The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 633: Heaven is dead, Huang Tian is here to stand, at the age of Jiazi, the world will be pro

In the end, Huanwan naturally failed to refuse Xu Xin's closeness. Fairies and witches hugged each other on the left and right. This was the pinnacle that countless men dreamed of, but Xu Xin let them go without any hesitation.

The sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, and the age of Jiazi will be good for the world.

When Xu Xin shouted the slogan that shook the world, infinite yellow light surged from Xu Xin's body, and the sky shrouded in black clouds seemed to be covered with a yellow curtain.

The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand, and the age of Jiazi will be good for the world.

Four hundred years ago, the great sage Zhang Jiao of Taiping Road gave a cry, which caused great changes in the world and opened up a bright and wonderful troubled era.

Xu Xin's cry today is to end the current troubled times.

His mind became crystal clear as he walked, and everything in the world became clear, including every little raindrop that landed on his body. A trace of yellow air emanated from his body, filling the world and causing more changes. .

The history of the world is strange and wonderful. The weather, luck, etc. are like a big pie. In terms of the entire history, if there is too much in one era, it will become dull in another era. The situation is subtle and difficult to describe.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, hundreds of schools of thought arose, and Lao Zhuang, Confucius and Mencius shined brightly. The Qin and Han Dynasties in the future could only repeat or interpret them, but they could not surpass their predecessors.

Before the chaos of the Great Sui Dynasty, there were more than two hundred years of chaos in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The Legends of the Borderlands of that era created a group of strong men who were broken and ascended. According to Xu Xin's knowledge, in the following decades of Wu Zhou Dynasty to Tang Dynasty, It also has a wonderful history.

In both eras, celestial beings and even broken beings were born, but the Great Sui Dynasty was mixed in the middle. It seemed that it had been deprived of luck and glory. Although it was considered wonderful, it was not as celestial beings. Man and broken gods and demons are stirring up troubles in this era.

Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian may be regarded as a person from the Sui era, but he is over two hundred years old, and he is still missing.

In this era, he and Kou Zhong are the ones most likely to stir up trouble.

Originally, they lacked the knowledge of the correct path and wasted too much in the process of growing up.

And when Xu Xin, who understands enough, walks on the right and stable road, the changes he brings are earth-shattering, enough to change history and allow the world to see the infinite power of heaven and man again.


Thunder rumbled and thunder shook the world, but countless pairs of eyes focused on the figure beside the Tianjin Bridge. At this moment, Xu Xin transformed into a luminous sun, and immeasurable yellow light emanated from him, and he It is indeed a way to relax.

Waves of fiery true energy hit the four directions like ocean waves, impacting everything in the world without a break. Countless people in the four directions felt its terror. Although under Xu Xin's control, it only affected the world and did not hurt anyone, this Power strikes fear into their hearts.

True Sun Fire? Is this the legendary True Fire of the Sun? Could it be that Young Master Xu has really become Huang Tian Wuji?

Among the men and horses of the Dugu Clan, beside You Chuhong and Dugu Feng, Wei Shanjun stared at Xu Xin's position, stretched out his hand to feel the traces of yellow light and yellow gas spreading between the sky and the earth. He was extremely shocked in his heart.

The True Fire of the Sun, the Wuji of Huangtian, this is a power that can only be mastered by those who have cultivated the ninth level of Huangtian Dafa and have a very deep understanding.

Of course, it is also possible that Xu Xin only reached the Zhiyang and practiced the True Sun Fire, but did not go beyond the extreme to reach the Zhiyang Wuji.

But whether it is the ultimate sun or the ultimate sun, it is the way of heaven and man, and cannot be resisted by mortals. The power of the sun's true fire, even if the great master is invaded by it, he cannot resist it and will die. of.

The moment Xu Xin's figure moved to the Tianjin Bridge, the whole world seemed to be affected by him. Xu Xin was no longer Xu Xin, but the heaven and earth itself. His power seemed to be endless. This is the ultimate of Huang Tian Dafa. realm.

Xu Xin raised his palm, as if to take away the Heshi Bi. His palm expanded under the gaze of countless people, and a palm containing rich yellow light covered the sky and the earth.

When Xu Xin's palm came close to the Xuanbing Tianzhu, Huangtian Dafa changed from nothingness to reality. For a moment, within a radius of a hundred feet, there was full of fire-like smoke and true energy light, the actual sun's true fire.

Huang Tian... Wuji... Endless...

When Xu Xin's San Gong reached the limit, he finally realized what Huang Tian Wuji was. He raised his hands high and spread them out, and his clothes that were originally fluttering in the wind became still. However, he seemed to be the center of a storm, destroying Tianjin. Qiao, Luoshui, Tianjie... and even the entire city of Luoyang were completely enveloped by the power of the storm he caused.

The sky and the earth stood still for a moment, and then strong winds began to blow around the intersection of Tianjie and Luoshui. The wind and rain formed yellow vortices one after another with their strength, short and powerful, and the wind became stronger and stronger, causing changes in the world. More and more terrible.

For a time, the sky was full of wind, rain, lightning and thunder, all twisting and turning under Xu Xin's guidance, forming a terrifying whirlpool, dancing wildly.

Everyone who saw this scene near Luoyang Tianjie felt that the outline of the scenery in front of them became blurred, and the ground they stepped on seemed to become unstable like a quagmire and floating sand. This feeling cannot be experienced personally. I can't believe it.

Is there such martial arts in the world?

The heavenly magic field of the Yingui Sect distorts the space, and it is only a few feet around the body. No matter how far it is, it cannot affect it. However, the power Xu Xin showed at this moment, the power of the wind and rain caused by it, is unparalleled, seemingly never exhausted, and endless. , it’s really shocking.

Compared to Xu Xinlai, Hanwan and Zhu Yuyan's Heavenly Demon Skills are just children's toys.

Xu Xin's current performance has completely exceeded the human limit of any martial arts master. This reminds countless people of the holy monk Fa Hai who suppressed Jing Nian Zen Monastery that day.

Equally unfathomable, like a god or a demon.

These two people should be in the same realm, right?

Human gods and demons that surpass the Grand Master?

What kind of realm is this?

Except for those who know the inside story, such as Kou Zhong and Ba Fenghan, it is really difficult for others to imagine that Xu Ziling, Fa Hai and Yue Shan are the same person. They are clearly three different martial arts styles, and there are even existences in the nature of Zhen Qi. A completely conflicting situation.

The wind and rain are swaying, thunder is roaring, and among the shocking visions, the Xuanbing Tianzhu is also changing. Around the frozen He's Bi, water and light are gradually flowing, and more terrifying visions are emerging.

Xu Xin's power reached its peak at this moment. His god was integrating into the universe, his qi was emitting and affecting the universe, and his jing became the core of the changes in the universe.

Huang Tian Wuji is endless, completely beyond the scope of human power and martial arts, and integrated with the heaven and earth. The reason why Huangtian Dafa can be infinite is that it extracts the energy of Yang in the heaven and earth and seizes the essence of heaven and earth's creation. It is theoretically infinite.

Under his full control, this infinity is being realized, the solar sun all over the sky is gathered, and another kind of energy between heaven and earth is becoming clear.

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