The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 667: Deter evil ways, the gods and demons unite

Safang asks Mingzun to forgive us for our ignorant offense...

The good mother Sha Fang knelt down in front of Xu Xin, begged for mercy from the Ming Zun, and offered the volume of the Guangming Sutra that she had practiced.

Unlike Shi Zhixuan, who was cruel and ruthless and went on a killing spree in the time and space of the original work, Xu Xin at least used the name of Ming Zun to bring order to chaos, and he was indeed able to defend all the wisdom of the root of all laws.

So today's incident can be completely understood as the internal struggle of Ming Dynasty Zunjiao.

Sha Fang and others have been running the Daming Zunjiao for many years, so they naturally have feelings for the sect and do not want the Daming Zunjiao to be destroyed.

Xu Kaishan is dead at this time, and all the elites of the Ming Dynasty Zunjiao are here. If they are all lost here, this lineage of the Ming Zunjiao will exist in name only. Between destroying the religion and inheriting it, Sha Fang chose to endure the humiliation and bear the burden.

In fact, who is really not afraid of death?

Savon, look up at me.

Xu Xin looked at the good mother Safang with her head lowered, and a strange emotion flashed in his eyes.

Ming Zun!

Hearing this, Sha Fang raised her head obediently, her eyes full of uneasiness and nervousness. She was afraid that Xu Xin would not keep his word, and that she would be killed easily. After all, Xu Xin had just dealt with Lie Xia and Zhou Laotan, who were actively congenial.

Xu Xin lowered his head and looked at the good mother Safang, whose forehead was a little red, and slowly extended his palm towards her. Safang saw the hand enlarged in her eyes and shrank unconsciously, but she did not avoid it.

The good mother Sha Fang has a face like a full moon, a plump body, a noble temperament, an exotic style of a middle-aged lady, and a high level of skill, so she is of some use.

Xu Xin's palms were very cold, so he picked up Sha Fang's chin and rubbed her cheek. Sha Fang obediently changed her position, allowing Xu Xin to experience her delicate face more easily.

Xu Xin smiled and sent a stream of true energy into Sha Fang's body. This woman was an okay furnace.

Your choice?

Xu Xin's eyes turned to the remaining members of the congregation, including Xinnaya, Fire Girl and Shui Girl, but he did not take back the palm that was stroking Sha Fang's face.

What are you doing? Kneel down and pay homage to the Great Master.

The water and fire girls still hesitated, but after Safang's fierce shout came, they chose to lower their heads and pulled Poisonous Water Xinnaya, who was determined to be a martyr, to kneel down.

Xu Xin looked at the heads in front of him and felt calm in his heart. He was just a respected disciple of the Ming Dynasty, so he didn't need to worry too much.

The evil king has brought Tian Mo Ce!

Xu Xin followed Sha Fang and others into the hall and took out the multiple volumes of secret books secretly kept by Xu Kaishan. The relatively complete Sabrogan was obtained by Xu Xin. While he was sitting in the hall reading scriptures, he took out several antique scrolls and asked Shi Zhixuan.

I brought it myself.

When Shi Zhixuan saw those ancient scrolls, even with his determination, his heartbeat could not help but fluctuate. They were the Secret Scrolls of Heavenly Demon Ce, which were coveted by people in the Demon Sect, and belonged to other secret scrolls.

For all members of the Demon Sect, no matter whether they are the two sects or the Six Paths, everyone pursues the same goal, which is to collect the ten volumes of Heavenly Demon Strategy, recreate the glorious days of the Holy Sect in the past, cultivate the supreme method, and advance into the future. A glimpse into the ultimate realm of magic.

Shi Zhixuan also has the wish to unify the Demon Sect. He originally had a good chance, but unfortunately he broke up with Zhu Yuyan first, and then suffered a schizophrenia because of Bi Xiuxin's incident. Now he has completely lost hope.

