The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 763: God’s calculation is re-interpreted, and the future is unpredictable

"Ye Su, in my eyes, you are a waste. You can't even protect your sister, and you have made her suffer so much without saying a word, yet you still have the nerve to speak with such an attitude..."

In the alleyway outside the backyard of Lao Bizhai, Xu Xin shouted at Ye Su. He knew the things between Ye Su, Ye Hongyu, and Chen Pipi best.

Ye Hongyu's targeting of Chen Pipi was indeed a bit excessive, but if the conspiracy theory is concerned and the viewer is involved, then Chen Pipi cannot be considered innocent.

Xiong Chumo's attempt to invade Ye Hongyu happened in Zhishouguan.

Chen, the master of Zhishou Temple, was trapped in the South China Sea and could not go ashore, but that did not mean that he could not interfere with matters on the shore. Wei Guangming was brought down by him and Xiong Chumo to the Apocalypse Realm and imprisoned in Youge.

So, when Xiong Chumo went to Zhishou Temple and committed such evil deeds, did the temple owner really not know? Then why didn't he stop it? Even if he really didn't know it at first, but later in the original timeline, Chen prevented Ye Hongyu from taking revenge. This cannot be washed away. There is something wrong with him.

Ye Su frowned deeply when he heard what Xu Xin said, and asked coldly: "What do you mean by this?"

Ye Hongyu stopped Xu Xin at this time, covered his mouth with her little hand, shook his head and said, "Stop talking, okay!"

In the brother-sister relationship with Ye Su, she has always played the role of an understanding sister. She has always admired her brother and never caused trouble to him. Later, she promised the viewer to spare Xiong Chumo because she considered Ye Su's safety and would rather be aggrieved. own.

"Just let him say that if he does anything shameful... boom..."

Naturally, Xu Xin would not get used to Ye Su's sarcastic remarks. With a palm from the air, he and Chen Pipi, that little fat man, were sent flying out.

"call out!"

Ye Su's feet left two long traces on the alley. His figure finally stopped and stepped in front of Chen Pipi. The thin wooden sword flew up from behind him and floated in the mid-air near Alley 47. , competing with the sun.

The sun in the sky is so bright.

Ye Su's wooden sword had turned into a golden sword.

The powerful and pure Dao sword aura has completely enveloped the spacious alleyway.

The water vapor in the void condensed, and was crushed by the sword breath into boulders that were harder than fine iron. Those boulders refracted the sunlight into colorful colors, as if they had turned into agate jewelry all over the sky.

Ye Su's sword shot out. This was the most powerful Dao sword Ye Su had ever displayed in his life. It contained the supreme wisdom of Haotian Dao Sect. He had practiced hard at Zhishou Temple for more than ten years and traveled around the world for more than ten years. Years ago, he realized the ultimate life-and-death sword intention before death.

Originally, he was planning to use this sword to challenge Li Manman, the most advanced person of the younger generation. However, after witnessing Xu Xin's easy defeat of Li Manman in the wasteland, this contemporary ruling god also became a challengeable target in his heart, so this The sword was released naturally.

When Daojian ignored the long distance and landed in front of Xu Xin. Ye Su sighed with great satisfaction in his heart. Even he himself was moved by this sword, feeling that it was perfect and pure to the extreme, without causing a trace of dust.

Condensed with thousands of beams of sunlight, the pure and powerful sword intention of life and death instantly crushed the water vapor into ice. However, when it invaded three feet in front of Xu Xin, there was a muffled sound, and the wooden sword fell to the ground.

There was a puddle of water on the ground, and all the ice that Ye Su had condensed melted, which only meant that the sword intent that was supposed to be focused like light was completely leaked out in an instant.

A very sarcastic smile appeared on Ye Su's face, and a very dim blood flowed from the corner of his lips. The sarcasm was naturally mocking himself.

He had practiced hard for many years and used the most powerful Dao sword, but it was unable to suppress the opponent at all. He was even comforting his sister and didn't even raise his head to look at him.

How ironic that the extremely powerful descendant of Zhi Shou Guan has broken through a deadly barrier!

"The strongest Dao sword can only reach this level. If you are not capable enough, don't use a wooden sword to show off."

Xu Xin raised his head and glanced at the wooden sword, and said sarcastically: "Although the guy who made your sister suffer is also a loser, but now you can't even beat that loser..."

Xu Xin's words almost made it impossible for Ye Su's Taoist heart to explore life and death. This was really humiliating. But now he finally realized something more critical. His sister had been wronged. Why didn't he, the older brother, know that?

Ye Su couldn't help but ask again: "Who is that person you are talking about? What is going on!"

"You don't need to know that there's nothing wrong with you anymore."

"Besides, you don't have the ability to do anything."

Xu Xin said coldly. Although his words were unpleasant, they were also true.

Although Xiong Chumo is useless, he is actually at the bottom of the sixth realm. Ye Su in front of him can't beat Xiong Chumo at all.

What's more, the role played by Master Ye Su's master Chen in this incident is still unknown.

Xu Xin has already arranged Xiong Chumo's back-up plan, which can be activated at any time. There is no need to create extra complications.


Ye Su was unwilling and helpless, but there was nothing he could do.

"If you're okay, you can leave."

Xu Xin issued an eviction order, although he was not the owner of Laobi Zhai.

"The Oracle of Heaven has a letter for you."

Ye Su took out a letter from his arms, which came from the lowest-ranked Tianyu priest in Xiling.

The Great Priest of Heaven has the ability to predict the future, and this ability comes from Haotian's prophecies. To put it more simply, some scenes performed by Haotian through "Heavenly Calculation" are transmitted to the Great Priest of Heaven, allowing him to obtain the fortune from Heaven. Enlightenment, predicting the "future".

The letter flew from Ye Su's hand to Xu Xin, but before it could fly in front of Xu Xin, it was ignited in mid-air and eventually turned into ashes and dissipated.

"What do you mean? This is a letter from the Oracle of Heaven."

Ye Su looked at Xu Xin with dissatisfaction and confusion in his eyes. This was a letter from the Oracle of Heaven, with a foretelling from Haotian. How could he do this?

Not only Ye Su, but also Chen Pipi and Ye Hongyu were puzzled. Li Manman also looked at Xu Xin, as if he also wanted some explanation.

Xu Xin raised his head and glanced at the blue sky and white clouds. From the moment he saw this letter, he understood that some things must be speeded up.

Haotian has re-interpreted the "heaven's calculation" through some of Xu Xin's arrangements in the human world, so it has dropped a new omen. The future that the Heavenly Mandate Seat sees is only the future that Haotian wants the Heavenly Mandate Great Priest to see.

Of course, the future that Haotian let the Oracle of Heaven see is not false. After all, everything in this world is in Haotian's calculation. But Haotian is already in the world, so naturally there will be some mistakes in this calculation, and this is naturally Xu Xin’s opportunity.

"You are not mature enough to understand."

Xu Xin didn't bother to explain that Ye Su was not mature enough and was still an annoying uncle who didn't want to listen.

Moreover, regarding matters such as "God's calculation" and "the future", these people in front of them are not qualified to touch them, including Li Manman. He has not learned to fight, and he is not qualified to get involved in these matters.

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