The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 658 Sister-in-law, don’t look back, I am your brother-in-law the evil king

Sister Concubine, look, this person likes to bully others.

People have serious conversations with him, but he never strays away from that kind of thing. He is obviously a great master, but he has no magnanimity.

Under the moonlit night, Huanwan saw that she alone was at a disadvantage, so she quickly set the fire on the master's concubine, trying to drag her into the trap.

The master's concubine smiled but did not respond. She was not so easily fooled.

The corner of Xu Xin's mouth twisted, his smile turned rather evil, and he said, If you have a gun, don't use it. Isn't that a false claim to be a great master?

You... are so evil...

Hanwan and Shifei didn't react at first, but later they saw him snickering a little wildly, and after being prompted to think about it for a while, they understood instantly, and their faces turned red.

Someone was really a little too much, making such a joke with girls, which meant that the Sui and Tang Dynasties were quite open. Moreover, he had a lot of money and nearly 100 million people, so he was qualified to let two girls approach him, so they didn't swing their skirts. Walk.

Huanhua, I was wrong. I sincerely apologize to you. I will teach you Qinggong well.

Xu Xin quickly admitted his mistake and reached out to catch Huanwan flying behind him.

As for promising to teach Qing Kung, it is one thing for him to teach it well, but it is another thing for him to fail to learn it.

Kou Zhong knew this very well. Didn't he think of learning Xu Xin's many skills? Doesn't he want to learn how to fly into the sky and escape from the earth?

But the key is to learn to use those, which requires a wide range of knowledge, and Xu Xin has not yet completely perfected it. It is one thing for him to use it himself, but it is another thing to teach others to use it perfectly.

Flying to the sky and escaping from the earth is no ordinary light skill. If something goes wrong in the sky, you will fall down and be smashed into a pulp. This will not be fun.


Huanwan hummed softly, she tapped Xu Xin's lips with her slender jade fingers, Xiao Tan's mouth gently came closer, blowing in the refreshing fragrance, and said: I won't forgive you!

It's not like she's venting her anger, but more like she's acting coquettishly. She can't help but admire the witch's boldness from the bottom of her heart. At the same time, she whispers in her heart, Mr. Xu is not such a shallow person and will not be fooled. The witch confuses me with such little tricks.

Fairies can't let go of their arrogance and do this kind of thing!


Huanwan suddenly sighed.

Why are you sighing?

Xu Xin is definitely a qualified admirer.

Huanwan originally wanted to thank someone and give him a kiss as a reward.

Huanwan wandered around Xu Xin's waist, trying not to let him catch her, and sighed: Now it seems that Mr. Xu is unwilling to let go, so forget it.

How can you give up on this important decision so easily?

Xu Ziling quickly said excitedly: Han'er, you must have principles in life.

Huanwan glared back with a big eye roll. He hurriedly wanted to reach out his arms to hug the beauty, and press his warm lips to show his sincere feelings, but Huanwan pushed her away with a pink fist.

Wu'er, let me have a sweet scent now, and I will teach you how to fly to the sky and escape from the earth immediately.

Xu Xin showed a sly smile.

The smile is so ugly, people don't believe it.

Although Huanwan said that, she came closer to Xu Xin and wrinkled her nose slightly at him. She was extremely naughty and ever-changing, and could make any man fascinated.

She suddenly tilted her head to avoid Xu Xin's sneak attack.

Huanwan chuckled lightly, and circled behind Xu Xin like a fish, wrapping her arms half-circle around his head and neck, gently pressing her flawless body against his back, and patting him lightly with her small hands. Open the paw that is ready to sneak back and touch.

Giggle...Sister, help me...

Xu Xin and Huanwan were playing as if there was no one around. Seeing the smiles on their faces, Shifei felt a little complicated in her heart. Suddenly, Huanwan floated towards her. She didn't know whether it was intentional or not. Anyway, the war ended up going to her. The concubine's side is on fire.


Next to the Yong'an Canal under the night sky, Xu Xin chased two beautiful girls, one was an elf and the other was like a fairy, both of them were like gods.

Whoever gets it for me will be given a kiss on the mouth as a punishment.

Xu Xin's ridiculous words made Hanhan and the imperial concubine fly faster. Xu was having a great time. The fairy and the enchantress floated towards the distance in cooperation with each other, and the three of them laughed and chased each other. , passing by the boats in Yong'an Canal.

In the Yong'an Canal at night, boats come and go frequently.

Because Xu Xin restrained the aura of the three of them and reduced his presence, no blind guy came up to cause trouble. Just when the three of them were playing happily, a familiar voice came from the river: Little brother, Can I board the ship and talk to you?


Xu Xin stopped and turned around, Shi Fei and Huan Huan also looked over, and saw a scribe in Confucian robes who looked like a fairy calling Xu Xin.

He was sitting peacefully on a small boat in the Yong'an Canal, leisurely moving the single oar that penetrated the water from the stern of the boat, and his eyes flashed with this strange light.

Xu Xin and Shi Zhixuan looked at each other from afar. An incomprehensible smile appeared on the latter's lips. The wooden paddle paddled into the water and the boat moved slowly.

No time today, let's try another day!

Xu Xin had things to do tonight and was not interested in talking to Shi Zhixuan. After rejecting the cheap father-in-law's request for a talk, he quickly disappeared by the Yong'an Canal with Hanhan and Shifei.

The descendant of Cihang Jingzhai and the Yingui Sect? Qingxuan, this man you are looking for, alas...

Shi Zhixuan looked at the direction in which Xu Xin and the others were leaving, with extremely complicated eyes. After a long time, he sailed the boat and disappeared into the distance.

The lights of Yuhe Temple are brightly lit at night, and in the Buddhist hall where the Evil Emperor's relics are placed, the sound of chanting is constantly heard. The four holy monks are trying to destroy the Evil Emperor's relics, but so far, everything is not very normal. smoothly.

Fan Qinghui outside the Buddhist hall was confused. Xu Xin's face often echoed in her mind during the day.

She felt Xu Xin's gift, and the infuriating energy gave her hope of taking a step further and being promoted to Sword Heart Transparent, but the price was...she didn't dare to think about it.


The sound of the mountain breeze suddenly felt strange. Fan Qinghui suddenly felt the hairs on his back stand up, his expression suddenly changed, and he exclaimed in surprise: Who!

After she yelled, she wanted to turn around, but found that her body seemed to have lost control all of a sudden. What was quite strange was that there was no response to her loud call just now. It was as if no one heard her at all.

Don't look back!

A voice sounded behind her, and Fan Qinghui felt a close figure on her back. The pores of her skin shrank unconsciously, and she could even feel the rapid and hot breath of the man behind her.

Yes, she was sure that there was a man behind her, which made her heart... extremely nervous and complicated.

Who are you!

Fan Qinghui said tentatively.

You have been struck by my immortal seal.

The person behind him responded in a low voice. Fan Qinghui's delicate body trembled when he heard this answer.

Shi Zhixuan...

Although her voice was low, it still reached the ears of the person behind her.

The man behind him was speechless. What happened tonight seemed like what he was doing... Sister-in-law, don't look back. I am your brother-in-law, the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

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