The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 784: Master, I finally couldn’t hold myself back anymore and wanted to fight the sky?

In the sky above Chang'an City, a sword light came from the Southern Jin Dynasty. The sword was full of ancient meaning, and the sword was as hot as dawn. It broke through the clouds and landed in the Master's generous palm. It buzzed slightly to express his surrender and awe. The pride of being able to be controlled by the Master.

A figure stood on the mountain behind the academy, and the edges of the figure seemed to be coated with a golden light, as if burning.

The tall figure seemed to be touching the sky.

He just looked up at the sky, and as he waved, the most powerful sword light in the world came to him and was controlled by him.

In the Nanjin Sword Pavilion, a figure stood in a pool of water that was almost dry to the bottom. He looked at the sword light in the northern sky from a distance, with a somewhat complicated expression on his face, and said loudly: "Master, even if I borrow the sword, I have to say something. !”

"You, Liu Bai, are not a stingy person, so I just borrowed it..."

The master's voice came through the air, and Liu Bai saluted in the direction of Chang'an. He respected his master's strength and his choice. For a long time, he did not dare to cross the five realms because of his fear at first. Later, it became meaningless to not cross the five realms.

Because he was once in awe, he sincerely admired the Master's behavior of challenging "Heaven".

"I have been thinking for more than a thousand years about which side I should be on in the war between light and darkness. The problem is that I have never met Pluto and have no friendship with him. I don't like the cold, and I don't like Haotian either. Some even hate it.”

The master looked up at the sky and said: "Now I understand that the person I hate is actually the same person, and he is also eyeing a bad old man like me, so there is no need to worry about any choice."

The Master looked at the sky, the golden chariot being dragged by the golden dragon, and looked at the almost perfect face of the god on the chariot, and he shook his head.

"There is no perfect thing in the world, only the things we think are perfect."

"Your perfection comes from thousands of old friends in the long history, but you are not a human being, let alone those old friends."

The God of Light was indifferent. The golden dragon pulled a golden chariot and descended from the sky. A lightsaber with a length of at least forty miles appeared in the hands of the general and cut it down from the sky to the earth.

"You come from the Kingdom of Haotian, and you use the Divine Sword of Light. But neither you nor the Divine Sword are just illusions."

"Today, I will show you the sword of the world."

The ancient sword in the Master's hand comes from the Southern Jin Dynasty Sword Pavilion.

Sword Saint Liu Bai has been meditating by the pond behind the sword pavilion for many years, just to refine a real sword. On that sword, all his sword intention and spiritual vigor are entrusted.

In other words, that sword is his own, so it is the strongest sword in the world. At this time, the ancient sword left the pool, and his sword intention and spiritual vigor also left with it, making the whole person look very weak. .

However, there was no anger on Liu Bai's face, but instead excitement, honor and pride.

He looked at the northern sky, looking forward to the moment when the sword of the world would be slashed out.

"Master wields the sword to strike at the sky. The incomplete Haotian will definitely lose this battle. If Master strikes hard, it will be able to weaken some of Haotian's power until he truly ascends to the sky..."

On the mountain behind the academy, Xu Xin looked at the sky and was also looking forward to the outcome of this battle. The Haotian Kingdom was defeated by the Master, and there would definitely be some aftermath energy spilling out. He was already ready to thank God for the gift.

The black smock fluttered in the wind, and the Master stood up in a swaggering figure, already above the blue sky. He looked at the light and darkness in the sky, and casually waved the ancient human sword in his hand.

Between the overwhelming light and the fading night, a sword mark suddenly appeared. The sword mark was so deep that it seemed to pierce the sky, isolating the light from the darkness like a deep trench.

Master's first sword is to cut the sky.

The God of Light stood on top of the golden chariot, his face cold and emotionless, and the lightsaber more than ten miles long in his hand pressed against the master's body like a mountain.

Compared with the huge size of the golden dragon, the golden chariot, and the god of light in the sky, the Master, who was particularly tall among mortals, looked like a speck of dust suspended in the air.

Compared with that terrifying and huge lightsaber, the human sword in his hand was like a thin thread.

The contact between the human sword and the divine sword of light is like a thin branch lightly tracing a stroke on the high mountain.

This one fell down.

The smallest detail was safe and sound, but the mountain suddenly collapsed.


Click, click, click, a very subtle sound sounded, and countless cracks appeared on the face of the God of Light. Those cracks spread to his stalwart body, and the armor condensed by Haotian's divine brilliance also began to burst.

The God of Light shattered instantly, like a broken ice sculpture, turning into countless transparent crystals, falling towards the earth with a rustling sound.

Master's second sword is to kill the god.

The God of Light will be destroyed, followed immediately by the golden dragon. When the sword falls, countless dragon scales are peeled off, like countless light mirrors, floating slowly in the sky, falling towards the ground, reflecting the light in the sky, turning the entire The world shines into a bright day.

Every time a dragon scale falls, a ball of heavenly fire will light up in the sky.

The divine general of light, the golden divine dragon and the golden chariot, the dragon's body winding for unknown miles in the sky, suddenly solidified and suspended, and then collapsed like a river of golden sand, spilling into the world.

The Master's third sword is to slay the dragon.

Cutting the sky, slaying the gods, and slaying the dragon, Master's three swords fell, and Haotian's symbol in the world was destruction. But this tall old man did not end the battle. He avoided those who were dancing wildly in the night, disintegrating and disintegrating. The golden sand rushes straight towards Haotian's Kingdom of Light.

Countless golden sands fell from the sky, dyeing the dark night sky into light.

People on the earth are looking up at the falling bits of light. It is so magnificent, but also extremely dangerous.

Every grain of golden sand contains the purest and most terrifying Haotian divine brilliance. They completely burn in the sky, bright light and heat spread across the sky, and the night is completely purified.

"Is this the divine brilliance of Haotian? The origin of heaven and earth is really pure energy!"

Xu Xin's figure soared into the sky, facing the infinite burning light and heat, and submerged into countless Haotian divine radiances. He seemed to be transformed into a black hole, constantly devouring the original power from the Haotian Divine Kingdom.

"These Haotian divine radiances should be enough for Uncle Sangsang, but the teacher is still rushing towards the Kingdom of God. What on earth is he trying to do?"

On the ground, the afterimage of Mr. Li Manman, the senior student in the academy, kept reappearing. He was also collecting Haotian Shenhui, which he used to melt into Sang Sang's body little by little to help her relieve her physical condition.

While Li Manman was collecting divine brilliance, he naturally noticed that Master was still ascending to heaven.

This reminded him of the young master uncle Ke Haoran who drew his sword to ask the sky and rushed to the Kingdom of God. Could it be that the master finally couldn't hold back and wanted to fight the sky?

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