The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 762 Ye Su, you are an unqualified brother, and you are most unqualified to accuse Ye Hongyu.

The South Gate of Haotian Dao is located in the north of Chang'an City, very close to the imperial palace.

On this day, Li Qingshan, the master of the South Gate Temple and the Grand Master of the Tang Dynasty, stood at the entrance of the Taoist temple, looking at the vermilion palace walls and turrets not far away, silent.

The bleak cold wind blew the fallen leaves, and Li Qingshan thought of his senior brother Yan Se. When his senior brother was around, he had someone to discuss and rely on.

"Cough cough cough..."

A violent cough brought Li Qingshan's thoughts back, and the uncomfortable feeling in his lungs made him understand that his time might be running out.

Great cultivators in the fate-knowing realm are still human beings. Either they make mistakes in their practice, or they suffer from hidden injuries. There are always some people who suffer from the root cause of the disease. This is the case for Li Qingshan, and the same is true for Xu Shi, the number one person in the military department.

They relied on medicinal soup to nurse their injuries, and their condition could get worse at any time, so they paid special attention to the inheritance.

"Teacher, medicine!"

A Taoist priest with delicate features came behind Li Qingshan holding medicine. However, the temple master of the South Gate of Haotian Dao did not take the medicine and drink it as before. Instead, he looked at the other end of the long street.

A man wearing a light white plain shirt walked slowly from the other end of the long street, accompanied by the breeze and fallen leaves. Only a simple bun showed his origin.

Li Qingshan watched him walk up to him, bowed calmly, and said, "I have met Mr. Ye Su."

This man is Ye Su, the world-walking member of the Haotian Dao Sect.

Ye Su looked calm and returned the courtesy: "I have met Mr. Li."

His name for Li Qingshan was very interesting. He did not call him the national master or the great priest, but called him the real person. This is a title with a very Taoist meaning.

Most of the masters of the South Gate of Haotian Dao in the past were concurrently serving as the Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty. Because of the special nature of the Tang Empire in the Haotian world, the masters of the South Gate had a status similar to that of the three great priests on Taoshan in the Xiling Temple. They were extremely respected. It can be called the throne of God, the great priest.

Although Ye Su is unknown in the temple, as a member of the Taoist sect, his status is not inferior to that of the three great priests, and he is qualified enough to get along with Li Qingshan on an equal footing.

When Li Qingshan was awarded the title of Great Priest, he once visited Zhishou Temple. He knew that that simple and even crude Taoist temple was the true spiritual place of Haotian Taoist Sect.

The sword-carrying man in front of him with a simple bun is not an ordinary person, but Ye Su, who is walking in the world and knows how to watch the world. His level of strength should not be inferior to the three gods of the temple... ahem, under the throne of the Oracle of Heaven. When this person comes to Chang'an, Li Qingshan will naturally be wary.

"I heard that the Tang Dynasty has very strict management of practitioners. When outside practitioners enter Chang'an City, they have to register at Tianshu Office. I don't want to deal with those lay people, and I would like to ask the real person to help me handle it."

Ye Su said calmly.

Li Qingshan was slightly startled when he heard this.

There is indeed a stipulation in the Tang law that foreign practitioners entering Chang'an City must register with Tianshu, otherwise they will be regarded as enemies by the Tang court.

However, no matter how strict the regulations are, they still depend on who the target is. They can only limit those who can be restricted. How can they affect people like Ye Su?

For example, that Long Qing... ahem, Judgment Seat, he didn't register, and even stayed at the Princess Mansion overnight without any trouble at Tianshu.

Xu Xin did not abide by the rules, but Ye Su was very observant. The first thing he did after arriving in Chang'an City was to ask the help of Haotian South Gate to register. This sounds interesting, but it has some other meanings. .

Li Qingshan understood what he meant and said with a smile: "Don't you dare disobey me."

Naturally, Taoist priests from Nanmen Temple would handle such trivial matters as registering at Tianshu Office. Li Qingshan invited Ye Su to the temple to drink tea, hoping to find out the purpose of his visit.

