The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 286 Damn Khitans, despicable Central Plains people

Between the white mountains and the black waters, the ultimate battle between Xu Xin and the sweeping monk is in full swing.

You are going against the world, devouring the earth's veins, and you will not be tolerated by the world...

The sweeping monk looked at the black light that seemed to be swallowing up everything. There was a heavy color in his voice. Xu Xin's actions were too crazy and seemed to destroy the earth between the white mountains and black waters.

Can you stop me now!

Xu Xin's voice spread out, and the power-absorbing method merged with the Beiming Divine Art, turning into a black hole that swallowed black light. Xu Xin was indeed trying to swallow the earth veins, and the white mountains and black waters trembled.

He was not sure whether the next world would be like this one, with opportunities to explore earth veins, dragon veins, spiritual energy and other things. If I don’t take advantage of this moment to try it once, I don’t know how long it will take to find this kind of opportunity next time.

He has basically determined that the two dragon-shaped energy between the white mountains and the black water may be the legendary dragon veins. It is said that they have all kinds of magical and incredible powers and contain excellent spiritual energy. Naturally, Xu Xin cannot let go.

Don't be so presumptuous!

The sweeping monk seemed to be irritated by Xu Xin. He suddenly turned around and looked back, pushing his palms upward. A huge golden fireball that couldn't stop spinning soared into the sky, suddenly disintegrated on its own, and broke into thirty-six glazed Buddhist lanterns, flying towards Xu Xin at the same time.

The changing moves of the Tathagata's palm Golden-domed Buddha Lamp, its flight trajectory coincides with the mysterious principles of heaven and earth, it seems simple but complex, and contains infinite changes.

The black light released by Xu Xin sensed the crisis and reacted immediately. Large black clouds filled the sky, but the moment it touched the Buddha lamp, there was a continuous sizzling sound.

The thirty-six glazed Buddha lamps were all intact. Not only did the offensive not collapse, but it suddenly changed due to external forces.

The glazed Buddha lanterns encircled and attacked from all directions, from top to bottom, left and right, and the direction and angle of their attack were so unpredictable that it was impossible to predict.

Xu Xin's previous tricks didn't work, but he was still able to maintain a calm posture, calmly inspect the incoming Buddha lanterns, and take advantage of them as he saw them.

The sharp rays of light were erratic, destroying the glazed Buddhist lanterns one by one. In an instant, a series of violent explosions were heard, like thunder exploding, resounding throughout the sky.

Xu Xin used thirty-six moves in a row to blow up all the Buddha lamps. However, the golden Buddha fire did not dissipate and gathered in the void again, carving out a huge flaming golden lotus.

Thirty-six glazed Buddha lamps are only the prelude to the move. The sweeping monk's zhenqi body flew into the air, like a living golden Buddha. His palms merged, he leaned forward and struck out with supreme palm power. At the end of his palm, there was a ball of golden light Buddha that was constantly churning. fire.

The golden light of the Buddha's fire is so dazzling that it makes the eyes blind, just like the scorching sun falling into the dust, with enough power to burn the sky and boil the sea. But what is more intense than the Buddha's fire is the strong murderous aura in the palm that is enough to kill the heavens and destroy the gods.

Buddha's Dharma is boundless, and it's safe to turn around! Donor, please give up your delusions...

The huge golden Buddha is chanting the Buddha's voice, and the Tathagata's divine palm continues to press down. It was as heavy as Mount Xumi, pressing down so hard that Xu Xin's figure fell to the ground. Xu Xin felt that his bones all over his body were shaking, and he was about to be overwhelmed at any moment and be crushed to pieces.

The sweeping monk who became a Buddha is truly terrifying. Although he himself is no longer in this world, the relics left behind and filled with true energy are almost making Xu Xin unable to resist. It is conceivable that he ascends and leaves. True body is so terrifying.


A large amount of golden Buddha fire covered the earth, and Xu Xin felt a lot of distracting thoughts in his heart. Could it be the legendary Red Lotus Karmic Fire?

