The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 869: I wish behind the door is a fairy palace


read2();  The reincarnation of the underworld is the last straw that overwhelms the entire inheritance of the Wanzai Ying dynasty. Now, in this great city of Yinxu that has returned from the netherworld, it is also Become the last straw to crush Guan Zhengqing.

   From now on, there is no more gun-bearing boy Guan Zhengqing in this world, but there is only a castle guard covered with bones.

The chaos and infinite pain after the separation of the souls madly invaded Guan Zhengqing’s mind and consciousness, trying to completely deprive him of his remaining spiritual wisdom, completely sinking into the Yin Ruins City below him, and becoming the city’s slave since then, but Guan Zhengqing But with unimaginable willpower, he clung to the sea of ​​knowledge.

   Afterwards, Guan Zhengqing, whose breath became more and more chaotic, continued to stretch out her right bone paw, slowly grasping the mountain whose body below had been completely repaired, and at the same time a hoarse voice sounded in everyone's ears:

"The rebirth of the underworld is to do that thing against the sky, so the conditions are harsh and beyond imagination. The repair of the body is only the first step, and if you want to attract the soul to return, you need an introduction. Fortunately, you can win the clan. The magical power of the mirror flower, water and moon can cultivate a person in the mirror. That is the perfect introduction."

After he finished speaking, Guan Zhengqing tightened his claws and lifted up tightly. He directly grabbed a vague, almost shattered phantom from Shanzi's body, and traced the power of the strangulation of the supernatural powers of the old King Bei'an. The origin, therefore, the person in this mirror was also bombarded, not spared, but completely turned into fragments, but this little fragment is enough as a primer.

As Guan Zhengqing held up his right hand, the fuzzy fragments of the person in the mirror continued to converge inward, becoming a small ball emitting black light, which grew up and down in a blink of an eye, and finally turned into a small tower with nine floors. And the middle part is hollow. If the taboos who go deep into the seabed of the giant with Zhao Yu are here, they will definitely find that the shape of this tower is exactly the same as the tower of the ruins on the seabed of the giant.

   This small tower hovered above Shanzi’s eyebrows, spinning slowly, and then released an extremely mysterious calling aura, rising to the sky like a bright beacon guiding the direction of the soul sea wanderers’ return.

After doing these two things, the completely skeletonized Guan Zhengqing stopped, and began to cover his head again, and let out a roar of incomparable pain, the upward spirit rising from her body became thicker and thicker, and even turned into a billow. The dense smoke rises upwards, looking from a distance, it is as if a cloud of dark fire is burning.

"Guan Zhengqing, if your Majesty sees you at this time, you will definitely be very angry, not because you Guan Zhengqing betrayed Daxia, but because you Guan Zhengqing made the most stupid choice. You want to challenge your fate, but you have gone the wrong way. !"

Above the square, Liang Po's young and vigorous voice resounded directly across the sky, and the voice fell, and the square that won the palace suddenly began to shake violently, because after regaining his vitality, Liang Po was stretching out his big hand to cover the sky, trying to kill himself. Climb down.

   "No one is qualified to judge right and wrong, because no one can empathize."

   Guan Zhengqing Yang Tian let out a harsh ghost roar, and then his entire hands pressed the high platform in front of the mountain, and the roar that resounded across the sky continued to explode like thunder:

   "The soul returns, the emperor descends, and the soul is called!"

   The billowing roar resounded through the sky of the North Pole, like a call, another cry, and finally turned into a prayer.

In the next instant, the huge Yinxu City that landed in the North Pole suddenly began to tremble with an unprecedented frequency. Not only was it trembling, but even the North Pole, where almost no one had set foot below, also began to tremble, followed by endless blood. Light began to radiate from the inside of Yinxu city, directly like a round of setting sun, completely illuminating the North Pole where countless years of darkness had been shrouded in darkness and floating with ice crystals.

All the dark buildings in the entire Yinxu City, turning to the scarlet color at the same time, is like someone holding a heaven and earth brush that encompasses the entire Yinxu City, dipped in endless blood, and brushed directly from south to north, while leaving behind. Countless seas of blood are constantly surging.

   This endless blood comes from the tens of millions of snowmen in Liuli City before, and it also comes from the countless people of the human race who were sacrificed overnight in the Yin Ruins of the imperial city.

   In the same city, two world-shaking endless killings!

Under the **** sky, in Yinxu City, the waves of blood tumbling and roaring in the deserted streets and houses gradually gathered a bit of painful and struggling figures. These figures are densely packed, with pain reaching out to grab the sky, and some covering their necks. Howling, and kneeling in pain, these are the last and most desperate freezes of the creatures in the city before they die.

   This is the most primitive and true appearance of this Yin Ruins City carrying infinite sins!

   Every inch of the ground and every inch of the wall are soaked in blood, which represents the bloodiest and cruel history.

This city is the bloodiest scar in the vast land of China, and the way of heaven wiped it away with infinite sky fire, trying to completely cover up this scar. Now, in the Arctic, where the will of heaven is the thinnest, this scar is once again Was uncovered, and worsened and rotted.

   The Arctic Land, frozen for hundreds of millions of years on the surface of ice as hard as steel, the ancient black dragon soaring towards Yinxu City at low altitude, hovering directly in place at the moment when Yinxu City's blood burst in front of it.

At this time, all the taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division can almost see the high **** wall of Yinxu City ahead, and the two scarlet blood above the city gate that are also bleeding outwards. Big print.

But at this time, everyone on the back of the ancient black dragon did not focus on the Yinxu City, which was undergoing crazy and drastic changes in front. All the taboos looked at the sky behind Yinxu City, which was illuminated by intense blood. Half of the night sky.

The Arctic is already the northernmost point above the vast land of Shenzhou, so the rear of Yinxu City is naturally the northern end of the vast land of Shenzhou, but it is the northern end, so that all the taboos on the back of the black dragon stand on the spot. Horrified.

   "The northern end of our vast land of China, it turned out to be a gate, no, it was a gate similar to a city!"

   After the incredible voice sounded, in the eyes of all the taboos, the entire northern sky, under the shining of scarlet blood, has a huge gate that completely connects the sky and the earth, and the boundary is invisible.

The gate of    is simple and desolate, just like an ancient city gate that has been invaded by wind and frost for countless years, and on both sides of this gate, two poems of dragons and phoenixes are mentioned:

  "Looking into the twelve layers of the heavenly gate, flying around in the void.

   I want to be Taixuan and no one asks, I hope there is a fairy palace behind the door. "

   Everyone stared at this incredible scene and stood on the spot, then Crescent Moon took off the hood on top of her head and slowly stepped forward, her beautiful eyes thought, her red lips lightly opened, and she said:

   "I once saw the same poem in one place!"


   "Shen Jingcheng, Tianshui Lake, Laoye Temple!"


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