
read2();   "Your Majesty, the whole Daxia will be busy next, and the people will receive such an unexpected news, it is estimated that there will be some violent waves."

Under the extremely northern boundary city of Henglan Tiandi, Sima Annan sounded softly with a solemn voice. It is true that, as he said, there is a problem that needs to be solved in front of the young emperor at this time. What kind of attitude did the young emperor hold on the matter of telling the truth about the vast land of China to all the people of Xia.

   Is it to hide or to tell the world?

   "If it were directly announced to the world at this time, it is expected to cause a huge panic, which is extremely inappropriate."

After Sima Annan finished speaking, Xu Qing, the less-spoken windrunner, rarely expressed her own opinions since then. Then in front of everyone, Zhao Yu, who turned slowly, waved his emperor's robe forward. At the same time, a majestic voice came out:

   "Daxia takes time, and it takes time for the people to accept this truth. However, each of us is born in a race against time."

After the young emperor’s calm voice fell, the scrolls of mountains and seas behind him across the entire Arctic City slowly disappeared, but the countless runes above the City once again increased a lot, becoming more complex and complex. Zhao Yu's voice continued:

"I use the power of the mountain and sea map to press on this boundary city, which is equivalent to pressing the weight of the entire Shenzhou land, so this city will not be opened in a short time. As for how to tell the people the truth In response to the news, Si Tian Jian first released some wind noises among the people to pave the way, and waited until the end of the war in the endless mountains and northern borders before making plans."


As soon as the person behind Zhao Yu took the order, a person suddenly turned into a phantom from the back of the altar and quickly came with a golden emergency order in his hand. Under the eyes of countless sergeants, several ups and downs approached the city in front. At the same time, loud shouts came from his mouth:

   "Your Majesty, the great victory of Xijiang endless mountains, the great victory of Xijiang endless mountains!"

   When this voice passed under the city, everyone couldn't help showing a smile, even Zhao Yu's frowning brows stretched a lot.

   Then the Sitianjian Teleportation Division directly knelt in front of the young emperor, holding an urgent order with both hands, and a loud voice came out again:

"Your Majesty, the letter from Marshal Xu, Yulongguan Wei Guogong, said that the army and horses of the West Xinjiang have wiped out more than half of the foreign races in the Shenwei Fortress. They are now fully besieged. Only after your Majesty's order, you can directly attack the city, complete the final annihilation operation, and pull it out That deep-rooted nail of the alien race in the endless mountains!"

   "Good, Xu Sheng's speed is faster than I expected."

  Zhao Yu stretched out his hand, picked up the folded paper presented by the messenger, opened it lightly, raised his eyes and scanned, and then continued to lift his lips slightly, a faint divine voice came out again:

   "Through my order, and besiege the city for another day, when I finish handling the affairs of this place, I will bring the Radiant Army Nightmare Division and the Black Dragon Guard to Yulong Pass."

   "The life of the emperor!"

The soldier from the endless mountain nodded heavily, and then saluted Zhao Yu again. He got up and took out the teleporting scroll from his arms and tore it directly. The figure, accompanied by the teleporting beam rising to the sky, went straight into the sky and disappeared. not see.

Then Zhao Yu handed the zhezi in his hand to Sima Annan, looking up at the front, the huge Yinxu city still burned by the phoenix flames. Through the eyes of the young emperor, he seemed to see the flames, Liang Pana The figure sitting blankly.

  A thick color of worry, since Zhao Yu’s eyes flashed away, then he retracted his gaze and said softly:

   "The six departments and three divisions of Daxia, all officials above the grade 4 and above in the entire temple, no matter when it is in Daxia Central Plains at this time, I will see everyone here in half a quarter of an hour."

   Zhao Yu's voice was very light, but everyone around him heard it like a roar of anger.

After crossing the far north boundary city behind Zhao Yu, and then passing through the layers of chaos and obscurity, but enough to destroy everything outside the domain, and the unknown medium that is indescribable, like sea water, it is the land of the great mystery. , The North Sea that is truly roaring.

But at this time, Beihai, the land of the profound mystery, is experiencing unprecedented chaos in countless years. A large number of monks with terrified faces are fleeing to the land at a desperate speed, and some of them are even mixed with the birth and death of some rare palms. Grand Master Realm, this situation caused some monks who were trying to find opportunities but arrived in Beihai late to look at each other, not knowing why.

Then there was a ship that was white as ice. On the big ship coming from the land, a monk wearing a white robe couldn't hold it back. He soared into the air from the big ship, and when he pinched his finger, he directly intercepted one. The person who fled in a hurry, then asked:

   "This fellow Daoist, why has Er et al so bewildered? Could it be that some unexpected changes have occurred in this Beihai?"

The fleeing man was an old man. He wanted to directly jump over the obstacles in front of him and continue to flee, but the white-robed monk who blocked the road in front of him moved slightly again, and the temperature of the latter's body dropped instantly. Freezing point, even the whole blood seems to be frozen.

   Then the old man was helpless, knowing that he had encountered hard stubble, so he had to bite the bullet and salute, and then slowly said:

"My Daoist friend, just now the center of the North Sea, it suddenly split into two. I thought it was the rebirth of the once-sinked Erxian Mountain, and jumped down to look for opportunities, but unexpectedly it was the Phoenix of the 19th Heaven and shuttled directly. Coming from the void, the flames burned all over, and the power was so fierce that they even forced the three nobles back three hundred miles, and the rest of the monks were burned to the limit."

   At this point, the old man’s face became more horrified, and then raised his finger to the center of Beihai behind, and the voice came out again:

"The old man has a good fate, and he escaped with his talents and supernatural powers. At this time, in the center of the North Sea, the sky is still raging, and the wailing of the burned monks is one after another. It is really terrifying. In my humble opinion, the Taoist friends still return quickly. Just go."

After the old man had finished speaking, the tentacles on his forehead shrank, appearing panicked, and then the white robe figure nodded and stepped aside to open the road. After the old man continued to move away quickly, he once again turned into a white light and fell back to the ship. Above.

This person's cultivation base is extremely high, so no matter whether it is lifted up or down, the ship will not shake at all. Then he bows slightly, heads down, and slowly steps into the ship in a very humble posture, very respectful. 'S voice came out:

   "Given the princess, after hearing the words of the elders who fled back, great changes have taken place in the far north, and the fourth master came to the North Sea to find people in person, but he fell short."

  The voice of the white-robed figure fell for a long time, and then a very lazy and sweet response sounded slowly:

   "It's okay if you fail. If you fail, we can save it."

At the same time as the response sounded, an ice crystal-like hand stretched out and opened the curtain, revealing a face as pretty as a snow mountain pearl, and this face, except for the third ice blue eye on the center of his brow, was unexpectedly It is 90% similar to Xiao Yingyue lying in the vast ice crystal coffin of Shenzhou at this time!


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