The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 780 Weeds swaying in the wind, black crows gathering in the clouds

Outside the thatched house at the back of the academy, the master looked at Xu Xin, who had a calm face across from him, and his frown deepened. He didn't think those outsiders who appeared in Chang'an could do anything.

"What do you mean? Call in some people from the Buddha Sect and Xiling?"

The master looked at Xu Xin and said doubtfully: "Even if I, the old man, and the academy disciples don't take action, we can deal with these restless outsiders with just the defense force in Chang'an City."

"Master, I naturally don't dare to provoke you and the Tang State. I asked them to come out just to tell you that I have enough influence in Fo Sect and Xiling."

The master looked at some powerful auras over there. In addition to Qinian, Ye Su, Tianyu Shenzuo, Cheng Lixue and other high-level officials from the Buddhist and Taoist sects who had appeared before, there were also some masters who had recently arrived in Tang Dynasty.

There are Master Baoshu, the first master of the Discipline Academy of Xuankong Temple, an unknown place of Buddhism, and Qu Ni Ma Di, the great master of Tianqing of Yuelun Kingdom, as well as their son Dao Shi.

That's right, this monk named Dao Shi is nominally a disciple of Qu Ni Ma Di, but he is actually the son she and Baoshu gave birth to in violation of the precepts.

And Baoshu also has a key identity. Because he had a connection with the Ullama Pure Bell, he was considered to have a deep connection with Buddhism. He became the reincarnated bell bearer. He was trained by the Xuankong Temple to the realm of knowing fate. Only with the cultivation of knowing the realm of fate, It became the first monastic discipline of Xuankong Temple.

It can be said that the Ulan Pure Bell has two different powers in the hands of Baoshu and Qinian. What's more, the Ulan Pure Bell reunited by Xu Xin has also been imbued with special power by him.

In addition to these people, the Buddha Sect also has some other masters who are knowledgeable and knowledgeable. Such a force is enough to sweep away some small and medium-sized countries and sects, which is enough to show that the Buddha Sect attaches great importance to this matter.

In fact, if the lecturer of the Six Realms of Vajra Indestructible in Xuankong Temple had not sworn in front of the Master, even this person would have come in person.

After all, what happened in the Tang Dynasty was too important. The daughter of Pluto appeared in the world. Some of the situations were the same as those recorded in the Light Sutra left by the Buddha in the past. The Buddha took this matter even more seriously than the Taoist sect.

With so many masters coming from the Buddhist sect, the Taoist sect naturally made no concessions. The two great thrones of Judgment and Heavenly Mandate were both in Chang'an. On the day when the daughter of Hades was exposed to the world, the news spread to Xiling.

Naturally, Xu Xin had made preparations early. Shortly after the news came, the Buddha sent a letter asking Xiling to respond to the matter. After the people arranged by Xu Xin made a fuss, Xiong Chumo, the eunuch, took charge. The teacher was forced to agree to leave the mountain and personally lead the team into the Tang Dynasty.

"Master, you should understand that it is easier to ruin something than to do it well."

Xu Xin continued: "I have guessed what you think and what you want to do, and I have expressed my opinion. Since none of us can convince anyone, but we can both destroy what the other party can do. So why not , I’ll make a bet with you as a junior.”

"What bet do you want to make?"

The master looked at Xu Xin with a smile. The latter revealed the role of the seven volumes of heavenly books, which also allowed him to roughly guess what Daomen and Xu Xin wanted to do.

As Xu Xin said, it is much easier to destroy than to do well. Even if he is forced to ascend to heaven and cannot easily interfere in the human world, as long as he wants to deliberately cause damage to Daomen and Xu Xin, there are still many ways.

"We can make two preparations. Since no one can convince the other, then both sides can do their own things without affecting each other."

"You can try to use the power of the human world to turn the "him" behind Sangsang into a human being, so that he can have seven emotions and six desires and finally achieve what you want."

"The Dao Sect will also restart the gambling plan when "He" fails."

"We all want to change the current predicament in the world. Whoever succeeds in the end will have to rely on his or her own methods."

After listening to Xu Xin's words, the master smiled even more happily and said, "If you think about it this way, it seems that you are at a disadvantage!"

"If you hadn't told me, my old man wouldn't have known that seven volumes of the Heavenly Book can change the sky."

"I choose to be honest because I need your cooperation. Only as a tall man like you, Master, can we carry out both plans."

Xu Xin knew very well that the premise for the development of these two plans was after the Master ascended to heaven. Without the Master to block Haotian Divine Kingdom and involve most of his power, the plan to change the sky with seven volumes of heavenly books would have a very slim chance of success.

The master's eyes narrowed, and he sighed again, and said: "I know you are not so kind-hearted to accompany my old man to drink and eat meat, why don't you try another way to let me choose?"

"Also, if you have called so many people, you can't just let me take a look! What else are you planning to do?"

Xu Xin said with a smile: "The Ulan Pure Bell awakened Sangsang and put pressure on you. I helped Pluto. Now of course I want to help you, Master, and weaken him so that you can play more. For a long time, I can hold on longer in the future.”

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The master was drinking wine. He laughed when he heard Xu Xin's words. He almost choked when he laughed. He raised his sleeves to wipe the corners of his eyes and said happily: "I didn't expect that after so many years, I could actually see a plant again." Weeds swaying in the wind on the wall."

"You brat, you helped Pluto first, and then you said you wanted to help me, both sides. Guys who repeatedly jump like this are the most annoying and dangerous. You are not afraid of my old man giving you a slap and slapping you in the face." On the ground.”

"You won't, because I am really helping you. The moment Sangsang was born, He focused on you. You yourself know that you can't escape, so you want to use human power Make Him human.”

Xu Xin said: "Since there will be a battle sooner or later, how can you refuse help? Maybe, just because I helped, you can defeat that person on your own!"

The master suddenly said with a serious face: "You brat, you are really good at talking. I regret it. When you ran to the back mountain that year, I should have broken the rules and brought you into my family. When... …Little Thirteen.”

"Ning Que and I can only succeed in the end."

Xu Xin shook his head. One time traveler was too many for a world. How could two time travelers coexist peacefully, unless... they were a man and a woman?

The master thought thoughtfully, took a bite of meat, took a sip of wine, and said, "Is that so? Then what are you going to do next?"

"Of course it's to help Sangsang cure her cold syndrome."

While Xu Xin was speaking, another ray of light flew out from his palm. The extremely bright light spanned the void and hit Sangsang's body at once.


A circle of light shook out from Sangsang's body and shot straight into the sky. Ning Que, who was protecting her, was directly knocked away. Her aura was quickly sensed by the outside world.

"Daughter of Hades!"

A majestic and rich voice came from outside the academy, and then the sound of tinkling copper bells was heard. It was the Ullama Bell that rang again, and this time the person who rang it was Master Baoshu of Xuankong Temple.

"Quack quack quack..."

The cries of countless crows rose from all directions and gathered above Sangsang's head to form a dark cloud. The dark clouds rolled and squeezed in the sky, looking like countless old black snakes biting madly. This vision of black crows gathering in the clouds made everyone feel uneasy.

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