
read2();   The northernmost section of the vast land of Shenzhou, how heavy is the Arctic City of Henglan Tiandi?

   I am afraid that it is difficult to describe with exact numbers, because that is the weight of a whole continent.

If you really want to lift up a continent as a whole, it is almost impossible for anyone in the world to accomplish it, and the reason why Guan Zhengqing can use Yinxu City as a fulcrum to cooperate with the death of billions of Yin soldiers burning the last underworld The charge, which lifted the northern gate slightly, had a crucial premise.

   The vast land of Shenzhou itself exists under the sea.

If the relationship between the vast land of Shenzhou and the land of Taixuan, aside from the complicated and cumbersome changes of space and laws, can be described in the simplest language, it is based on the sea level of the North Sea as the boundary, and the land of Taixuan is above. The vast land is under the sea, and the two are in a symmetrical relationship.

Since it is the sea, whether it is normal sea water or chaotic space, it has buoyancy. In other words, Guan Zhengqing at this time is standing on the shoulders of giants, and all he has to do is to lift up. Raise the height of one arm to allow the Icefield Lady and others to pass.

But the boundless Arctic city is surrounded by extremely rich laws, which represent solidity, order, and partition. Therefore, in the realm of Supreme Profound Land, the figure blasted out that claw, and the gate of the entire city gate rose fiercely. After a beating, the gate of this giant city was violated, and then angry.

   Endless golden light bursts violently from above the city gate, just like bunches of golden fireworks blooming towards the dark void around it, illuminating the night sky of the entire North Pole like daylight.

   These golden glows contain the extremely strong power of the law, making this heaven and earth city gate countless times heavier in an instant, pressing on the white bone dragon's body and slowly sinking.

At the same time, the Yinxu City at the foot of Guan Zhengqing directly uttered an extremely harsh and overwhelmed shattering sound, and then Guan Zhengqing violently shook his head in an attempt to retain the last sanity in the sea of ​​knowledge, and then raised the sky again Roar:

   "The Yin Soldiers are in great formation, listen to my orders, the whole army will charge to death!"

After the roar, the hundreds of millions of Yin soldiers lined up above the Yin Ruins changed their position again, and they directly charged into an arrow formation. At the same time, the deafening horns rang across the sky, and the Yin soldiers charged like a tsunami shot up again. Furious for a few points, he slammed **** the other end of the rocker of the bone dragon's body.

   Under the charge of nearly half of the Yin soldiers, the Arctic City, which had been completely surrounded by golden runes at this time, was blocked from sinking, and the two once again fell into a stalemate.

   The gate of the Arctic City is two inches above the ground, difficult to get on and off!

The golden light burst, the yin soldiers roared, and the void trembled. The entire Arctic land seemed to be transformed into a ghostly battlefield of Jiuyou in an instant. Outside the Yinxu city, a vast expanse of taboo aura, along with the colorful prototype of the kingdom, went straight to the sky. Rising up, and heading for the extreme north gate at a very fast speed.

"No matter what is behind this city gate, what I have to do at this time is to prevent it from being lifted. This is a big change sweeping across the vast land of China. Daxia will not allow it to leave any more. Changes beyond control."

The stern and solemn voice of Wei Guogong's eldest lady Xu Qing resounded across the sky, and this command was accompanied by a cyan arrow that directly tore through the entire void, the arrow lingering around the extremely strong law of wind, in As the eagles crowed, they directly bombarded the Yin Soldier army that was impacting on the bone rocker.

In the next moment, the cyan arrow turned into a hurricane raging across the sky, directly torn the surrounding large army of Yin soldiers to pieces. At the same time, it was the most obvious offensive horn of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division. Then the taboos in black robes were flying towards The formation of the forward charge changed drastically.

The tree spirit guarding the iron pillar with a heavy shield and Xue Dao, the murloc guardian, leaped directly forward. Between the green jungle and the deep-sea kingdom's prototype released outwards, the yin soldiers charged from the sky were knocked out, and then there was A strong hurricane that connects the world and sweeps forward arrives afterwards.

  The deep purple hurricane cleared the obstacles in front of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division in a blink of an eye. Then the fat man opened his hand again and waved forward, like a chaotic meteorite falling from the scorching sun.

The infinite fiery flame of destruction first descended on the vast north pole of China. The true fire of the sun was originally the nemesis of the nine ghosts and charms. As the meteorite rolled forward, the Yin soldiers wailed in ashes and disappeared. This also confirms what Guan Zhengqing said before, this Hundreds of Yin Soldiers are not afraid of death and have no pain, but their weakness is also extremely obvious. Once they encounter something restrained, they are as fragile as paper.

