The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 371 The invitation moon comes again, Xu Xin’s true purpose

In a remote house in the capital, Murong Shu's injuries improved. Although her face was still a little pale, her tightly frowning eyebrows had relaxed slightly.

Xu Xin treated her wounds carefully, and suddenly his ears twitched. He glanced at a certain location outside calmly and said, You take a rest first, I'll go find some hot water!


Xu Xin turned around as he spoke. Before he went out, Murong Shu's soft voice came. He was weak, out of breath, and in need of care.

Xu Xin walked out of the house and flew up. After just a few ups and downs, he arrived somewhere a little further away. A white shadow floated from the corner of the wall under the moonlight at some point, arriving silently in the moonlight. Like the flying fairy in the middle of the moon, the Guanghan Fairy comes to the world.

Yao Yue, but what happened at home?

Xu Xin walked over and wanted to get close, but was avoided by this stunning beauty with a cold temperament.

What can happen to your prince's family? Even if something happens, what does it have to do with me?

You already have a wife at home, and you took my sister as your concubine. Isn't it good for her to Lianxing?

As she spoke, Yao Yue looked at the house where Xu Xin came out and said coldly: I have told her a long time ago that all men in the world are the same. They are unlucky and hate the old...

You're jealous!

I don't!

With a smile on his face, Xu Xin walked over and put his hand on Yao Yue's shoulder. This time, Yao Yue couldn't avoid it, and her shoulder didn't move away at all.

you listen to me!

I won't listen. You men are used to finding all kinds of reasons and excuses...

Yao Yue turned away, but Xu Xin smiled secretly in his heart. Yao Yue's body softened when he touched her, and he said that he was not jealous, but her mouth was still hard.

The originally aloof Grand Palace Master, after being captured by Xu Xin, slowly stepped down from the altar and became more human. From a ball of fire, a piece of ice... gradually turned into a person, a normal woman.

Yao Yue, I admit that I am a playboy. I have always been greedy. You know that...

Xu Xin hugged Yao Yue from behind. As she deliberately misbehaved, Yao Yue's body became softer and her mouth became less hard.

We sisters are all following you, isn't that enough!

Yaoyue's body twisted, not wanting to be held by him like this. It's a pity that she lost to Xu Xin again last time, and her body was taken away by him. The true energy and other conditions in her body were clearly studied. Xu Xin had too many methods to use against her.

Xu Xin whispered in her ear: But you also know about my... aspect. Even if you and Lian Xing are sisters, don't you still...

Yao Yue couldn't help but recall the absurdity of the night before Xu Xin left. She was really crazy at that time, and she actually accompanied Lian Xing and let him do whatever he wanted.

Xu Xin spent a lot of effort to coax Yaoyue. Of course, he also tasted some sweetness, and he couldn't just waste it on himself.

You have fallen in love with the two daughters of the Murong family. That's right. They are also sisters and they are pretty good-looking. But after all, Murong Shu is already married and is still the emperor's woman. You'd better be careful!

Yao Yue's body was not only soft now, but her mouth was also soft. Her words were no longer cold, but she was thinking about Xu.

I do have some thoughts and considerations about the Murong family, but this is not the reason why I took action personally. My real goal is, Liu Xi!

Xu Xin tells Yao Yue his true goal. Yao Yue and Lian Xing are highly skilled in martial arts. Many things will be easier to accomplish with their help.

Liu Xi? His skill is not bad, but his zhenqi is so mixed that he can only deal with ordinary masters!

Yaoyue said curiously: His power-absorbing technique can't even deal with my wedding robe magic technique, let alone your opponent!

If I wanted to kill him, I could have done it long ago, but he is still useful to me!

Xu Xin hugged Yaoyue, and they could feel each other's heartbeat. He said again: It's a joke that Liu Xi wants to practice the air-absorbing skill on the day when the seven stars are connected. But he does have the ability to continue to get stronger. Maybe, and I also want this dead eunuch to become stronger!

You want to take away his martial arts skills after he becomes stronger?

Yao Yue's guess is well-founded. Xu Xin's transferring flowers and wood skills can also absorb people's martial arts. Even the eighth level of the wedding magic skill that Yao Yue used before can't resist Liu Xi's mottled and mixed absorption skills. Dafa is even less likely to be Xu Xin's opponent.

Roughly the same!

Xu Xin nodded, To be more precise, I experimented with a martial art on him. I need constant stimulation to promote the transformation of that seed, so I got involved in this matter.

Of course, he still had some things he didn't say in detail. When it came to the self-created martial art of the Jade Demon Technique, although it was fine in theory, it was his first time to practice it. I can't even believe that the idea I deduced before is correct.

After all, this kind of technique that uses the human body as a cauldron is too weird and dangerous. Some theoretical deductions are fine, but in actual practice and perfection, you may encounter a lot of troubles.

For example, The Dao Heart Demon Seed Technique was deduced and perfected by countless people from the Evil Emperor Sect of another world, and then it gradually formed a relatively complete set of techniques. Finally, the Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian truly introduced it. Practice it until it's done, perfect it completely.

Xu Xin is now in the stage of creating the secret technique, so he pays special attention to Liu Xi, the number one puppet, and provides stimulation from time to time, which can promote the nourishment and evolution of the origin of the demon seed in his body to seize the furnace.

On the day when the Tripod Seed finally came out, Xu Xin harvested the Magic Seed and integrated all the data to completely improve the deficiencies.

How can I help you.

Yao Yue no longer had a hard mouth, and even softened her heart. She actually offered to help Xu Xin. This was a rare moment of tenderness for the Grand Palace Master!

You and Lianxing, just help me keep an eye on my home. There may be some chaos in the capital these days, so please help me keep an eye on it...

Xu Xin told Yao Yue some things.

Now that the emperor is in poor health, it is foreseeable that the situation in the court will be turbulent, and he is concerned about many things, but after all, there is only one person and he has no ability to divide himself. In addition, the Wang family also has a lot of things to deal with.

Xu Xin's current life was different from his previous two lives. He regained consciousness after birth and had the opportunity to retain his innate energy and explore the supreme mysteries. This was a cause and effect.

In addition, growing up in the Wang family since childhood, the grace of procreation and other earthly causes and effects cannot be cut off. Unless he can ruthlessly destroy the entire Wang family, he must take this factor into consideration in his actions to avoid harming his family.

All I can say is, there are gains and losses!

There is nothing to worry about in the beginning of the orphanage. You don't have to worry about the cause and effect of the past, and there is no scruple about the form. There are rebellions to seize the throne, chaos in the palace, etc. You can be happy as you like.

Of course, you can be happy and bold in this life, but you have to hide your identity to avoid being exposed, and you have to pay attention to the Wang family.

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