The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 657 Mr. Xu, if you think you are serious and want to learn, you have to sleep with the maste

Chapter 657 Mr. Xu, please respect yourself... If you want to learn well, you have to sleep with the master

Mr. Xu, please respect yourself.

In the living room of Yuhe'an, Fan Qinghui wanted to withdraw his palm as if he was electrocuted, but he didn't expect that Xu not only refused to let go, but even acted more excessively.

Master Tai, I can see that deep down in your heart you are jealous of the concubine and your own disciple, who is expected to step into the Sword Heart Transparent...

In the living room, Xu Xin held onto Fan Qinghui's soft, boneless palm, and a trace of true energy entered his body, instantly causing the change of true energy in Fan Qinghui's body.

you put……

Fan Qinghui was so embarrassed and angry that her face turned red. She didn't know whether it was because of being said to be arrogant or because of Xu's frivolous behavior. But when she was about to take action forcefully, Xu Xin relaxed naturally. Open your hand.

Master Tai, I left a gift for you. Think carefully about what I just said.

Xu Xin stood up as he spoke, and regardless of Fan Qinghui's changing expression, he decisively left the living room and found the concubine who had been waiting outside.

With the approval of Master Fan Qinghui, Master Concubine naturally followed Xu Xin and left.

Not long after they left, Fan Qinghui, who had a soft face and could not see any change, walked out of the living room. After staring in the direction Xu Xin left for a long time, he walked towards the Buddhist hall where the Evil Emperor's relics were stored. Compared with Xu Xin, whose thoughts were difficult to guess, Evil Emperor The emperor's relics are the trouble.

Although Xu Xin's words just now were cryptic, his meaning was very obvious. If they were unwilling to take on the trouble of the Evil Emperor's relic, then he might lose it to Shi Zhixuan.

Because of Bi Xiuxin's death, the hatred between Cihang Jingzhai and Shi Zhixuan could not be eliminated. They did not dare to gamble on Shi Zhixuan's character, so they could only try their best to solve the problem of the Evil Emperor's relics.

Yong'an Canal, by the Leap Horse Bridge, leans on the railing and looks down, paying no attention to the bustling traffic of cars and horses on both sides of the river bank.

The master's concubine followed him and visited Yongji Canal with him. This peerless beauty was still dressed in men's clothing, and she was indescribably handsome and elegant.

She said softly: Why is Brother Xu worried? Can you talk to Concubine?

Xu Xin did not answer, but smelled the fragrant scent emanating from her delicate body. The master concubine, who was as elegant as a fairy, was a peerless beauty, but what could he say? Is it too much to say that all he can think about now is her master Fan Qinghui?

Xu Xin had no intention of responding at all, and the master's concubine Mei's beautiful face showed no signs of fluctuation, and said calmly: Brother Xu, are you willing to listen to Concubine Xuan tell a story?

Xu Xin was speechless.

The concubine looked at herself and said: The cold mountains are just white clouds, silent and free of dust. There is a house on the grass seat, with a solitary lamp shining on the moon. The stone bed faces the green marsh, and deer and tigers are always neighbors. I envy myself to live in solitude and live happily for a long time in the world. outsider.

Her voice, as soft as the sound of nature, was recited in this bustling city with a moving intonation like music, which was truly unparalleled in appeal.

The poems can't help but arouse people's associations, as if the cold mountains, white clouds, and the lonely lamp and bright moon all have new meanings because they come from her fragrant lips, showing an image realm that is in the world but beyond the world. The feeling is breathtakingly beautiful.

Although the two people's eyes did not touch, they were both looking at the endless flowing water below, and they were subtly connected through it.

At this time, the sun was setting, and the afterglow dyed the sky in the west of the city red.

This doesn't look like a story!

Xu Xin replied lightly.

A smile escaped from the corner of Shi Feixuan's lips, and she said calmly: This is just the prelude to the story, and I just want to cultivate the emotional atmosphere of Brother Xu to listen to the story. Otherwise, you will be wasting your words in vain.


Xu Xin looked at her, but the concubine did not meet his eyes with her beautiful eyes. She only stared at the flowing water below with her beautiful eyes.

The profile of her profile is breathtakingly beautiful, like the beauty of heaven and earth, reflected in the perfect lines of her face.

She didn't mind being admired by him at close range, her beautiful face was as still as water.

I suddenly realized that traveling with you doesn't seem very interesting.

Sure enough, I still like things that are more direct.

Xu Xin looked away and returned to the flowing water below. Watching a small boat, carrying a family of men, women, old and young, gradually go away under the colorful sunset.

The master's concubine also followed his gaze, her beautiful face was reflected by the brilliance of the setting sun, and she had a bright blush.

The noise behind them subsided slightly, and the surrounding streets gradually became more lit up. Just as night fell and the moon began to rise, an elf-like person came walking in the moonlight.

Ah! Little thief, what kind of martial arts are you doing? No one pays attention to you when you are flying.

Huanwan, who came on the moon, originally wanted to land on Xu Xin's head. Although she was not afraid of being exposed, Xu Xin said that she could not accept this kind of thing, so she used her innate energy to affect the surrounding force field, making Huanhan levitate beside her, half flying and half floating.

Such a magical scene made both Hanhan and Shifei very surprised.

The key is that Xu Xin used special means to reduce the attention of others to the three of them. Even if Huanhua was flying around like a fairy in the Moon Palace, no one paid attention.

Under the silvery moonlight, Huanwan was half-floating and half-floating beside Xu Xin. Her stunning beauty smiled with a dreamlike charm. She was swimming in the void like a mermaid. It was so wonderful that she stretched out her slender arms, Suddenly, he gently wrapped his arms around Xu Xin's neck and blew into his ears.

Mr. Xu, it would be great to teach Huanhua this magical skill. With this skill, she will be able to pretend to be a fairy when she goes out in the future.


Xu Xin answered simply and generously, which surprised Huanwan.

She suddenly smiled like a flower, and suddenly her eyes shone brightly again, saying: Xu Lang, you are so easy to talk to, don't you want to bully others?

Am I not such an easy talker?

When Xu Xin heard this, he asked in surprise.

You're not very similar.

Huanwan smiled and shook her head slightly, denying: You, this little thief, are just like that. Who can you deceive?

Huanwan, you are really smart as ice and snow. If you want to learn your skills, you will definitely have to pay the price!

As the saying goes, if you want to learn well, you have to sleep with the master.

Xu Xin followed her words to tease the little witch.

Where did you hear such ridiculous nonsense?

Huanhan's face turned slightly red, and the concubine next to her couldn't stand the harsh words.

Huanwen, this is not nonsense. I heard from others that you and Queen Yin often slept together, so you learned a lot of true stories...

Xu Xin's words were really not nonsense. Anyway, Bai Qing'er had said that Huanhan and Zhu Yuyan had the same affection as mother and daughter and often slept together. Moreover, Huanhan did get more true stories, but the two things were connected... It can only be said that Chinese characters are broad and profound, and the art of language!

Bah, bah, bah...

Huanwan kept pouting at him, interrupting him to continue uttering sarcastic remarks.

The key point is that someone's sophistry is true. She does often sleep in the same bed with her master Zhu Yuyan, but the master-disciple relationship in her daughter's family is good, which is equivalent to mother and daughter sharing a bed. Can this metaphor be misinterpreted!

The concubine next to her was also speechless, because she and Fan Qinghui often...According to what Xu said, wouldn't they all...

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