The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 879: Three statues


read2();  , in the vast Arctic land of China, after Zhao Yu showed his will, everything was completely controlled by a pair of powerful hands and will.

  The black and golden robe was shaken, and the young emperor standing in the air showed his and Daxia's well-deserved supremacy in the vast land of China. All disputes and noises were silenced under the authority of God.

The extreme north land fell into a very strange silence, because Zhao Yu, who was watching Guan Zhengqing, was not as calm as his expression on his face. Guan Zhengqing on the high platform of the Golden Luang Palace was losing the last mark of a person. It is the memory and wisdom that have been holding on to the sea of ​​knowledge and want to keep.

One roar after another, came out from inside Guan Zhengqing’s bone-covered body, and every time a sharp roar resounding through the night sky of the snowy field, Zhao Yu’s brows would be frowned, and at the same time the ubiquitous emperor in the void Wei, a point is equally heavy.

And when the Arctic land fell into weird silence at this time, the North Sea, the Taixuan land that was countless distances away, completely exploded the pot, because it just started, originally split to both sides, and the North Sea was frozen by ice. In the center, under a monstrous force, it shattered all the ice and closed inward.

   "How could this be!"

   A series of cries of surprise came from the monks of the Great Master Realm in the air above the North Sea, and then the monks on the countless ships in the distance also discovered the abnormality of the North Sea ahead, and they opened their mouths and shouted:

   "The two sunken fairy islands have not yet been born, but the North Sea has begun to close. It's not good, it's not good!"

As soon as this statement came out, another wave of figures rose into the sky from above the big ship. These high-ranking monks, who were originally hidden among ordinary monks and prepared to fish in troubled waters, saw that the opportunity was about to slip away from their eyes, and they could no longer hold their breath. Move forward, trying to figure out the situation.

Under the gaze of countless gazes, the sea waters of the North Sea in the Taixuan Land once again roared and rolled in an extremely violent posture, and like two opposing waterfalls, quickly closed, accompanied by a strong and incomparable vibration, the entire vastness and endlessness In the North Sea, countless angry waves surged into the sky, as if the sea and the sky were completely upside down.

   Whether it is splitting or closing, this North Sea looks so earth-shattering.

Under the earth-shaking vision, the rest of the monks swarming from the land of the Supreme Profound Land are shocked, but they stand proudly in the void and are covered by snow over the entire body. In other words, staring at the North Sea crack that is closing below, there is naked anger.

   The grandeur on the front foot was still in front of all the monks, showing the supreme power of moving mountains and ice, but on the back foot, the entire Beihai slapped his face severely.

The words and deeds of the monks in the terrestrial fairyland, and even changes in emotions, can cause the entire surrounding laws to be beaten. Therefore, centered on the Snow Charm and the Blizzard Kingdom behind it, the temperature of the entire North Sea and the sky dropped sharply, and then it continued. Raise his right hand and shoot it down.

The countless feather-like snowflakes in the kingdom of God continued to surging like boiling, and the huge and incomparable shadow once again emerged from within the kingdom of God, protruding out, but this time it was no longer a claw that covered the sky and sun, but occupied it. Half of the sky is the dragon's tail. On the dragon's tail, there are countless one-person white scales arranged in complex and mysterious runes, and the cold light shines.

The next breath, this dragon's tail, with a deafening roar, directly shot on the closing North Sea crack below, and there was another roar that resounded in the ears. At the intersection of the dragon's tail and the sea, countless crystals burst in all directions. Out, a large amount of solid ice surrounding the power of the strong law once again spread over the cracked seawater, gradually freezing it.

Then the entire North Sea shook violently, and as the violently rolling waves swept outward, countless ships in the distance once again undulated violently with the huge waves, and then the Xuemei went to the back of the country, and those who were originally on the back of Daao feasted The leaders of the North Sea forces, Qi Qi leaned forward slightly, and said respectfully:

   "Respect God's might, I am waiting to admire the five-body cast!"

But when the words were finished, they stopped abruptly, because the crackling sound suddenly came out from above the North Sea below, and immediately under everyone’s horrified eyes, the ice only froze the sea. Three breaths, then broken again.

Seeing that the closure of the North Sea cracks below this can no longer be stopped, and once the sea surface is completely closed, it means that the unparalleled opportunity in front of you will directly slip away. Therefore, this deity from the Kingdom of Xuemei, The complexion under the fascinating light was even more gloomy. Finally, he directly raised his head, facing the empty Beihai void in front of him, and opened his mouth:

   "You are still watching the jokes of the deity before you make a move? If this Beihai crack closes again, you will not get any benefits, so don't bother to watch the show!"

   The illegible androgynous voice from the Snow Charm State Zun directly circulated back and forth over the North Sea, resounding across the sky, and then the sky over the North Sea fell directly into silence. Only the raging wind continued to roar.

Maybe everyone is waiting, but in fact, the time left for people to think is not long. Therefore, in the next moment, the lead-grey void above the entire North Sea tore directly outwards, and the two kingdoms instantly descended from nothingness. Red and green, like two rounds of scorching sun hanging high in the sky.

   After the kingdom came, two equally huge palms, with the mighty power of smashing the void, directly stretched out from within the kingdom, covering the sky, and photographed against the closed crack below.

   In the next moment, together with the dragon's tail thrown out of the Blizzard kingdom, a full blow of three types of land fairyland overhauls, solidly bombarded the cracks in the North Sea.

Then the sea water in the center of the North Sea was instantly bombarded into a state of utter emptiness, followed by these three vast laws of force, bombarding the sea gate, and then through countless spatial dimensional changes and transmissions, making At the other end of the Arctic City on the vast land of Shenzhou, there was a crazy shock in an instant, and countless golden lights were shaken out.

"Xuemei Shangguo, Yanjue Shangguo, Qingzhi Shangguo, and the three great kings actually took action together. These scenes, apart from the full-scale battle with Hongmeng and Guangtu, are all countless years. Rare, enough to show that the entire Taixuan Land attaches great importance to the sinking of the Beihai Island!

A series of exclamations sounded from above the North Sea, and then everyone's eyes fixed on the center of the North Sea. The crack in the North Sea that was bombarded by the three land gods and gods to tremble crazily in space is trying to know what is the most gathering in the world. Can the power of the three peaks stop the closed North Sea?

   A monk who went to the North Sea to search for opportunities, instantly mobilized his vitality to the peak, ready to go, following the three supreme kingdoms, directly into the two sunken ancient fairy mountains.

   Then, under the eyes of everyone, the entire void under the North Sea suddenly uttered a sound of extremely dense space fragmentation, just like a machine gear that was running as usual, suddenly getting stuck.

   The closing of the cracks in the North Sea suddenly stopped!

  At the same time, the three kingdoms above the sky fell directly below the surface of the sea, and then the other monks used various methods to follow behind!

   "Come on, for chance!"

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