
read2();   For a life with wit, curiosity is an instinct that is difficult to control. At the same time, the heart of exploration is also one of the core driving forces for constantly climbing to high places.

   Just as the young emperor said in the sky above the Arctic, since this Arctic city was revealed to the world by Guan Zhengqing, then one day, it will be opened, whether by people inside or outside the door.

   Because the instinctive desire of man is to conquer!

   But the world often forgets that in the exploration, climbing and conquering, it is accompanied by naked killing, because only blood and death can cast the supreme glory.

Zhao Yu is the emperor of the Great Xia, is the unique top of the sky in the vast land of China, so he needs to see farther than anyone, think more than anyone, he wants to treat every child walking on the whole country The people are responsible.

Zhao Yu’s imperial prestige and cultivation base at this time covered the vast land of China, comparable to the founding father of Great Xia, so ever since he stood on the void of the Arctic City, this city gate has erected a needle of the sea god. That way, motionless.

The majestic and scorching eyes of the young emperor passed through the darkness and cold, watching Guan Zhengqing, who had completely lost his human form. In his eyes, there was a rare complex color. Zhao Yu has always been clear about right and wrong, but there are many things in this world. It's really difficult to use simple black and white to determine right or wrong. After a few breaths, a faint voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth again:

"Guan Zhengqing, you know me very well, so let the king of Bei'an kill all the last survivors of the entire Ying clan in the extreme north, and at the same time, he did not hesitate to carry on the cause and effect of this infinite killing of heaven and remove the snow in the entire Liuli City. The whole people are wiped out from the extreme north snowfield, so that the north of Daxia will be free of worry. You want me to accept your love!"

As soon as Zhao Yu’s Huanghuang Emperor sounded in the sky, the expressions of all those who heard it changed slightly, because they only believed that everything Guan Zhengqing did was to pry up the city and escape from the vast land of China. As everyone knows, Guan Zhengqing started Then I knew that it was in Zhao Yu's thoughts whether to pry up the gate.

   This is a higher level game, because the most invisible magical power in this world is love.

   Zhao Yu is a human, so he also has seven emotions and six desires.

   "People in the world say that the emperor is benevolent and broad, but your Majesty, after all, you still have no pity for me."

Guan Zhengqing's hoarse voice, like the friction of fine iron, came from the Yinxu city, and it reverberated throughout the void in a blink of an eye. Although this response did not carry any emotion, everyone could feel a sad color from it. Zhao Yu shook his head, opened his lips lightly, and responded:

   "I have always been grudges and grudges in my work, and I never pity anyone, especially you Guan Zhengqing. I don't need anyone to be pitiful."

   Zhao Yuyu finished, raised his right hand, his palm stretched out from the big sleeve of the black and gold silk robe, and gently turned down.

   Clouds and rains!

At the same time, in the middle of Yinxu City, the stone tower suspended in the air within the ice-bound altar instantly began to tremble violently. The dazzling blue and white light burst out instantly, and the pale ancient stone statue continued to expand, and then the whole The ice-covered altar covering the whole body was cracked a little bit.

   "Father, the surrounding ice is cracked, we are saved!"

The girl Pearl suddenly burst into tears, crying and crying, and then the shopkeeper beside her nodded suddenly after hearing the words, and then looked up to the northern sky, the tall and tall emperor's shadow that stood tall and frantically spoke. :

   "Daughter, your majesty, your majesty has come personally, that's Emperor Fuyao, we can go back to Tianmenguan alive, and father's heart is completely relieved."

After    Fang's shopkeeper's voice came out, the men from the Southern Chamber of Commerce also cried with joy, and tears flickered in the tiger's eyes.

   Along with the swelling of the stone tower, the female saint of ice outside the Arctic City opened her mouth and let out a faint muffled hum. The entire ice-covered altar was completely shattered and turned into snow and hail. Then the huge stone tower completely fell to the ground.

   The stone statue tower fell to the ground. In the center of Yinxu City, a blue-white beam of light rose directly into the sky, and countless vast auras from ancient times began to diffuse outward, forcing back the endless underworld surroundings.

   Daxia officially established its first base in the northernmost place of the vast land of Shenzhou!

   "Give her to me."

   A young magnetic voice rang in the ear of the girl Pearl, and then the former turned her head to see the face of a young bald head in front of her eyes. Liang Po watched the bloodless snow smoke in Pearl's arms and stretched out his hand to gently accept it.

   Xueyan was very light, but Liang Po's hands trembled like never before.

Kneeling on the ground, with a face full of filthy pearls, looking at the burly beam like a hill in front of him, for some reason, her nose is sour, her heart is pinched, the young girl knows that after this moment, there is more sadness man of.

   Zhao Yu, standing in the void above the Arctic City, did not stop after raising his hand, but continued to open his mouth, facing the opening of the Jinluan Hall of Yinxu City:

"In this world, there are always people naively thinking that as long as you sacrifice yourself and bear all the costs, you can satisfy everyone and make everything complete. But the great impermanence, you Guan Zhengqing, can't bear so much, and there is no way All are satisfied.

   "What I carry on my shoulders is the entire Daxia, and whether it is an enemy or a friend behind this gate, Daxia will take time, and all variables may mean the loss of first hand, so I don't allow variables."

   The majestic and scorching emperor Gungun sounded through the sky, and then Lin Xiao on the boned dragon's body directly grasped the moon wheel burning with the flames of the immovable King Ming and the demon flames, and slashed down.

   Not far away, the ice maiden saw it and lifted her right hand slightly, trying to stop it, but in front of her, an extremely large shadow appeared instantaneously along with the rolling heat that distorted the entire space.

   Then his face was ugly, the whole thick beard and hair braided into braids of lava hanging down, he raised his feet and took a step forward, bowed his head and opened his big mouth, and smiled gently.

The ice maiden raised her right hand for a pause, and then slowly put it down under the lava's boastful gaze. After no obstacles, the moon blade burning with domineering flames in Lin Xiao's hand directly cut the whole white bone dragon body under her. With a pull, the dense cracks on the bone dragon's body began to spread, and within a few breaths, it completely collapsed.

   Bone shavings are flying, all over the sky, like a heavy snow in the Arctic.

Under the yin soldier formation, Guan Zhengqing, who turned into a ghost, looked up at the fragmented white-bone dragon body, let out a soft sigh, and then murmured outside:

"I tried my best."

   After that, the poor young man stretched out his hand and tried to catch the snow-like bone debris flying from the sky, then Guan Zhengqing closed his eyes and only made a very slight question:

   "Your Majesty, if there is an afterlife, are you still willing to let me be your sharpest spear?"

   This voice was so soft that Guan Zhengqing couldn't hear him clearly, because in his mind, there were waves of footsteps like thunder and roar.

   That was the footsteps of Xiang Jiuyou sinking.

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