Ye Su did not enter the South Gate Temple, but just said: "I came to Chang'an to travel. Apart from bringing a message to the God of Judgment for the God of Heaven, I have nothing else to do. I just want to travel around Chang'an City and don't want to alarm too many people. , and I don’t want to cause any misunderstandings. I will stroll around at will in the next few days.”

After saying this, he turned around and left Nanmen Temple and walked towards Suzaku Avenue.

On the long street in autumn, Ye Su's figure became increasingly faint, as if he was about to blend into the autumn leaves. Li Qingshan looked at his back and frowned slightly, but in the end he shook his head and it was nothing serious.

No matter how troublesome Ye Su was, he would not be more troublesome than the one who stayed overnight at the princess mansion and spent the whole day singing, dancing and having fun, as if he was in a state of drunkenness and dreams.

The Judgment God has stayed in Chang'an for so long without any trouble. It makes no sense that something will happen after Ye Su comes.

Here Ye Su left Nanmen Temple and walked onto Zhuque Avenue, walking southward in the direction of the fallen leaves. Then, he met a scholar who was wearing new clothes.

The scholar must have tidied up his appearance. Not only did he change his old coat into new clothes, but his eyebrows were also extremely clean. He had a water ladle tied around his waist. It was just that he was missing the holy book inserted around his waist, which made him less interesting.

This scholar is naturally Li Manman, the elder brother of the academy. He obviously came to Ye Su specifically.

"You are looking for the Judgment God's Throne, and I am looking for my junior brother. We are on the way, so let's go together!"

Li slowly said this, and then led the way towards the east of the city. Ye Su followed. The two chatted a lot on the road, which was considered a matter of practice.

They arrived at Alley 47 in the east of the city, outside Lao Bizhai, and could hear the commotion in the courtyard from a distance. The courtyard door opened with a bang, and a chubby little fat man was chased and ran around.

"Ye Hongyu, you stinky bitch, I can't afford to offend you, why can't you hide...Master, senior brother..."

Chen Pipi rushed out of the courtyard and was about to run away, but he saw two familiar figures. He stopped and saw clearly the face of the person next to Li Manman. His eyes suddenly widened, with red eye circles and tears. He cried out in a trembling voice, "Senior Brother!"

He was not calling Senior Brother, but Senior Brother, so he naturally recognized Ye Su.

Ye Su looked at the fat young man in front of him, a very sincere smile appeared on his usually emotionless face, and said happily: "Pippi!"

"Wow...senior brother!"

Chen Pipi lost control of her expression, and her chubby body rushed over to hug Ye Su and started crying. Ye Su, who was trying to figure out his life and death, had become emotionally weak, but at this moment, he couldn't help but be emotional.

A beautiful figure dressed in red came to the courtyard gate. Ye Hongyu looked at Chen Pipi and Ye Su who were hugging and crying outside the door. His body trembled slightly uncontrollably, and then his eyes were slightly red, and two lines of tears flowed quietly. over her beautiful face.

Ye Su looked at his sister, but frowned slightly and said with some disgust, "Why are you crying?"

More and more tears overflowed from Ye Hongyu's eyes like Qiuhu. She did not reach out to wipe them away, but looked at his stubbornness and dissatisfaction and said, "If he cries, you will be moved. If I cry, scold me."

Ye Su's frown deepened.

The only thing that can compare with the divine brilliance of Haotian is the human vision, which can focus on one point and illuminate the world that people want to see.

Ye Hongyu looked at his brother with aggrieved and stubborn eyes, like a little girl whose roasted sweet potatoes were snatched away by her companions but was scolded by her brother as useless. However, her peripheral vision fell on Chen Pipi, and she became even more dissatisfied.

Chen Pipi lowered his head more honestly.

Ye Su looked at her coldly and said, "Who are you? How dare you stare at your junior brother so rudely? If you do this again, I will dig out your eyes."

Ye Su's attitude towards Ye Hongyu was completely unlike the attitude an elder brother should have towards his younger sister. The main reason was that he stubbornly believed that Ye Hongyu was entirely responsible for Chen Pipi being driven away by Ye Hongyu.

A figure appeared quietly behind Ye Hongyu, hugged her into a warm embrace and comforted her. Xu Xin's voice sounded, "Ye Su, you are an unqualified brother, and you are the least qualified to accuse Ye Hongyu."

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