The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 285 The sweeping monk reappears, the final showdown between Tathagata’s divine palm and the

White mountains, black waters, black dragons, white dragons, it's really an interesting thing!

On the Tongtian Tower in Yanjing City, Xu Xin watched everything with cold eyes. He did not have much expectations for the upcoming battle. He was more concerned about the White Buddha Relics still in his hands. He had a hunch that the sweeping monk was also paying attention to this battle. .


Murong Fu shouted angrily, and the black dragon's true energy shot out violently, causing the earth to tremble uncontrollably. The true energy shone in the sky, and the movement was breathtaking.

Qiao Feng and Duan Yu rushed towards Murong Fu together, and the three of them immediately fought together.

The stars have changed!

With the support of the black-level pagoda, Murong Fu re-trained the brand new Dou Zhuan Xing Shift. Bai Long's domineering Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and Duan Yu's Six Meridians Divine Sword were instantly transferred and attacked Duan Yu and Qiao Feng respectively, almost defeating them. They were wounded by their respective stunts.

The dragons are dancing wildly!

Qiao Feng had recently been blessed by the power of White Buddha, and he recovered very quickly. At that moment, he attacked Murong Fu again, using the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. In an instant, countless white dragon shadows appeared in the sky, attacking from all directions at the same time. Murong Fu.

It's useless, you all must die!

Murong Fu did not dodge or evade, but used clumsiness to overcome skill. He gathered the infinite Black Pagoda's true energy and blasted everything in front of him with one punch.

Just as Qiao Feng was about to be hit by Murong Fu's Black Buddha Palm, Duan Yu's figure appeared behind him and fired the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

Join the sword and point to the universe of five hells!

Murong Fu still hated Duan Yu even more. When he saw him attacking, he turned around decisively, raised his five fingers and used the Shenhezhi sword energy at the same time. The five jet-black sword energy instantly broke through the Six Meridians Divine Sword, and at the same time, it also left five lines on Duan Yu's body. There was a bloody hole, and the blood instantly dyed Duan Yu's clothes red.


Duan Yu spurted blood from his mouth, but he took advantage of the moment when he was close to Murong Fu, grabbed his hand decisively, and immediately activated the Beiming Magic.

Brother, hurry up!

Duan Yu used all his strength to activate the Beiming Divine Technique to absorb Murong Fu's power. He suddenly felt the river pouring in, his meridians were swollen and painful, and his whole body seemed to be bursting. However, he endured the pain and reminded Qiao Feng not to miss the opportunity.

I'll let you suck it all!

Murong Fu felt that the true energy in his body was rushing towards Duan Yu like a wild horse, but he did not concentrate on controlling it. Instead, he only added fuel to the flames and rushed more of the true energy towards Duan Yu.

He had tried to assassinate the sweeping monk before, and he knew better than anyone else that using the Beiming Divine Function to deal with Black Buddha's Qi was seeking death.


A large amount of Black Buddha Qi entered his body, and Duan Yu felt as if his body had been washed away by a river, or burned by fire. He was in immense pain, and a large amount of blood gushed out of his mouth.

Murong Fu, you deserve to be punished by heaven...dragon...

Qiao Feng took the opportunity to take action and hit Murong Fu on the back of the head with his Dragon Subduing Palm. In an instant, a halo of black light collided and erupted.


The terrible explosion destroyed a section of Yanjing City's wall. When the smoke dispersed, the three people who had just fought had disappeared. But no one noticed that a figure on Tongtian Tower had also disappeared.

Outside Yanjing City, near the White Mountain and Black Water, several figures fell to the ground one after another.

Qiao Feng, Murong Fu and Duan Yu.

And, finally, Xu Xin.

Hahahaha, Qiao Feng, Duan Yu, you guys fought with me to the death, but we let Xu Qingfeng, the strongest one, get the advantage. It's really ridiculous!

