The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 634: Being ordered by heaven, you will live forever


Earth-shattering thunder fell from the sky, wind and thunder roared, thunder and rain came together, and terrifying lightning and thunder filled the sky and the earth.

Countless people in Luoyang City are in fear, and even the imperial troops who defend Luoyang are in turmoil.

The general trend of the world is under my control!

With my true energy, I can unite heaven and earth to create good fortune!

Control the energy of heaven and bear the destiny of heaven!

Xu Xin's loud voice echoed between heaven and earth. Countless people inside and outside Luoyang heard this voice and could feel the supreme will brewing in this voice. This was to change the world and change the way people live in the world.

Xiaoling's last words have changed.

Kou Zhong listened to Xu Xindao's words that shocked the world. When Xu Xin said the Qi that controls the sky and inherits the destiny of the sky, he subconsciously noticed the change. Last time in Yangzhou, Xu Xin said The most important thing is, the Qi that controls the heavens and the way of the heavens.

Kou Zhong, Ba Fenghan, Huan Huan and Shi Fei are the four closest to Tianjin Bridge, and they are not far apart from each other, so Kou Zhong's unconscious words made them realize something.

Does such a change have any special meaning?


Soon they saw an even more shocking scene. The traditional jade seal floating in the air and releasing superpowers rippled with infinite precious light. Eight seal characters appeared in two rows, reflected between the sky and the earth, and across Luoshui in Luoyang. , you can see the reflection of those eight characters.

If you receive orders from Heaven, you will live forever!

Both inside and outside Luoyang, whether you look up or down, you can clearly witness the eight seal characters that reflect the world. Some people subconsciously shouted out, and then there were bursts of fanatical cheers.

If you receive orders from Heaven, you will live forever!

If you receive orders from Heaven, you will live forever!

If you are ordered by God, you will live forever!!!

This was originally a symbol of imperial power and destiny, but at this moment, it seemed to have been given a different meaning. People inside and outside Luoyang City were shouting this voice loudly. Countless voices were intertwined, and the heaven and earth were in turmoil. Luoyang The city was trembling.

Enemy, enemy attack!!!

The Wagang Army is coming.

Why are there so many people?

The defenders in Luoyang City were horrified. I don't know when a huge army of people lined up at the east and west gates of Luoyang City. They were shouting most of the slogans that turbulent Luoyang at both ends of the Luoshui River.

The attire of these people was very mixed, and some of them that could be recognized by the Luoyang defenders were the Wagang Army. The Luoyang Sui Army and the Wagang Army had fought many times, and they would never admit their mistakes.

What exactly is going on?

Wang Shichong, who was left behind in Luoyang, was confused when he received the news. Originally, he was waiting for Xu Xin to take the Heshi Bi and mobilize an army to snatch it. Unexpectedly, Luoyang was directly overwhelmed by the army.

Didn’t the Wagang gang capture Yanshi yet?

How dare they use troops like this without fear of being defeated by him attacking from both sides?

How did these tens of thousands of troops suddenly appear outside Luoyang City?

Why didn't he get any information?

Faced with an urgent military situation, Wang Shichong could only let go of his concern about the central Luoyang city and Shibi, and immediately summoned his soldiers to discuss defense and retreat from the enemy.

When Yang Guang was still alive, Wang Shichong looked like a loyal minister of the Sui Dynasty. He gained trust and became a stayer in Luoyang. When Yang Guang died, he changed his mind.

However, because the Dugu Clan still controlled some of the military force and could barely fight against him, he did not replace the Sui Dynasty to raise the flag of rebellion for a while. Therefore, Luoyang was regarded as the last important land of the Sui Dynasty and was also the capital of the Sui Dynasty (Yang Guang moved the capital to Luoyang ) is located.

If Luoyang had not changed its imperial flag, the Sui Dynasty would not have been completely destroyed.

But today, the Great Sui Dynasty will be completely destroyed, and this is also the beginning.

The powerful family will also begin to come to an end.

If you receive orders from Heaven, you will live a long and prosperous life!

Everything he does will be the destiny of heaven and be recognized by all the people. When the time comes, heaven and earth will work together. This is the grand trend that will destroy the powerful family.

Are there even half the elite families in the first class?

Tianjie tramples all the bones of the minister?

Xu Xin will only be more outstanding than Huang Chao in the future, and he also has the experience of doing this, taking the world to determine the world, but Guanzhong Chang'an, the headquarters of the Guanlong clan, needs to be thoroughly cleaned up.

Can a thousand-year-old family have a thousand-year-old family? That's thinking shit.


By the Tianjin Bridge, strong winds are blowing, the waves of Luoshui are rolling, like the sound of golden drums, thousands of horses galloping, and all kinds of strange phenomena, changing the sky and the earth.

However, in the eyes of all the masters who have cultivated gods beyond the innate world, the world is completely different.

They felt a spiritual power, which belonged to Xu Xin's all-encompassing, no-missing, huge and boundless spiritual power.

The masters of the Tang Dynasty were good at spiritual battles and could sense their opponents with their spiritual senses. But at this moment, countless innate masters only felt fear. The spirit they sensed really belonged to one person, not just one. God?

No one can answer their questions, because Xu Xin, the only one in the field who can answer them, is becoming infinitely stronger and traveling in the world of Huang Tian Wuji.

Zhiyang condenses the Yang God. The Yang God and the physical body in the Huangtian Wuji state are in a strange situation of separation and unity.

The Yuan Shen is embedded in the most original and mysterious power of the universe, and is integrated into one, so that the Yuan Shen can naturally extract the most yang and strong power in nature to meet the needs of Huang Tian Wuji. The foundation of Huang Tian Wuji's infinite power.

Suddenly, countless innate masters suddenly looked up, and saw Xu Xin's figure moving with the wind, rain and thunder, floating into the sky, with long hair blowing and robes flying, looking like an immortal.

Waves of heat waves filled the sky and the earth, and Huang Tian Wuji's power converged to squeeze out all other energy. Although the lone sun does not last long, in a short moment, the unipolar yang can become the only one, but it is just like The beauty of a moment is dazzling but cannot last forever.

Huang Tian Wuji's power transformed Xu Xin's essence, energy, and spirit. Jing is the body of pure Yang, Qi is the energy of pure Yang, and Shen is the god of pure Yang. The three Yangs are at their peak, and the Yang is at its peak. .

But all this was ignited by his firewood, burning up all the energy and scattering it in the heaven and earth, like a whale falling into all things, interpreting a new change.

Huang Tian Wuji theoretically has unlimited power, but when the infinite power gathers, there is a high probability that the caster will be unable to control it and self-destruct. Therefore, even if Sun En and Yan Fei open the Tianmen together, they will pour in. The power is only a hundred feet underground.

But now, Xu Xin is really approaching this infinite and infinite, and the wave of power has swept through the entire Luoyang, leaving no one doubting his ability to destroy the city alone.

The kind of true destruction that destroys everything.

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