This time he found Xu Xin because he had guessed some of his ideas and was planning to come to negotiate. Unfortunately, the result was not very good. Yang Xuyan and Xu Kaishan died in front of him. , this whole move is killing chickens and scaring monkeys.

After Xu Xin conquered the Ming Dynasty Master and obtained Sabrogan, his next goal was the Demon Sect and collected ten volumes of Heavenly Demon Strategy, so he brought Shi Zhixuan here with him today.

Shi Zhixuan was silent for a moment, and finally took out two volumes of Heavenly Demon Strategy from his arms, belonging to the Huajian Sect and Butian Pavilion respectively. Ever since he guessed Xu Xin's goal, he had taken out these two pieces of Heavenly Demon Strategy in advance and handed them over at this time.

After Shi Zhixuan presented the Heavenly Demon's Ce, Xu Xin didn't say anything. He still sat in the living room and read Sologan.

Time passed little by little, Xu Xin and Shi Zhixuan were waiting in the living room, and the good mother Sha Fang and two Mingzi, Miao Shui and Miao Huo, were waiting on Xu Xin.

Mingzun, the other members of the Holy Sect have arrived.

After Sha Fang received the report from the outside disciples, she immediately came to sue Xu Xin. After getting permission, she asked the disciples to bring over the people from the Holy Sect who came to the door.

Yin Zuwen, the Qing Dao, pays homage to the young master.

Tianlian Sect, An, Anlong, pay your respects to the young master.

The person who came to see Xu Xin was the head of the other two sects of the Demon Sect. The Mie Qing Dao had been headed by Yin Zuwen since the death of Tianjun Xi Ying, while An Long of the Tianlian Sect had always been the younger brother of Shi Zhixuan. When he came in Seeing that his eldest brother was there, he felt guilty and naturally became scared.

Yin Zuwen is a middle-aged man dressed in Chinese clothes. He is of medium build and carries a tobacco pipe. He is very impressive. His face is a bit too pale and alcoholic, and there is nothing special about his appearance at first glance, but his skills are profound and no weaker than Bian Fulai, who was defeated by Xu Xin's three swords.

Anlong is a big fat man. His hands seem to be particularly short due to too much fat. He has a big belly and a flat head that seems to grow directly from his fat shoulders. With two thick lips, he looks like And Zhi is a person who pays attention to eating, drinking and having fun.

But at this moment, the big fat man was so frightened that he was sweating coldly. He glanced at Shi Zhixuan from time to time, looking trembling and frightened. He was indeed afraid that Shi Zhixuan would settle a score with him because he and Yang Xuyan betrayed Shi Zhixuan.

When Shi Zhixuan wrote the Immortal Seal in the past, he explained and discussed it with Anlong, so Anlong knew the entire contents of the Immortal Seal and had sworn not to reveal it.

But since Yang Xuyan had mastered the Immortal Seal, he could only obtain the content from An Long, so... this little brother was frightened after the incident was revealed.

You first hand over the Heavenly Demon Strategy to me. All the scriptures and ancient books of your respective sects are sorted out and sent to the Yingui Sect as soon as possible.

Xu Xin didn't even look at Yin Zuwen and Anlong, but simply told them what to do. When he subdued the people of Daming Zunjiao, there was a group of people in the distant pavilion who witnessed everything.

Yin Zuwen and Anlong were among the spectators, and the organizer of all this was the Yingui Sect.

The Yingui Sect has become Xu Xin's first spokesperson in the Demon Sect, and has now begun the process of integrating the various branches of the Demon Sect. After experiencing the previous shock, everything is going smoothly now.

Now, all the Heavenly Demon Strategies of the two factions including Yingui, Huajian, Butian, Zhenzhuan, Mieqing, and Tianlian are in Xu Xin's hands, and the four idiots who have the scriptures and classics of Xieji Sect have also gone to do it. .

After all, only Zhao Deyan, the Demon Xiang Sect who traveled far beyond the Great Wall, has not yet handed over his things. However, according to the news Xu Xin learned, they were almost arriving in Chang'an, and things would be over soon.

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