The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 853: Second old man


read2();   "Sima Annan, how much do you know about Yinxu city?"

   The Baidi Palace of the God Capital, in the imperial garden, the calm inquiries belonging to Zhao Yu sounded, and they continued to linger under the Xuantian Wood, reaching the ears of numerous officials below.

At this time, the Daxia Central Plains is late at night, so a large number of Xuantianmu life elves are flying back and forth in the night sky of the entire imperial garden, and exudes a misty and soft green light, and this area is beautiful, like stars On the shimmering imperial garden lawn, all the main officials from the Sixth Department of Daxia were summoned here late at night.

After the young emperor decided to start a two-line battle, and simultaneously launched an attack on the northern snowfields and the Sun Empire fortress in the endless mountain, the officials of the various ministries who had been idle for more than half a year became extremely tight in an instant like a full bowstring. Tension, even the daily sleep time is less than a few hours.

The round moon, like a millstone, hung high above the clear night sky, exuding a bright and soft light, spreading over the sleeping, quiet and peaceful Shenzhou city, but under the moonlight, the atmosphere in the Baidi Palace at this time It seemed extremely solemn.

Below Xuantianmu, dozens of officials stood in line, watching the young emperor's shadow holding a folder in front of him and looking up, holding his breath, and beside Zhao Yu, who was not angry and pretentious, there was a small one. The little pony is hovering in the air with its white wings.

   Flying messenger can quickly transmit information regardless of distance. Therefore, although the power of the mountain and sea map has not yet extended to the northern snowy field at this time, the battle situation of the entire snowy field is still continuously sent to the hands of the young emperor.

   So Zhao Yu, who held the Zhezi in his hand, already knew that the old prince had fallen against the saint, so the imperial prestige under the entire imperial garden had almost condensed into substance.

   Daxia's four great Optimus Pillars and the broken northern pillar are undoubtedly a huge blow to Daxia, who is entering a new era!

Zhao Yu, frowning and pursing his lips, did not show much emotion, but just sat upright like this, making everyone around him breathe extremely cautiously. At first, the officials did not know what happened. After the change, it was not until the young emperor's faint inquiry sounded that he was shocked.

   "Yin Ruins?"

For most young officials, this term is quite unfamiliar, and some even heard it for the first time. For those older officials, when the word Yinxu, which has been buried in memory for a long time, is mentioned again , The pupils shrink slightly.

   After Zhao Yu’s question fell, Sima Annan, who was standing below, was silent for a long time before raising his hand to bow forward, and then gently spoke:

   "Your Majesty's forgiveness, not much is known about Yin Ruins, and in the Shenji Pavilion, some of the original records about Yin Ruins were also destroyed in a catastrophe."

   "Tell me what you know."

   Zhao Yu put away the zhezi in his hand, and then gently placed it on the table in front of him. Once the content of the zhezi written by Xu Qing himself, once it spreads out, the entire 36 states of Daxia will boil.

  Beian Wang Jiangyu fell, the Liuli City dissipated, and the Yinxu city reappeared in the world. Finally, the icefield female sage was suspected of rebelling with Guan Zhengqing.

Every word on   zhezi indicates that the northernmost part of the vast land of China has become more complicated and confusing.

"Your Majesty, I am ashamed. The only thing I know is that the former capital of the Ying clan was the Yin Ruins. The old site was near the Guangzhou Metropolitan City in Daxia and was destroyed by the fire that burned for three consecutive years. At present, even the ruins of the ruins are ruins. Nothing left."

   After Sima Annan finished speaking, he kneeled down and saluted Zhao Yu again, and then the voice came out again:

"The folks have circulated that because the tyranny of the last stage of the Ying clan angered the Dao, the immortal fire of the sky was specially sent down to burn it to ashes as a punishment, and my master once said that the Yin Ruins is a taboo, so the Shenji Pavilion will This part of the record was completely destroyed so as not to be contaminated with cause and effect."

After Sima Annan's response fell, Zhao Yu did not immediately reply, but frowned and fell into thinking. The needles in the entire Yuhuayuan once again became audible, and then the young emperor raised his head, ebony black. Eyes, staring at Sima Annan below, opened his mouth and said:

   "The catastrophe you mentioned by Shenji Pavilion should come from His Majesty Taizu, right?"

   As soon as this remark came out, Sima Annan's brows brows lightly, and then he bit his head and responded:

   "Return to your Majesty, at that time the Weichen was not born, so the specific situation is unknown, but according to the master, it does happen."

   "I, I know."

   Then Zhao Yu nodded, raised his slender fingers, gently tapped the desk in front of him, and continued to speak:

   "Have you found out all the files about Yin Ruins that I ordered before?"

   "Your Majesty, the preparations have been completed, let people present it now."

Bai Zhining, who stood behind Zhao Yu, took a step forward and responded. Then this girl with a dusty temperament, like a fairy, raised her hand with a slight move, and immediately there was a Sitian supervisor who walked forward quickly, but the strange thing was The dossier in his hand is only a lonely one.

   Then Bai Zhining reached out and took the dossier, and quickly presented it to Zhao Yu. The young emperor turned it around and saw that only a sentence of Long Feifengwu was written on it:

   Yin Ruins have been destroyed, don’t go into it!

Zhao Yu stared at the line of words on the scroll for a long time. He was no stranger to this dragon, flying and phoenix, with boundless domineering handwriting. Since he became the throne, the emperor of the age has often seen such handwriting in various files. The comments written are generally only a few words, but the meaning behind them is always extraordinary.

  For example, the Yingshi imperial mausoleum, the murder of the wife of the Bei'an king, and the great city of Yinxu at this time, so after being silent, Zhao Yu raised his head, watching the civil and military officials holding his breath in front of him, and slowly said:

"If the order is passed on, I will personally descend on the northern snowy plains tomorrow morning. I faintly feel that there is a secret that is extremely important to Daxia, and may have a vital influence on the future of the vast land of China. It’s also time to get an understanding of the Chao Ying’s matter."

   As soon as Zhao Yu's emperor's voice came out, the commanders of the third rank and above who stood respectfully with their hands down opened their mouths, as if they wanted to speak but stopped, and then the young emperor's voice resounded through the entire mysterious sky again:

"Sima Annan will follow me together. In these days when I am not in the palace, you can contact me through flying messengers. The battles at the Jade Dragon Pass of the Infinite Mountains of Xijiang and the fortress of Shenwei will be fully in charge of the battles of Wei Guogong, with the assistance of King Ximan and King Zhenhai. , I hope that after returning to Beijing from the north, I can hear the news of the victory of Xijiang."

   After the calm and majestic emperor's voice fell, the civil and military officials immediately knelt and kowtowed, and uniform voices shot straight into the sky:

   "The ministers will follow the imperial decree, and will do their best to kill the enemy, and promote my great power and glory!"

   Afterwards, already in Daxia, Zhao Yu, who had established supreme prestige, slowly got up and walked outside the Yu Garden step by step, leaving only a faint voice lingering in place:

   "The Ministry of Etiquette, prepare for the death of the country, the level of the prince, when the war is over, announce the whole country, and the world is in common sadness."

This faint voice sounded, everyone kneeling on the lawn suddenly raised their heads, and they understood violently, watching the tall and straight back gradually disappearing into the night. For some reason, everyone felt that this invincible young man There was a trace of depression in the emperor's back.

   A thought came out of the minds of the civil and military officials, and the same unavoidable sadness came from it.

   Together with the old lady who has just passed away at the beginning of last year, this is the second old man who died in the ninety years of the Great Xia calendar!

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