I won't have time to accompany you. Are you willing? Ding Yi has lied too much, and it has become a habit. This lie almost came out of his mouth.

Ding Yi was also good at coaxing people. He hugged Qiao Qiao and recalled the past, and Qiao Qiao became obedient again...

Tao Ran naturally knew that the two of them had gone out to fool around.

So she arranged for Yang's father, Yang's mother and the old man to go to the hospital together for a full body check-up.

While in the hospital, she called Ding Yi.

Where are you? What are you busy with this weekend?

I...I'm at my colleague's house. What's wrong?

It's nothing. I just want to tell you that I won't go back to stay tonight.


Ding Yi didn't know that this call was recorded.

And Tao Ran had another piece of evidence in his hands: on the day his father-in-law and mother-in-law were admitted to the hospital, the scumbag lied to his first wife, but in fact he accompanied his third son on a trip and did not return for two nights...

So, after Ding Yi came home on Sunday, Tao Ran became furious and told the story about his parents going to the hospital.

Ding Yi panicked.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yue changed the subject again and started asking him when he would pay back the 100,000 he had taken for investment, and where was the certificate? Where is the profit?

Ding Yi hesitated,

Is your colleague a liar? Why haven't you gotten your money back yet?

I... I can't withdraw that money now, but I can withdraw a little profit first.

How much profit?

One, one thousand.

Is there something wrong with you? An investment of 100,000 yuan only resulted in a return of 1,000 yuan?

The cycle has not come...

Then you take it back. I don't want anything in return. I just want the principal.

This... we can't do things like this. This way, others won't be able to make money.

Please tell me when the principal can be withdrawn as soon as possible.

Six, six months.

Too long.

I'll do it as soon as possible.

Ding Yi, tomorrow you go and withdraw a thousand yuan in return, and then in one month, by the beginning of June, please withdraw at least 20,000 yuan in principal! Otherwise, I will sue your colleague! Sue him for fraud!


Also, tomorrow, I want to see your investment book. What did you invest, where did you invest, what is the share, and what is the return? Please show it to me!


After Tao Ran left such a big problem to Ding Yi, he clapped his hands and left.

The next night, Ding Yi came back with a plan.

This... this is confidential. You can only read it. After reading it, I have to take it back quickly.

I know, go ahead and cook!

Tao Ran sat on the sofa and read seriously.

Ding Yi poked his head in to look at her from time to time, and when he saw that she was simply reading the report word for word, he gradually felt relieved.

When Ding Yi wasn't paying attention, Tao Ran pulled out a small digital camera from the sleeves of his wide pajamas, clicked, clicked, and took a picture of the plan.

After taking the photo, she threw the plan on the coffee table and returned to the room.

Ha, does she care about money? Does she want a plan?

What she wants is evidence that Ding Yi forged documents to defraud and transfer shared property! There is also a fake official seal on this plan. Ding Yi is doomed!

Another item in her revenge plan has been fulfilled.

Now she has everything ready, all she needs is the seed in Qiao Qiao's belly.

By that time, when she completes the final blow, the world will almost be over...

In the next month, Tao Ran didn't give Ding Yi any good looks at all.

Ding Yi's financial pressure also increased, and he applied for two more credit cards.

Now, with five credit cards in his hand, he still feels like he doesn't have enough money.

After returning Qiao Qiao's 5,000 yuan and giving him an extra 3,000 yuan in pocket money, and paying a large amount of expenses, Qiao Qiao finally did her best for him again.

After giving 20,000 yuan to Yang Yue, his wife, who had not spoken to him for a long time, finally smiled at him.

Ding Yi saw it and felt only irony and disgust.

Recently, his hatred for Yang Yue has almost reached its peak. He tells himself every day that sooner or later, sooner or later, he will take back everything he has given now! We’ll see!

Tao Ran smiled brightly, took an envelope with his backhand and threw it out to Ding Yi.

Ding Yi's pocket money finally increased from one thousand to one thousand one.

After swiping the credit card backwards and paying it back, after deducting the interest and pouring out all the money in the card, Ding Yi finally had several thousand dollars in hand. He could finally breathe.

But Yang Yue spoke again and continued to ask for the remaining investment money.

This opening is another twenty thousand.

I'll give it to you next month! Ding Yi said bitterly. A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, it just means more credit card matters.

By the end of June, Tao Ran finally received the good news.

Qiao Qiao went to the pharmacy and bought pregnancy test strips.

The next day, she went to the hospital and was admitted to the gynecology department. After coming out, Qiao Qiao held her belly and seemed to be crying with joy. Instead of taking the bus, she took a taxi to the market and bought a chicken...

Everything in Ding Yi was as usual. Obviously, Qiao Qiao still had some sense and had not told Ding Yi about having a child for the time being.

It’s already July in the blink of an eye.

In mid-July, Ding's father, Ding's mother, and Ding Xia arrived as scheduled.

The first is that he is still thinking about watching the Olympics; the second is that he wants to rebuild the relationship with Yang Yue; the third is that he hopes that the Yang family can help Ding Xia and his wife solve work problems; the fourth is, of course, that they are still thinking about the previous exchange between Yang Yue and Ding Yi. The house that came down...

As long as they live in it, who has the ability to kick them out? Wouldn't that house belong to them sooner or later? They had inquired about it and found out that housing prices in Beijing had skyrocketed. In just a few months, the house had risen by almost a thousand yuan per square meter.

What kind of work can they do in the fields to make money as quickly as guarding the house? Mother Ding has long regarded this house as a treasure!

Some babies said that in meaningless hydrology, please explain. Each of the current items will be used later. Some are fuses, some are pushers, and some will be used as evidence later. If you are anxious, I suggest you read the entire article together. . (`) Comparison

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