The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 117 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 49 (please vote)

Ding Yi is going crazy because of money.

Qiao Qiao went to buy groceries the day before yesterday, but her credit card could no longer be used to pay.

This means that the card given to her has exploded.

Two credit cards, owing 40,000. Even in installments, he would have to pay back thousands this month. He still owed five thousand from his colleagues and promised to pay it back in the next few days. My wife calls me every day asking for money, and he also promised Huang Yaqin to pay off the remaining money on the IOU this week...

He could only go to another bank again and apply for a credit card. After paying back the card and his colleagues, the remaining money was transferred to his family, asking his parents to quickly find Huang Yaqin to settle the IOU.

He told himself that he would get better soon...

On this day, Ding Yi blocked the downstairs of Yang Yue's unit again when he got off work.

He asked Yang Yue directly about his salary.

Yang Yue was prepared and gave him an envelope.

Your pocket money.

Ding Yi opened it and saw that it only had one thousand yuan.


That's it?

Not enough? I calculated the money based on your account book. Household expenses, water, electricity, coal, car oil, and other odds and ends, the basic monthly expenses are almost 4,000, that is, each person pays 2,000. Each of you and I Save another two thousand each from your salary, which means you have to spend four thousand from your salary.

Speaking of which, your monthly salary is not 5,000 yuan. If I give you 1,000 yuan now, you have already earned it, right? You can have breakfast and lunch at work, and it doesn’t cost much. One thousand yuan is enough! If you press AA and calculate it carefully, you can only get six hundred. I'm already very angry.

According to her mentality, she only wanted to give him three hundred. But she still has to continue singing and not be too heartless.

Don't worry, I'm the same as you. All the money has been accounted for. You can check the account at will in the future. I won't owe you a penny!

Ding Yi was so angry that his throat hurt. Just as he was about to refute, the phone rang.

At first glance, Huang Yaqin.

What? He answered.

What attitude! Ding Yi, what do you say about the remaining money?

Haven't everything been settled? What else do you want?

Why are you still telling lies! When did you give it to me? Did I steal your money? Huang Yaqin shouted.

Ding Yi's expression suddenly changed. He seemed to understand.

My mother...didn't give you any money?

Your mother? I haven't seen her for a week. When I went to your house yesterday, the door was still locked!

Ding Yi was angry again.

Doesn't he understand this yet? He asked my mother to settle the IOU, but his mother took the money!

Auntie, wait a minute, I'll call my mother to verify.

A call was made to my home, but no one answered.

I called Ding Xia on her cell phone and asked, and sure enough, her mother was there.

Mother Ding screamed:

You brat! Isn't your family poor? Last time, all the family's money was invested in trying to get you out of the police. Do you want your parents to drink the northwest wind and starve to death? What's the need for money from doing good deeds! Then The primary school has begun to be renovated. Your mother and I passed by and saw the bags of cement piled at the door, and our hearts bleed. Every kid wants a cement field. Our ancestors came from the loess land for generations, and we are still alive. Do you need to be well? Yi, your dad has been feeling unwell recently, and you have to give him medicinal wine! I heard someone said that a pair of medicinal wine requires...

Ding Yi couldn't listen anymore and hung up directly.

Doesn’t he know how much his mother loves money? He knew that he would never get the money back.

Just as the phone was hung up, Huang Yaqin's call came again.

Ding Yi, what do you say?

Auntie, wait for me. I'll give it to you next week.

But the construction has already started, Ding Yi, you earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, you are not short of this little money. Why are you in trouble...

next week……

Forget it, I'll tell Yang Yue.

This time it was Huang Yaqin who hung up the phone.

Then, Yang Yue's cell phone rang while she was picking up a courier at the security office downstairs of the company, which scared Ding Yi so much that his legs went weak.

Sister. Yang Yue answered with a smile. What made you think of calling me?

Ding Yi stepped forward quickly: Is it Aunt Huang?

Tao Ran nodded.

I also want to say a few words. Is that okay? Ding Yi stretched out his hand.

Sister, I'll call you later. Tao Ran closed the phone. Go ahead and call your own phone!

Then she drove away.

Ding Yi breathed a sigh of relief and quickly called Huang Yaqin.

Auntie, I beg you, don't call Yang Yue.

Now you know it's urgent?

I'll give it. Tomorrow, I'll give it tomorrow. Is that okay?

Then tomorrow morning at the latest. I'm in a hurry to buy building materials.

Auntie, when Yang Yue calls you later...

Don't worry. Your aunt and I are tight-lipped. I won't say anything bad about you. Just tell the truth!

Ding Yi grabbed the Qian Kuai in his hand and wished he could tear it all apart.

At this time, it was too late for him to apply for a credit card!

What can be done?

Borrow money!

He called a colleague with whom he had a good relationship, but the guy only lent him two thousand after struggling for a long time.

Didn't you just get paid? Can you lend me some more?

Brother, I also have a wife and children to support. Unlike you, my wife is rich and beautiful. The man was rolling his eyes.

Ding Yi was choked.

In a word, do you want it?


Two thousand, just two thousand.

As everyone knows, his colleague was not unwilling to borrow it, but he was unsure. Ding Yi has borrowed it a lot in the office in the past half month. Among them, the person loaned him 20,000 yuan without any hesitation, but he still delayed it for several days. Everyone can see that Ding Yi has financial problems...

Ding Yi called another former roommate.

After being ridiculed several times by the other party, he borrowed three thousand.

Still not enough.

When he went to the rental house, Qiao Qiao asked him thoughtfully what was wrong and if there was anything he could do to help him.

I lent money to a colleague. He promised to give it to me today, but he didn't pay it back. But I have to pay back the credit card. Qiao Qiao, can you lend me five thousand for emergency use?

Qiao Qiao's expression remained unchanged, but in her heart she wanted to tear her mouth to pieces.

How could she say no?

Qiao Qiao could only nod.

Then he went to withdraw money with Ding Yi.

But Ding Yi actually followed her to the cash machine.

Qiao Qiao glanced at him. He had no intention of avoiding suspicion.

He looked so natural and smiled, Qiao Qiao couldn't tell him to go away. After all, he swiped his credit card as he pleased, so you can't act like you can't trust him, right?

Qiao Qiao turned sideways slightly, but Ding Yi directly put his head on her shoulder.

Qiao Qiao could only bite the bullet and type.

Ding Yi took a look at the password and balance...

In the following days, Ding Yi went through repeated debts, borrowing money, and demolishing the east wall to pay for the west wall.

Although the money from the IOU has been paid off, the living expenses in the rental house are still quite high.

Rent, water, electricity, coal, food and drink for him and Qiao Qiao... He was already very economical, but his debts were snowballing like a snowball. He also hated Yang Yue even more. If she hadn't been aggressive about taking away her savings, and if he hadn't been afraid of her making trouble, how could he have ended up in his current situation?

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