The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 372: Concubine Shu’s involuntary and impulsive behavior

Hot water and towels, can you reach the wound yourself?

When Xu Xin's voice came, Murong Shu, who was thinking a lot in the room, turned her head. After hearing what he said, she subconsciously lowered her head to look at her wound, and after a moment, she lowered her head in shame.

sorry to bother you!

Murong Shu said this. After receiving the answer, Xu Xin walked over, soaked the white and clean cloth with warm hot water, wrung it out slightly, and then carefully wiped Murong Shu's wound.

This wound was very excessive. It was just under the ribs, a place that was not easy to reach with human hands, and it was also very close to the plump and plump place. Xu Xin, who took care of the wound carefully, was naturally affected.

Naturally, he couldn't help but touch it when he wiped away the blood. When his fingers touched it, it felt as soft as warm jade and surprisingly elastic. It was really infuriating!

After Xu Xin wiped the area around Murong Shu's wound clean, he took out the good wound medicine from his arms and applied it on it. Perhaps because he moved a little too much, Murong Shu's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled up, and cold sweat dripped down her forehead.

Xu Xin did not hesitate. After applying the medicine, he covered the wound with a warm and soft cloth. When he finished all this, Murong Shu also let out a long breath.

Thank you!

Murong Shu's body relaxed immediately. When she thanked him in a low voice, she glanced at Xu Xin and quickly looked away, a look of shame flashed across her pretty face.

Xu Xin had just treated her wounds. Although he had to act according to urgency, he did... show her innocent body. The two of them were so close to each other at this time, so she couldn't hide her shame, but the emotion disappeared in a flash, and her face turned gloomy again.

Are we going to find Xian'er later?

Xu Xin asked Murong Shu about her next plan.

Xian'er is safe for the time being, but it's my difficulty in moving. Let's find a safe place to rest tonight!

Murong Shu glanced at Xu Xin and said, since Murong Xian is no longer in Mingyue Temple, it is safe. On the contrary, she herself needs to recuperate now, and at the same time, she also needs to delay the arrival of her master, Nanhai Shenni, because she still has doubts about Xu Xin.

Xu Xin's appearance was too sudden, and his background and strength were both a mystery. The Murong family was now in a state of turmoil, and the whole burden fell on Murong Shu. She didn't dare to trust anyone completely now.

In addition, although she was very grateful to Xu Xin for saving her, she still felt a little bit concerned about the relationship between Xu Xin and Murong Xian... She had witnessed them kissing, and if they were to meet again, she would not have seen it. Stay, maybe my sister's innocence will be compromised.

There seems to be a bed in a room next to the yard here. Let's go there!

Xu Xin glanced outside and was about to leave the room as he spoke. Murong Shu was also about to get up and follow, but she didn't want her injured hand to be numb and weak, unable to stand up, so she had to ask Xu Xin for help.

Um, can you give me a hand?

When Xu Xin heard what Murong Shu said, he walked over and reached out to grab her palm. When the two hands touched together, Murong Shu immediately felt like an electric shock, and her heart trembled slightly.

It's easy to cause injuries, so I'd better hold him up!

Xu Xin reached out and hugged Murong Shu in his arms, still using the posture of a princess.

A trace of shame flashed across Murong Shu's face, and she felt a strange emotion beating in her heart.

Although Xu Xin had hugged her before when he escaped from Dongchang, he didn't hug her like this at that time, and she was in danger at that time, so she didn't have random thoughts. But now the situation is different.

It's not good. It seems like someone is surrounding us. Have they discovered us?

Xu Xin led Murong Shu out of the small courtyard, and suddenly heard the sound of dense footsteps and the barking of dogs. The sounds were getting closer and closer. The two of them were close to each other, and they could hear each other's heartbeats getting faster.

It could be those dogs!

Xu Xin said this, then picked up Murong Shu and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

found it!


There's blood here!

They're gone!

Hurry up!

Woof woof woof...

Amidst the bursts of people barking and dogs barking, the small courtyard where Xu Xin and Murong Shu had previously been hiding was violently kicked open, and everything in the room was searched out. The noisy movement disturbed the residents who had already gone to bed, but after seeing the factory guard clearly They all hurriedly closed the door tightly when they were riding in the Feiyu suit.

Feiyu Suit and Xiuchundao. Anyone who has these two in the capital, apart from the factory guards and the Jin Yiwei, are both untouchable by ordinary people.

The noisy movement lasted for a long time, and after a while, the sound of people barking and barking gradually faded away. And in the hidden shadow of another room separated by a wall, two figures were close together.

In the end, Xu Xin couldn't hold back, and lowered his head as if unintentionally. The corners of his lips touched Empress Shu's pink cheeks, and her hot breath spread on her jade face.

Murong Shu suddenly closed her eyes and raised her head, as if waiting for something.

Xu Xin was just stunned for a moment, and responded eagerly. The atmosphere between the two of them in the dark room gradually became ambiguous.


Murong Shu let out a soft groan in her throat, and her fair and delicate ears felt hot. The heat from her body quickly spread to her small face. She didn't need to look in the mirror to know that her face must be flushed at this moment. .

Murong Shu's exquisite breasts rose and fell sharply, as if they were all for you to taste.

Xu Xin held him in his arms with both hands, as if he wanted to rub all of his body into his own.

Murong Shu first felt a little uncomfortable and struggled slightly, but her lips and teeth were connected, and a feeling like an electric shock came over her. Her whole body was soft and soft, and she felt that she could not use any strength to pull her teeth open easily. Xiangjin is crossing in secret, it’s such a lingering experience.

The entangled two people gradually crossed the line. Xu Xin had evil intentions early on, while Murong Shu was purely impulsive. But after what happened, naturally she couldn't stop it anymore.

The innate aura of Xu Xin's body is very attractive to women, especially women who have already been out of the court and have had good relationships with men. They are even more likely to be seduced by him. This was the case with Jin Xiangyu in the past.

Now Murong Shu is at a vulnerable moment, and she longs for a man's support in her heart. At this time, she naturally... A little bit of moonlight comes in through the cracks in the window, and Concubine Shu's little clothes are opened again. It's the guy who understands people's clothes who did it. , and he went even further this time.

In less than a moment, Concubine Shu had half undressed, revealing her fragrant white shoulders that were as white as jade and as smooth as satin.

love me……

Murong Shu opened her beautiful eyes, her eyes were soft and blurry, her pretty face felt hot, and blush stained her cheeks. She looked at Xu Xin longingly, smelling the breath coming from him, the feeling deep in her heart. Impulsively, he actually said such words of begging for pleasure.

Xu Xin was naturally not polite, and immediately... made Yue'er close her eyes in shame.

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