
read2();   Taixuan Land North Sea, countless people and ships fled from the center of the sea to the southern land, but there is a boat, bucking the trend, sailing to the center of the North Sea, it is particularly abrupt.

The ship is snow-white, as if directly carved from a large block of ice, exuding an astonishing cold air, and a vague snow image is erected on the bow of the ship. This snow image is as tall as a person, although there is no specific face. But there is a soul-sucking blue eye on the center of the eyebrow, exuding a long light.

This ship may not be eye-catching in the land of Supreme Profound, but the statue of Xuemei on the bow of the ship must be recognized by every monk in the land of Supreme Profound, because he represents the Kingdom of Xuemei, and is the most bloodline in the country. Only the pure royal family are qualified to erect.

   A small snow statue, but it contains the boundless majesty, dignity, and power!

When this ship erected the Snow Charm statue, all the monks who fled from the front subconsciously avoided to the sides, thus forming a very strange vacuum zone on the entire North Sea. Although the ships that follow their paths are noble, there are very few people on the deck, with only two standing.

One of them is the eldest princess in the mouth of the white robe silhouette. Wearing a white robe that fluctuates up and down like a stream of light, the whole body is exceptionally tall. Then he lifted his smooth chin and stared at the three rounds of the northern sky like a scorching sun. In the three-wheeled palm border birth and death realm country, the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and his voice was faint:

   "I can't think of the combined power of the three great masters, but I still ate in the center of the North Sea. This is really a rare thing, interesting, and really interesting."

  The particularly soft voice of the woman in white fell, and the figure in the white robe next to her settled for a few breaths before responding:

"It seems that everyone underestimated the mystery under the North Sea, and hundreds of years ago, the disappearance of the little princess on the fifth statue was not as simple as this, but everything has another side, the more mysterious it is. , The more dangerous it is, the attractiveness will be magnified thousands of times. At that time, all the forces in the Taixuan Land will be attracted here, which is not beneficial to us."

   "No, let the North Sea chaotic, the more chaotic the better."

  'S faint voice continued to come from the mouth of the white-clothed girl, and then she looked at the front where there were still a steady stream of cultivators fleeing, the smile on her face grew thicker, and she continued to speak:

"Don’t you know what virtues our Taixuan land is now? Since the immortal palace collapsed, all the forces in the Taixuan area have been without a leader. Now it is getting more and more fierce. No one will accept it. I guarantee that these big forces came to the North Sea. The first thing is not to discuss how to open the mystery under the North Sea, but to start dividing the cake.

"I think about the division of interests before everything has been done. This kind of thing has happened too many times in the past few years. It's hard to negotiate the outcome of a year or a half, and even a big war will break out. No one can guarantee how long my noble Father of the Xuemei Kingdom will live well, but what is certain is that he will not live for too long."

   After the white-clothed girl with a smiling voice entered the ears of the white-robed figure, the latter nodded, and then some hoarse voice came out:

   "The princess makes sense. In fact, I don't care what is under the North Sea. As long as I survive this period of time, the overall situation can be determined."

After the voice of the white-robed silhouette fell, the two of them did not speak any more. Instead, they raised their heads together, looking at the three rounds of the kingdom of saints like the scorching sun, but they were hidden in the deepest part of their eyes. Deep inquiry and longing.

   In fact, the countless creatures living in the land of Supreme Profound, regardless of their status, even the princess of the Snow Charm Country, or the power of the land fairyland, are in essence like countless Gu worms that are raised together and swallowed each other.

For these countless Gu worms, even if the area of ​​the Great Profound Land is countless times larger than the vast land of Shenzhou, it is a difficult situation with more monks and less porridge. Therefore, it has become the norm to swallow each other and grow oneself, so fortune. For the monks in the Supreme Profound Land, it is as precious as the rain in the desert, and any blessings cannot be let go.

In the land of the profound mystery, monks often put a word on their lips, that is for good luck, the sky above the North Sea, the three land gods and fairyland kingdoms, even if they are blown away, they will not leave for a long time. Is the best portrayal.

The three kingdoms of white, red, and blue are in the air, and at the same time belong to the vast spiritual consciousness of the saints of the land fairyland. Waves of ground penetrate into the North Sea below from the sky, trying to catch anything again after the cracks in the North Sea close. There are some clues, but no matter how these three divine senses are explored, they all feel that the Beihai below is dead and lonely.

   In fact, the North Sea is not dead, but its area is so large that it appears lonely.

   In the deep sea of ​​the North Sea, it is darker and colder than the giant sea in the north of the vast land of Shenzhou, but different from the giant sea, here are living creatures instead of undead creatures like the giant sea.

In the depths of the North Sea, there is a huge sea snake floating in the deep sea. This sea snake is motionless, looking from a distance like a dragon in a deep sleep, but there is no aura from the whole body. , Which means it is a dead thing.

   It has been dead for many years.

But the inside of this dead sea snake has a cave. Not only was it completely hollowed out, it was even used by people to refine a room, kitchen, furniture, etc., and it was already a small dwelling. Ground.

   In the center of this place of residence, there are a large number of black-robed figures sitting cross-legged, looking at each other, and they can see some idle emotions in each other’s eyes, and then one of them speaks with a harsh voice like a snake:

   "The leader is in retreat, can I wait to sneak out and have some fun?"

  As soon as he said this, the faces of the people around him changed wildly, and they stopped saying:

   "Are you going to die? The leader ordered it to be forbidden. I wait for all the North Sea robbers to shrink, and shall not have any conflict with the monks above the North Sea."

   "I just went out for a swim, stretched his lower body, and didn't go above the sea. It's a joke to talk about conflicts with the monks above."

The person who spoke first let out a sneer, and then swam around the scaly tail of the snake. He didn't listen to persuasion, and went straight to the door. But suddenly, a strange knock on the door sounded from outside the door, clearly spreading to the sea snake. In human ears.

At the next breath, all the sounds inside the sea snake disappeared, and the needles became audible in an instant. All the North Sea robbers stood upright, and after breathing and looking at each other, the extremely tyrannical aura was released outwards, swimming towards it and continued to knock The door knocked.

   After the knock on the door, a young and stern voice came from outside again, and it sounded inside the sea snake:

   "Anyone, ask for directions!"

   After the sound fell, all the robbers took a step back in horror, because a thick and dark night was spreading inward along the slit from the door, just like the outstretched minions of the Night Stalker.


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