The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 785: What belongs to the human world returns to the human world, and what belongs to the Kin

The green mountain behind Zhishou was silent at this time. The old guys hiding in the caves in the mountain were all paying attention to the battle. Seeing that the Master had the upper hand and even returned after killing the Kingdom of God, they felt fear and despair in their hearts.

An old and sad voice shouted with a cry: "Why? Why can't I kill him like this? What else can I do?"

Deep in the South China Sea, the sea water is constantly rolling due to the burning of underground magma, and it is spitting white water vapor into the sky. It looks particularly uneasy, just like the mood of Chen, the master of Zhishou Temple, who is standing on the sea.

Deep in the Western Wilderness, the sound of sutras in the clouds and mist was slightly chaotic due to the occurrence of visions. Being used to the quiet yellow temple, it seemed that they didn't know what to express, just like the mood of the first lecturer at this time.

In the sky of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, both light and darkness disappeared, returning to the calm stars of the past.

A figure came down from the sky. The master looked at the starry sky above his head, just shook his head, casually threw the sword in his hand to the south, put his hands behind his back, and landed safely back in the two-story building of the academy.

The dazzling light pressure and the cold and terrifying night disappeared forever. Millions of people in Chang'an City woke up. The tall figure was still deeply impressed in their minds. The already proud Tang people all stood up and cheered. Academy and Master.

The war between the Kingdom of God and the human world ends with the human world winning.

The ancient sword of the world flew back to the sword pavilion of the Southern Jin Dynasty, fell from the cave entrance of the mountain, and quietly inserted into the bottom of the dry pool. The water in the pool emerged out of nowhere, submerging the sword of the world.

Liu Bai looked at the water pool in front of him, stretched out his hand, and then pulled it back. He knew that he was afraid that he would never be able to use this sword again in his life, even if this sword was forged by his own hands and refined with his spiritual energy for many years.

Once upon a time, the sea was full of troubles. This sword had been used by the master and fought against the will of Haotian. How could it still be willing to be used by the common people in the world, and would it still be willing to fight against the common people in the world?

There was no emotion of disappointment and decadence on Liu Bai's face, only calmness and awe. He arranged his clothes, washed his face with water from the pool, and then bowed down in the direction of Chang'an in the north.

He is known as the most powerful man in the world, the proud swordsman Liu Bai, who has never respected or feared others in his life.

This is the only time I bow my head and worship my Master.

The Master of the Tang Dynasty was the overlord of the world and the foundation to stand at the top of the Haotian world. He existed before the birth of the Tang Dynasty. This is a legendary name.

Although this name is gradually forgotten by the world and many practitioners, it is still in the minds of those truly powerful practitioners. This name has always been the most powerful name in the world.

Many people are guessing how tall the Master is.

Some masters, such as Liu Bai and Lankesi Qiayan, speculated that the Master should be in the legendary "quiet" state of inaction because the Master had not been involved in worldly affairs for many years.

The master of Zhishou Temple who transcended the five realms and the first lecturer in Xuankong Temple were once defeated by the Master's stick. One was trapped in the Western Wilderness, and the other fled to the South China Sea.

They once thought that they could probably estimate how tall the Master was, perhaps above the seventh level of transcendence.

But after today's battle, these extremely powerful men in the world discovered that they were all wrong.

Perhaps only Xu Xin can roughly understand the realm of some masters, but he can't see it, but infer it based on the "plots" he knows.

The Master cannot be described by any realm. His "no rules" is because his cultivation has reached the point where he can "follow his heart's desires without any rules." This may be a "realm" that belongs to him alone.


The master landed on the mountain behind the academy, and a group of shocked academy disciples came forward to greet him. They saw the tall old man with golden sleeves. These were the spoils of war. The original power in Haotian God's country could give birth to the most powerful person. Haotian Shenhui.


Ning Que helped Sang Sang walk towards the master, his eyes looking at the golden sleeves. Since Haotian's divine radiance can be useful to Sang Sang, then these golden energy may be able to completely cure Sang Sang's "disease".

The master did walk towards Sangsang, and he did raise his sleeves and hands, but he did not use the energy he had finally captured on Sangsang, but pointed at the ancestral aperture between Sangsang's eyebrows.

There was a mysterious aura in his finger. This mysterious aura cannot tolerate anything, including the scenery of mountains and rivers, the appearance of human beings like traffickers and lackeys in the world, and the love and hatred in the world.

When this mysterious aura hit Sangsang's eyebrows, the little girl's body trembled, her eyes were stunned and then rolled, and then she fell directly to the ground.

Ning Que quickly helped Sang Sang steady, but found that his little maid's hands and feet were cold. The cold syndrome seemed to have not disappeared, but it was just a little better than before the attack.

"Teacher, Haotian Shenhui..."

He looked at the master in confusion, but the master had no intention of explaining. He just walked up to the second-story building with his golden sleeves, took the wine that Xu Xin poured himself, and drank it happily again.

"Congratulations, Master, for entering the kingdom of God and returning, fighting against the heavens and winning."

After the master finished drinking a glass, Xu Xin smiled and gave him more wine, his eyes staring at the golden light on the old man's sleeves, which was the original power of the Haotian Kingdom.

While drinking, the Master hummed: "What I won today is just some manifestation of Haotian's will, not Haotian itself, so there is nothing gratifying about it."

"A breath is the entire human world. This is your old man's power. The power of the human world can temporarily suppress him, but I don't know how long it can be suppressed."

"You want "him" to have human feelings, to have emotions and desires, to have sex with a man and a woman, or even get married and have children, but I'm afraid you don't have enough time!"

Xu Xin looked at Ning Que who was approaching with Sangsang in his arms, and suddenly said this.

Although he respects Master's strength, this does not mean that he agrees with Master's ideas.

In his view, it is not a good thing for the human world to return to the human world and the divine kingdom to the divine kingdom. The two are confused, and the way of heaven has the seven emotions and six desires of humans.

While the master was drinking, he glared at Xu Xin angrily and said, "If you didn't mess around like a brat like you, there would be no shortage of time."

While the old man was talking, he flicked the wine in his glass. The wine floated in the air, reflecting the starlight in the sky, and actually condensed into a tiny golden dragon.

Although this golden dragon is small, the intense light and bright pressure it emits is actually the same as that of the powerful golden dragon before.

The master flicked his fingers again, and the vivid golden dragon, which seemed to have real life, dispersed and disappeared in an instant, turning into wine and falling on the floor, like drops of morning dew.

Xu Xin originally knew that Master was at a very high level, but the method of changing the properties of matter and turning wine into sunlight was still very shocking. It was equivalent to changing some of the underlying rules of the world.

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