The power of the broken thirty-six glazed Buddha lamps flowed freely on the ground, forming a flaming golden lotus. Echoing the palm power of the golden Buddha, the lotus petals expanded, and Xu Xin was completely enveloped in it.

The full power of the Golden-domed Buddha Lamp has only officially exploded at this point. The golden Buddha fire burned brightly, forming a huge lotus Buddha lamp. Its light cuts through the wind and clouds, reaching straight into the sky, making the dark night seem like daylight.

After a long time, the golden light slowly dissipated, and the Buddha's fire finally stopped burning.

A glazed Buddha lamp appears on the ground. Although its shape is not luxurious, it is ingenious.

Using the blazing flames of the Golden-domed Buddha Lamp to melt the earth and rocks into colored glaze is just an ordinary thing and cannot be mentioned at all.

However, the golden Buddha's fire melted the stone into a lamp and completely removed all the impurities contained in the earth and stone. This huge Buddhist lantern is crystal clear, as if it were sculptured from crystal glass, and its entire body is gleaming.


Within the glazed Buddha lamp, a muffled cough suddenly came out, and a figure rushed out from inside. It was Xu Xin who had survived the sweeper's move. At this moment, his whole body was red and his body was extremely hot.

The palm of Tathagata is indeed terrifying!

Xu Xin's voice echoed across heaven and earth, but no one responded to him.

He reluctantly got up from the ground, and when he looked up, he could see that there was a swastika character surrounded by lotus engraved between his eyebrows, which seemed to have infinite Buddha's light.

After all, the sweeping monk failed to kill Xu Xin. I don’t know whether he couldn’t kill Xu Xin or deliberately didn’t kill him. Even Xu Xin himself couldn’t tell this.

In the end, all the power left by the sweeping monk was swallowed into his body by his suction method. However, at the last moment, the Golden Buddha passed on the true meaning of Tathagata Divine Palm to Xu Xin, giving him the ability to practice. The basis of martial arts.

The Tathagata's divine palm is vast and profound, but isn't the entanglement between me and Buddhism a little too deep? Can you help me become a Buddha?

Xu Xin couldn't understand the meaning of the sweeping monk's last move, but he intuitively felt that there was something wrong with it, and since he was now invincible, he hadn't even practiced Yi Jin Jing to the end, and he hadn't reached the limit of absorbing power yet, so why bother? How about learning the Tathagata Divine Palm?

Forget it, we'll talk about these things later, let's get rid of the remaining tail first!

Xu Xin shook his head and put aside his distracting thoughts. His movement shook the earth. The two energies, one black and one white, were finally extracted by him and were forcibly contained within his body.

After Xu Xin finished these things, he walked towards the direction of Yanjing City.

Big victory! Big victory! Kill...

Damn Khitans, despicable Central Plains people...

Outside Yanjing City, when they arrived here, they saw the poorly equipped Jurchens being strangled by the remnants of the Liao and Song armies. At this time, Yanjing City had also changed hands.

Xu Xin learned what happened from some conversations on the battlefield.

The walls of Yanjing City were shattered and could not be defended. The Jurchen and Song armies attacked the city in two directions. The Jurchens killed wantonly throughout the city, making both Song and Liao very dissatisfied.

What the Song Dynasty wanted was a intact and usable Yanjing, not a ruin washed by blood.

For the Liao Kingdom, the Song Dynasty was the opponent, and the Jurchens were the dogs who bit back. Obviously the latter was more hateful.

Seeing that Yanjing City could no longer be defended, the Lord of the Liao Dynasty, Yelu Hongji, chose to negotiate peace with the Song Dynasty and invited the Song Dynasty to strangle the Jurchens at the expense of Yanjing City.

The Song Dynasty already had problems with the Jurchens, and stabbing friendly troops in the back was so common among the Song army that the two sides hit it off immediately. But Xu Xin didn't think it was a big deal. After all, the Jurchens had never formally formed an alliance with the Song army.

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