   "Er wait blasted a way for me, I will cross that ghost city, and then cut off the boned dragon body as a rocker!"

A calm voice came from under Lin Xiao’s robe. As for the people in the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division who are the most restrained against ghosts, it is Lin Xiao who has not many words on the way, because within it Holy Foreign Demon, Fudo Mingwang Fire, and Wild Evil Demon Flame, each of them is the most domineering flame in the world.

Lin Xiao rushing forward madly, above the whole vigorous and straight body, the half-gold and half-purple flames rose instantly, and then his hands stretched out and moved forward, and directly grabbed two moon wheels that were as tall as a person. The big blade is also surrounded by flames of gold and purple, domineering and hot energy pouring out, burning the surrounding space to a blur.

   Then Lin Xiao stomped on the ground with his right foot, and rushed into the sky, crossing the entire Yinxu city directly, and heading towards the bone rocker outside the giant city gate.

   Suddenly below the Yinxu city, a deafening roar from Guan Zhengqing sounded:


   This roar was like a ghost roar, like a beast roar, and then countless bone spears rose from the Yinxu city, covering the sky over Lin Xiao.

   At the same time, the numerous Yin Soldier formations around the Taboos directly completed the encirclement, and a blade made of tyrannical underworld pierced out, blocking all the road ahead.

With countless weapons added to him in all directions, under the infinite murderous intent, Lin Xiao’s eyes burning with golden and purple flames were still fearless, even his gaze was fixed on the bone dragon body outside the city gate from beginning to end. .

   He wants to cut it off, and he has nothing to fear, because he has the most powerful comrade in arms in the world!

   At the next breath, a huge shadow of a huge body, surrounded by layers of green tree armor, appeared directly under Lin Xiao, and the ancient black dragon Shunzi let out a roar, directly resisting the white bone spear from the Yinxu city below.

   At the same time, in front of Lin Xiao, there were six figures flying in black robes, and the open hand was an unreserved taboo magical power.

Mountains, stars, raging seas, blood waves, hurricanes and other laws are all present. The light of magical powers not only shattered the large void in front of you, but also directly tore apart the army of Yin soldiers who charged in front of Lin Xiao. A huge gap that penetrates completely.

   Terror Blade Lin Xiao continued to move forward, and Guan Zhengqing's follow-up counterattack in Yinxu City had arrived.


The city wall of Yinxu city soaring into the sky cut off the entire void in the blink of an eye, but it was still a moment late, because behind Lin Xiao, the figure of the nine-tailed celestial fox cornus appeared, and the nine huge tails opened, covering Lin Xiao. Inside, it turned into a handful of purple-red fireworks, bursting and disappearing in place.

When    appeared again, they had already crossed the vast distance and appeared directly on the bone dragon's body!

   Then Lin Xiao bowed his head, folded his hands with the moon blades, forming a round moon burning with raging fireworks, and stabbed the white-bone dragon body below it steadily. The whole movement was completed in one go!

   Upon seeing this, Guan Zhengqing in Yinxu City let out a roar of incomparable anger, and then the icefield female sage who had already arrived outside the city gate suddenly turned her head and pointed at Guan Zhengqing.

Numerous frosts appeared directly under the stabbed moonblade, blocking it out, and then Lin Xiao let out a muffled groan, but still held the moonblade steadily and continued to chop off, the immovable king fire and wild evil demon flames above the moonblade The most violent fluctuation broke out instantly.

   And just between the electric light and flint, the violent claw from the Taixuan land bombarded once again, and the entire giant city gate suddenly jumped again.

The expressions of Lin Xiao and others changed suddenly, because at this moment, the gate of the city revealed a gap that was enough to let people roll through, and the female sage of the ice field was happy and slapped directly on the ice hall next to him. .

   Under everyone's gaze, this ice hall traversed a vague track and hurried towards the gap under the city gate.

At the next breath, there was a violent roar, and everyone's bodies shook subconsciously. They hurriedly looked at it and saw that this ice coffin did not pass straight through, but stayed directly outside the gate, because the whole The gate of the city seemed to have received a huge force, and at the moment the ice coffin passed, it dropped directly!

   "How could this be!"

   This is the first time that the female Saint of the Icefield has made such an incredible exclaim. After that, a majestic, domineering and calm and young vast emperor sounded over the entire Arctic:

   "Above the vast land of our Divine State, to open the gate of this world city, wait, have we approved?"

  Emperor's voice surrounds the four fields, Zhao Yu's foot is on the northern boundary city, and on the entire Tongtian boundary city, there is an additional weight of a great summer and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

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