The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 875: The first ray of light in the Arctic


read2();   Taixuan, the law is more perfect, and the space is stronger than the vast land of Shenzhou, but at this time the vast ups and downs of the North Sea center is directly torn apart by a mighty force A huge hole came out, and after countless sea water was swallowed, a huge sunken vortex spanning an unknown number of miles was formed outwards.

  The reason for the formation of this vortex is that on the other side under the North Sea, Guan Zhengqing is using a large array of billions of Yin soldiers to pry the North Pole gate.

After countless laws are intertwined and the infinite spatial distance is amplified by the mutual influence, it produces a breathtaking butterfly effect. A trace of this boundary gate above the vast land of Shenzhou is slightly tilted, but it triggers a blockade in the northern sea, the land of great profoundness. The drastic changes in Jiang Lihai.

Because of the cracking of the North Sea, countless ships traveling on the sea controlled their forward-moving figures when they saw it, and then a cultivator on the ship jumped onto the deck to look forward, and individual cultivators became powerful monks directly. Make a ray of light soaring into the sky.

"The North Sea is cracking, and the vision is shocking. Could it be that the fairy island that sank tens of thousands of years ago is about to reappear in the world. It is said that in the ancient times, the two fairy islands were full of treasures and treasures, and the first largest primitive in the north. Zong is also on it, if by chance, some ancient magical powers are obtained, wouldn't it be beautiful!"

   Noisy loud shouts resounded below the sky, and an imposing figure flew out from the big ship and directly flew over the cracked North Sea.

Although most people can fly in the air with the help of the power of the gods, but relying on their own cultivation base, the palm edge birth and death master stage standing in the sky is close to more than 30. For a time, the cold wind above the entire North Sea void, All under the boundless aura, suppressed and subdued, no longer presumptuous.

A great master who belonged to the giants in their respective forces, turned into a black light, and in a blink of an eye, he crossed countless distances, and hurriedly approached the North Sea crack like a arrow from the string. Suddenly, a fuzzy figure shrouded in the misty white light. Appeared in everyone's sight, standing alone in the void.

  Although everything is as usual ahead, in the spiritual sense of all the great masters, at this time, a heavy snow is strangely underground above the crack in the North Sea!

   "Let me see the Xuemei Guozun first!"

Regardless of the time and place, it is always common sense to respect the strong. Therefore, the high-ranking monks of these numbers stopped and bowed and bowed to salute, but the white robe faltered. The figure of did not respond, but continued to lower his head, watching the surface of the North Sea below which stopped cracking.

Following his gaze, he found that the deepest part of the crack was a chaotic light that was constantly rolling up and down. This vague chaos seemed to absorb all the surrounding light and sea water, making the bottom seem to be in nothingness. The darkest place of any light is general.

   This nobleman who came from afar from Xuemei Shangguo has a strong cultivation base that surpasses the others, so he naturally sees more than the others.

"This breath is so unfamiliar, it should come from outside the Taixuan land. It seems that the people in the country are right. The land of the ruins under the North Sea is very different, but this seat did not expect it. I will wait. I haven't found the way to open it, but the other side wants to open the door by himself."

   A soft self-talking voice came from the white-clothed figure's mouth, then he raised his hands, patted it lightly, and after a crisp sound, it came out again with a particularly sighing voice:

   "This is really nowhere to be found by breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it! In this case, the deity will give you a boost!"

   The voice fell, and the figure directly lifted his fingers as white as ice and snow, and slowly pointed it towards Beihai where the cracking stopped below.

The entire movement of this person is naturally natural, with a strong rhyme, and then the center of the world over the North Sea slowly moves with the fingers, and with the downward movement of his fingers, the void above the North Sea is instantly big Change, a huge and incomparable frost country replaced the original lead gray sky dome, occupying the entire void above everyone's head.

The whole body of this country is shrouded in the sky of ice and snow, and countless snowflakes are surging everywhere, but there is a faintly giant figure stretching out in it, and the extreme cold of the original frost is released outside, and the snow from the country is slightly Each of the exposed snow-white scales was several people in size, showing the huge size of this giant in the kingdom.

   After the appearance of the Blizzard Kingdom, the figure above the crack in the North Sea continued to point his finger downwards and gently spoke:

   "Ice the North Sea!"

   As soon as the voice fell, a frosty white breath of frost spurted directly from within the country, just like the white breath that people breathe out in winter.

White gas was sprayed directly on the tumbling North Sea water, and after a breath, dense hoarfrost began to appear and spread on the sea surface. At first, this layer of frost was extremely thin, as if it could be completely pierced by a finger, but in a blink of an eye , Hoarfrost directly turns into ice that freezes the waves, and it spreads faster and faster.

"According to legend, the water of the North Sea will not be frozen no matter how low the temperature is because of the existence of the atmosphere of returning to the ruins, but now it has been directly frozen by the vast force. The sea is awesome."

Around Daao, the monks on the vast number of ships looked at the North Sea, which was gradually condensing into an ice sheet, and uttered a heartfelt sigh. Then their eyebrows suddenly jumped together because of the huge kingdom above the sky. Suddenly, a snow-white giant claw covering the sky and the sun violently stretched out from the country of flying snowflakes, engulfing the sky and destroying the earth, and patted directly on the cracked sea surface of the North Sea.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, even if they feel that they are far away from the crack in front of them, the monks feel that the sea under the ship is vibrating extremely violently. The tsunami caused a large number of ships to be thrown into the air, causing a violent disturbance.

At the same time, the Arctic land above the vast land of China is being used by Guan Zhengqing as the fulcrum of the Yin Ruins. The boned dragon's body is used as a crowbar. After the time stalemate, because of the fierce slap of the beast's claws on the other side, it directly jumped upwards. Although it immediately fell back, it made everyone in the entire northern land look wild.

   Because of the moment the huge gate jumped up, a glimmer of sight behind the gate caught everyone's eyes.

   The light is not dazzling, but the sunlight that pierces the entire darkness illuminates the entire northern part of the snowfield for the first time.

   For the first time in countless years, this part of the Arctic has been exposed to the sun!

In the light of   , behind the door is a huge chaotic sphere, but it is not misty and chaotic. It has a picture, a huge distorted picture, flashing on it.

   A huge crack that seemed to be split directly by the sword of heaven and earth. Behind the crack was a snow-white beast claw stretching out to cover the sky and the sun, and a vague figure wearing a snowy white robe.

   is the picture on that ball!


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