The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 666: Burning the body with holy fire, absorbing power in a different way

Meet the master, make your son convinced that he lost, and ask the master to deal with it.

Yang Xuyan was indeed a man who knew current affairs very well. When Xu Kaishan was easily knocked over and caught by Xu Xin, he very simply knelt down on one knee to Shi Zhixuan and respectfully expressed his submission.

Shi Zhixuan raised his head and laughed: As expected, you are Mr. Shi's disciple. Those who understand the current affairs are heroes, but how do you know that my master will not kill you?

Xu Yan, you are indeed my most outstanding disciple. Not only did you obtain the Immortal Seal from An Long, but you also merged it with the Great Ming Dynasty's wisdom sutra to control all dharmas. You have taken a side road. Xibai I won’t be your opponent.”

What a pity. You shouldn't have chosen to betray, betray the Holy Sect, and betray me.

Now, even I can't save you.

Besides, there's no need to save him.

Shi Zhixuan's words were extremely sinister, but Yang Xuyan's expression remained unchanged.

He stood up slowly and said loudly with a sonorous tone: Xu Yan did betray Master, but I still have some role in Li Tang.

As he spoke, he glanced at Xu Xin, who was questioning Xu Kaishan, and then said to Shi Zhixuan: Of course, if Master insists on taking Xu Yan's life, then go ahead!

Shi Zhixuan said calmly: How can I be willing to kill the good disciple I cultivated so hard? But from today on, you are no longer Shi's disciple, and I will have nothing to say to you.

Alas...Master Shi...

Yang Xuyan sighed, and the next moment, the phantom sword technique bloomed with countless colorful sword energy covering Shi Zhixuan, and at the same time, several real and illusory shadows appeared on the spot.


Shi Zhixuan poked his finger and exploded the phantom that Yang Xuyan rushed to in front of him, but this was just a feint shot by the latter.

The Shadow Assassin is a master of Qinggong. He was planning to escape when he spoke earlier. Now he decisively uses his Qinggong and body skills to fly into the sky with the intention of escaping from this place.

call out!

call out!

At the same time, two figures rushed up in the courtyard. They were Miaokong Mingzi Liexia, the leader of the Five Mingzi, and Zhou Laofang, the dark energy among the five types of demons. The two had previously thought about escaping, but now they acted according to the opportunity. He and Yang Xuyan soared into the sky from three directions, intending to fly far away.

Did I let you go?

Xu Xin had just finished questioning Xu Kaishan. The actions of Yang Xuyan and the others naturally made him react. He saw his left hand raised, and a blue-purple halo spread across the sky.

The great method of absorbing energy!

This was Xu Xin's first time practicing the Dharma Absorption Technique in public. He saw a blue-violet halo rippling past, and the three masters who were walking far away in the void were all trapped and struggled helplessly in mid-air.

As Xu Xin's left hand exerted force again, a black hole that swallowed everything bloomed and spread, quickly pulling all three masters back.


Yang Xuyan was the strongest and was also the most targeted. When he landed, his whole body trembled violently and he was immediately injured. He sprayed out blood mist and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Do you have any last words?

Xu Xin grabbed his left hand, and Yang Xuyan's figure immediately came to him. He enjoyed the same treatment as Xu Kaishan before, and was held in Xu Xin's hand.

Blood was gushing from the corner of Yang Xuyan's mouth, his face was ashen, and he was breathing too much out and not breathing in enough. Xu Xin's suction method broke Yang Xuyan's body-protecting Qi and shocked his internal organs and meridians all over his body. At this moment, he could feel himself The energy and spirit are being tempered and passed away.

Yang Xuyan managed to raise his head, looked at Xu Xin, his expression was surprisingly calm, he coughed up blood and said, You are sick!

Are you not convinced?

Xu Xin asked calmly.

Yang Xuyan shook his head and said: The winner is the king, what is there to say?

When he was about to die, his eyes lit up, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said: The world should have been mine. I watched it slip away and tried to take it back. This time I The defeat was inexplicable, but I was convinced...


Yang Xuyan wanted to say something more, but Xu Xin, who had expected something, was too lazy to listen, ending his pain. Yang Xuyan and Dong Shuni in this life had nothing to do with each other. This guy will die when he dies, and he doesn't need to leave any last words about Dong Shuni before he dies.

Behind Xu Xin, Shi Zhixuan's face was calm, but his heart was still somewhat turbulent. He still had some feelings about Yang Xuyan's death.

Yang Xuyan was his most outstanding disciple, but it was a pity that the master and disciple eventually became strangers.

Yang Xuyan made a last-ditch struggle to escape. He was merciful and did not stop him, but Xu Xin wanted to kill him, and he couldn't change anything.

It is an honor for you to burn your body with the holy fire.

Xu Xin looked at Xu Kaishan, who had finished explaining everything, and with a blue-purple halo covering him and Yang Xuyan, a blue-purple holy fire ignited on their bodies.

Their expressions gradually became peaceful and peaceful, and the smiles on their faces were bright. They walked toward the end of their lives in a beautiful dream, and were wiped out in ashes without leaving any residue.

Of course, Xu Xin would not really be so wasteful. This method of holy fire purification can be regarded as an alternative application after he successfully explored the absorption method.

Xu Kaishan and Yang Xuyan actually became the nourishment of the Qigong Absorption Dafa. Their energy and spirit were eventually refined by Xu Xin, and not a single cent was wasted.

Do you surrender?

Xu Xin solved Yang Xuyan and Xu Kaishan, and once again turned his attention to the good mother Sha Fang and others.

His eyes are deep and dark, which makes people feel chilled all over. His whole body seems to be shrouded in the black mist that symbolizes death, and his figure is half hidden in it, making people feel even more gloomy and frightened. It looks like It is like the Emperor Yama who came from hell to the human world to announce death.

Xu Kaishan is dead, Miaokong Mingzi Liexia respectfully welcomes the new great master to take the throne.

Lie Xia, who had failed to escape before, rolled his eyes and knelt down decisively. When Zhou Laofang saw this, his eyes dimmed and he hesitated for a moment before bending his knees. He originally thought that Lie Xia would create chaos so that he could take the opportunity to escape and seek refuge with his brother Zhou Laotan.

Xu Xin glanced at Lie Xia and Zhou Laotan. The two people immediately knelt down even more piously. However, Xu Xin just stretched out his hand to grab it, and the two followed in the footsteps of Yang Xuyan and Xu Kaishan. This scene made Daming Everyone who respected the religion became even more frightened.

I don't need a dog that carries its owner.

After Xu Xin said this, he looked at Sha Fang again. The good mother hesitated for a moment.

She finally came to Xu Xin with trembling steps, knelt down, and knelt down with her fair forehead at Xu Xin's feet. The highest administrator of the Ming Dynasty, she surrendered in the most humble way.

Safang is willing to offer the Light Sutra and ask the Lord to forgive her sins.

Good Mother Safang took out an ancient scroll from her underwear and offered it to her, her voice filled with fear.

Shi Zhixuan looked at the surrendered Safang, with murderous intent in his eyes. The outside evil heretics of the Ming Dynasty competed with the demon sect. If it was up to him to choose, it would be best to kill them all.

However, everything today cannot be decided by him. Whether it is Yang Xuyan or Daming Zunjiao, it can only be handled by Xu Xin.

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