
read2();  The vast Arctic land of Shenzhou has landed in the Yinxu City in the boundless darkness. It is tightly closed outside the gate of the Jinluan Temple, whether it is Li Dingshan who has the ability to see through people’s hearts, or Yun Xi Tuoba can see the scenes that happened that night before the Ying clan in Guan Zhengqing's twinkling eyes.

   That was the last struggle of a great dynasty before its demise.

But the truth is always in the hands of a few people, so the countless people living in Yinxu City are lucky and don’t need to experience the powerless despair, but they are also unfortunate because life and death are involuntary, and even their souls are swallowed into nine. After You, even the power of reincarnation was deprived.

   "The sixteen princesses who escaped from the Yinxu city that night were his mother, the last pure bloodline of the Ying clan."

After the voice of    fell, Guan Zhengqing raised his right hand and pointed gently at the mountain lying on the ground, and then continued to speak:

   "And the son of Xiangguo, he later died in the war, but his son, also famous in Daxia, was once named Weiyuanhou."

As soon as this statement came out, Li Dingshan's face condensed. Because of the name Weiyuanhou, it has been spread throughout Daxia. It is the second place after Zhenyuhou Linlang, located at Yulong Pass of Infinite Mountain. It is based on the magnificent exploits of cutting down countless alien heads. The person of the prince.

   Then Guan Zhengqing raised her finger and pointed at herself, and her voice sounded again:

   "The Great National Teacher they went to the South to defect to is my father, of course, the father who used inheritance talent to seize the house. After so many years, his original body has been dead once."

   Guan Zhengqing's few words, but those who wander in the world before the Yingshi all the sadness and bitterness.

  From the previous generation to this generation, the shackles that these people carried on their bodies could not be lifted or escaped.

   "Perhaps only complete death can be liberated."

   Guan Zhengqing lowered his head to stare at Shanzi’s vague and terrifying face, and fell silent. Then the half of his face that was not covered by the bone armor became paler, and the feeling of loneliness exuded over the whole body was even greater, and his voice was faint:

"The reason why the old Yinghuang succeeded, but failed again, is because after sacrificing the entire Yinxu City, he has been sucked into the soul of the Huixu. After successfully returning, he opened his eyes again. Thus brought back to life.

   "But he didn't manage it for too long, because how could the road be so easily deceived? This road has actually been a dead end from the beginning."

   At this point, Guan Zhengqing walked to the front of Shanzi and squatted slowly, her voice continued to linger outside the Jinluan Temple:

"The more violent five decays of the heavens and humans were added again, and such an unreasonable, tyrannical killing caused the heavens to be completely angered, and the fire of the infinite sun fell from the sky, and the Yinxu City, which has become a ghost, took three years. Erased from the vast land of Shenzhou, there is no trace of ever existed.

"The same disappeared, there is also the Ying Dynasty. The entire Shenzhou Haotu has officially entered the era of the Dingding Ding. After all, the old Yinghuang has not escaped the cycle of life and death, but has proved one thing, the resurrection of death. It is achievable for people who have not exhausted their lifespan."

   Guan Zhengqing just finished speaking, and both Yunxuan Tuoba and Li Dingshan's complexion changed drastically. Then Yunxuan Tuoba directly raised his leg and stepped forward, came to the former and asked:

   "Guan Zhengqing, don't you actually want to come back to life for him, how is this possible?"

   "The old Yinghuang has proved that although it has to pay a great price, it is completely feasible, not to mention that Shanzi is far from the old emperor in terms of cultivation and age, so the price is lower."

After Guan Zhengqing's faint response fell, she stretched out her right hand completely covered by bones, gently pressed the Tianling cover of the mountain in front of him, and then continued to raise his left hand, stretched out to half of his face that was not covered by bones, and gently opened his mouth , Continue to speak:

"First of all, the strong spirit of the ancient clan Jiang is needed. After the ancient times, after the two fairy mountains of Daiyu and Yuanqiao were completely silent, the first dynasty established by the human race was the Jiang family. According to legend, the Jiang family Divine Soul is the key to the sea of ​​life, and I happen to be the direct bloodline of the last Jiang family, so this condition can be met."

After Guan Zhengqing finished speaking, under Yun Yu Tuoba’s extremely horrified gaze, his left hand pierced directly into his eye sockets. After an imperceptible grunt, Guan Zhengqing's left hand pulled out, and his What was pulled out was not only an eyeball, but also a small figure with a radiant light in the eyeball, which belonged to most of the spirits of the Jiang family.

   Taking out his eyes with his own hands is a painful thing for anyone, but for Guan Zhengqing, his hands are still as stable as ever, just as smooth as he usually holds a gun.

   "Guan Zhengqing, you!"

Yun Zheng Tuoba stretched out his left arm, trying to stop it, but he stopped the movement abruptly, and then watched Guan Zhengqing crush this eyeball with force, and after a breath, the exterior of the entire black golden temple was extremely dazzling. The light was shining outwards, and countless grit-like spirit particles fell directly like rain, spreading across the entire body of the mountain.

  At the same moment, the white bones covered the last trace of human face on Guan Zhengqing's face. His internal organs, body, and the rushing blood all withered and evaporated, and were truly assimilated by the Yinxu City below him.

   Guan Zhengqing, who was half-man and half-ghost, gave Shanzi half of his body, so he became a ghost.

   A castle guard!

On Shanzi’s icy body, under the shower of the gods and spirits, a large amount of new skin and flesh began to grow gradually. These flesh and skin replaced the original ones at a speed visible to the naked eye. The dragon body that has been completely carbonized under the annihilation of the sun.

  It is the opposite of Guan Zhengqing's body which was completely turned into a bone. Shanzi's body began to gradually plump and rosy. If it weren't for the temperature and breath, it would even make people feel that he was sleeping rather than dying.

   The soul was stripped and Guan Zhengqing had completely transformed into a ghost. When Shanzi's body changed drastically, he squatted in pain, covered his head, and let out an uncontrollable low howl.

   At this time, Guan Zhengqing’s voice was no longer the original calm and young voice, but a rubbing neigh similar to a ghost. Then Li Dingshan opened his mouth and let out a sharp shout:

   "Guan Zhengqing, keep your mind, otherwise you will completely sink into Jiuyou!"

   The voice of Li Dingshan fell like a big bell, and Guan Zhengqing's roar suddenly stopped. Then the young man covered with bones raised his head after a long silence, and the voice continued:

   "I'm fine, I won't sink until the underworld rebirth is completed."


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