When Murong Fu saw Xu Xin, he finally understood why he had been feeling uneasy. It turned out that this enemy had arrived long ago and might have been watching the deadly fight between the three of them. Maybe in front of this person, they are all jokes!

Weren't you always a joke!

Murong Fu's anger surged as soon as Xu Xin opened his mouth. He was seriously injured and when he got angry, blood spurted out of his mouth.

Jintai, it's time for you to come out by now!

Xu Xin did not look at Murong Fu at all, but suddenly said something that the three of them could not understand, and then saw him throw out the white pagoda relic of the sweeping monk.


White light and black energy surged out from the bodies of Qiao Feng, Murong Fu and Duan Yu. They had obtained the power of the sweeping monks White Buddha and Black Buddha respectively, and now they all rushed towards the relic.

Immediately afterwards, a figure seemed to appear between heaven and earth. The remaining thoughts of the sweeping monk in the relic were finally brought out by Xu Xin. Different from the remaining thoughts encountered in Shaoshi Mountain last time, this time the thoughts were quite complete, and Qiao The true energy blessings on Feng, Murong Fu and others can only bring out 10% of their pre-birth combat power.

If the donor takes this relic, I will have disappeared.

The illusory sweeping monk is completely composed of the black and white pagoda energy, but it is extremely condensed and looks like a real person. Behind him, there is the Buddha's Dharma and infinite Buddha's light.

The battle between the sweeping monk and Xu Xin, or in other words, the final battle, is about to break out.

This scene was absolutely invisible to outsiders. Even Qiao Feng and the other three were stunned the moment the sweeping monk appeared.

In the eyes of others, they saw Xu Xin sitting cross-legged on the ground in the endless black and white light, endless black energy emanating from his body, and in front of him was a relic that emitted endless white light. Qiao Feng and Duan Yu He and Murong Fu were unconscious beside him.

Namo Amitabha!

The sound of the sweeping monk's golden platform resounded between heaven and earth. In an instant, immeasurable Buddha light burst out, and the sea of ​​energy surged. The vast Buddha power condenses into the shape of golden light with the character 卍.

The first form of the Tathagata's palm is Buddha's light appears for the first time. The power of Buddha's light is immense and boundless. Compassion is vast, and it eliminates disasters and overcomes disasters.

On the other side, Xu Xin's body surged with immeasurable true energy. The black-level pagoda and the yin-yang gang energy were integrated. His strength was already above that of the black-level pagoda, and he could compete head-on with the power left by the sweeping monk.

The brilliant golden light then lit up and quickly expanded in all directions. In that light, there are countless Buddhist swastika golden symbols shining and bursting out.

The infinite blazing golden light flickers and shines, and its momentum is intimidating. The infuriating figure of the sweeping monk stands upright, with his palms clasped together. In an instant, a strong wind suddenly rose, and thousands of Buddhist swastika gold talismans were pulled by it, automatically gathering between his palms like a hundred birds returning to their nests.

The golden talisman and the fire light blended with each other, forming a huge golden fireball that enveloped the sweeping monk. Its light is more like the scorching sun falling down, making the deep night shine as bright as day. Such a spectacle has never been heard of or seen before.

But I saw the sweeping monk flipping his palms, and the golden Buddha fire slowly rotated. Although the light is bright but not intense, even ordinary people who do not understand martial arts can look directly at it without suffering any damage.

The sweeping monk finally used the other moves of the Tathagata Palm. This move Golden Dome Buddha Lamp was only the first one to appear, but the infinite power it unleashed shocked Xu Xinxin, and he felt that it was indeed the highest skill of Buddhism.

Although he didn't know how the Tathagata Palm that should be in other comic worlds appeared in this world, but thinking about the sweeping monk who has become a Buddha, what else is impossible!

Xu Xin naturally chose to accept the challenge and used all kinds of methods. The last one he used was naturally the power-absorbing method. A black hole circulated in the void, as if he wanted to absorb everything in this world.

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