The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 779 The gods are in love and the three realms are restless

"If heaven does not give birth to a master, eternity will be like a long night."

"Some things cannot be avoided."

Xu Xin's voice echoed outside the thatched house. The glass of wine poured by the master was full, but he didn't realize it. He just continued pouring it and the wine poured onto the table.

Xu Xin looked at the wine flowing on the table and finally let out a long sigh.

"That day, what you looked at was... the moon?"

The master was awakened by Xu Xin's sigh, looked up at him, and said, "So, you are also here to force me to choose."

"No, I'm just here to make a living."

"If you don't ask, I won't bother to tell you."

Xu Xin smiled and then said: "By the way, can we order more dishes? Master, what do you think of another roast leg of lamb?"

"Good idea. There are indeed a few snacks to go with the wine."

The master nodded and shouted out again: "Li Manman, Chen Pipi, we have guests here, don't you know how to add vegetables? Let's make a roast leg of lamb."

The master's voice was heard below, and his disciples were even more puzzled. They had never seen their teacher be so greedy, and they didn't understand why the master was so polite to Xu Xin, an evil guest who came to his door.

However, Li Manman and Chen Pipi did as Master said. They marinated a whole leg of lamb and took it outside the thatched house, setting it up in front of the table so that Master and Xu Xin could grill it and eat it.

"Teacher, my junior brother hasn't had any sleep for a long time. Sangsang's condition..."

Li slowly and seriously stood at the table roasting the leg of lamb. Chen Pipi was young after all, but maybe it was because of Xu Xin's teasing gesture of raising a glass to him. The twelfth gentleman finally couldn't help but mention Sangsang again. .

The Master was originally holding a jug to sip wine. After hearing what he said, he seemed to feel that drinking from a jug was a bit unsatisfactory, so he drank from the jug.

After drinking a good jar of wine one after another, the master said: "You all only care about your junior brother Ning Que and whether Sangsang can survive. But who of you cares now whether I, an old man, can drink happily like this again?" , eat roasted leg of lamb?”

"Teacher, you are joking again, why can't you happily drink wine and eat roasted lamb legs?"

Li Manman smiled slightly and accepted the words. Ever since the battle of Yanming Lake, he had noticed that something was wrong with the Master, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't figure out what was wrong, so now he was quite anxious, but the Master did not explain it clearly. .

The master listened to Li's slow answer without saying anything. He just drank a few more jars of wine and laughed heartily: "Is there really anything in this world that can exist forever?"

"There shouldn't be any!"

Xu Xin thought for a moment and replied seriously: "A long time ago, there was not even Haotian and Hades."

"I want Ning Que to take Sang Sang to Lanke Temple and Xiaoqishan to ask for the green pears planted by the Buddha."

The master spoke again and looked at Xu Xin.

He had basically guessed some of Sangsang's origins, so he wanted to let the "him" behind Sangsang have human feelings and make her look like a human being.

"Master, I don't think this is a good idea."

"If God had feelings, heaven and earth would be restless."

"Gods have their own responsibilities and need to maintain the balance of the world. If gods have emotions, such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, it will be a terrible thing..."

Xu Xin expressed his point of view. Haotian and Pluto are not gods in the general sense, but gods who have their own duties to maintain the world of Haotian.

As the Queen Mother said, "The gods are emotional and the three realms are restless", this also applies to the Haotian world.

Before Haotian transformed into Sangsang and experienced human love, he had always done well. Every time Yongye targeted the six realms, just to take back the vitality of heaven and earth captured by practitioners and use it to balance the world.

After Haotian completely turned into Sangsang, Yongye disappeared, but one cultivator after another left, taking away countless vitality of heaven and earth, causing this world to gradually enter the end of the world and finally be abolished.

Such an approach and ending are absolutely wrong.

Relatively speaking, after Chen felt that Haotian was unqualified for having feelings, he reopened the bet between Daomen and Haotian and wanted to replace him with Haotian.

Although this approach exposes ambition, it is also relatively correct.

"What if my old man insists on having his own way!"

Master stared at Xu Xin. He still thought that using human power to make "him" behind Sangsang have feelings might be a better solution.

Xu Xin said calmly: "When you pin something on the feelings of others, you have already lost. Of course you can have your own way, and I can naturally restrain the Taoist sect and the Buddhist sect. After all, you are the invincible master in the world. , everyone is afraid of you."

The master asked Sang Sang and Ning Que to go to Lanke Temple in anticipation that they might experience hardships. The fundamental purpose was to allow them to sublimate their feelings during the hardships.

And Xu Xin can also use tricks to restrain the Taoist sect and the Buddhist sect. No one will stop them or target them. He can even directly send Qingli over to make the drama of suffering unbearable.

"Master, you actually have another choice."

The master was ready to get angry after listening to Xu Xin's words. Who knew that this boy actually said that he still had a choice? Hearing it again, he took a sip of wine and asked with a smile: "What choice?"

"The sunset and the sand will fall away tomorrow, and I dare to replace the sun and moon with a new sky."

Xu Xin took out the scroll of the Heavenly Book. This is the gambler of the founder of the Taoist sect, leaving it to Zhi Shouguan, the biggest back-up in the world. Holding the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book, he can reopen the gambling game with Haotian, and he can change the day. .

In the original story, Chen, who had entered the realm of purity, was qualified to do it. Since Chen could do it, the Master could also do it.

After listening to Xu Xin's story, the Master said after a long time: "I can't do it. If I sit in that position, I might not be as good as Him."

"Why are you telling me this, old man, to let me know the true mystery of the Seven Heavenly Books? If I had known it earlier, I might have made that choice. Of course, it's just maybe."

When he was on Taoshan Mountain, he sneaked into Zhishou Temple and read the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book. Naturally, he understood the many mysteries of the Heavenly Book, but he did not expect that the old bastard gambler would leave such a trick to the world.

Xu Xin looked at the Master and said again: "Master, since you can't do it, can you wait a while?"

"what you up to?"

The master looked at Xu Xin and then in the direction of Xiling, frowning slightly.

Xu Xin replied calmly: "I just want to force out the true power of Hades."

At this moment, Xu Xin suddenly raised his head to the sky, and a brilliant Haotian divine light rushed into the sky. Countless lights filled the outside of the academy, and countless powerful auras surrounded the mountain behind the academy.

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