The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 852: Hero City in the Mist


read2();   Da Xia Tian Guan Guan Nancheng, bustling, endless stream of traders, and brightly lit streets and alleys symbolize the prosperity of this place, and on the central street, the Southern Chamber of Commerce At the gate, several men wrapped in thick animal clothing walked out one by one, smiling, and then one of the middle-aged men looked up and looked at the dark and starless night sky in the north, and said with emotion:

   "This swift time has passed too fast. Today is the fifth year I came to Tianmenguan. Since my parents passed away, I have come to this icy world and I don’t know if my sister left behind is doing well now."

   After the faint voice of the middle-aged Orion fell, the few people behind him who were also no longer young were deeply moved and nodded in agreement:

   "The time I have to wait for the gate of Tianmen to be closed is not short, but without the ability of Big Brother Li, I can't save much money. In a few years, we will all return to the Central Plains to enjoy the blessing.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains and the northern snowfields are perilous and the environment is dangerous. Therefore, the hunters who work hard here are actually fighting for their lives. In case one day unfortunately buries the bones in the snowfield, there will be no corpse collectors. So these old hunters who are close to the gates sigh After a while, they fell into silence one after another, and finally somebody whispered softly:

   "If your Majesty shows kindness someday, it would be nice to place a stone statue tower in our southern city."

  As soon as this statement came out, everyone walking on the central street lit up. Only one young man who had just arrived in the snowy field looked around with extremely curious eyes, and then came out with questioning words:

"Brother Li, I heard from the south that the night in the northern snowfields takes three years, and you have been here for five years. I want to ask what the daytime in the northern snowfields is like, whether the sun never falls. what?"

As soon as the young man’s question fell, the originally melancholy Orion opened their mouths and laughed. Then the middle-aged man named Big Brother Li stared at the suspicious young man in front of him, his eyes full of five years ago. The shadow of, responded:

   "Young man, you must have been fooled by those storytellers. This far north snowfield, where is the daytime, and some are just the eternal darkness."

After    finished speaking, the middle-aged Li Orion stretched out his hand and slowly pointed to the north of Tianmenguan, which was the direction of the northern snowfields, and then his determined voice continued to sound:

   "There is only dark night in the northern snowfields. It is not just me. Those old people who have lived in the northern snowfields all their lives have never seen light rise from the north once they leave the city and enter the Tianmen Gorge further north."

   The voice of the middle-aged Orion hadn't fallen yet, and the young voice of the teenager staring at the north continued.

   "Brother Li, there is light, the light in the north has risen."

   "Don't make trouble, it's impossible, you don't come to fool me."

   "It's true, there is an orange light, like a big mushroom!"

The voice of the teenager's urgent opening has not yet fallen, and everyone in the entire Tianmen Pass, regardless of the North and South City, turned their heads to look north in horror, because a huge fireball suddenly rose up from the incomparable snowfield sky. The scorching sun generally rises, releasing intense light and heat outward.

   This dazzling light pierced the darkness that had been shrouded for so many years, illuminating the entire snowy field, and making this cold and barren land look like daylight for an instant.

   For the first time since the opening of the Great Xia Dynasty, the northern snowfields have light.

After    the light, it was the center of the snowfield, where the original Liuli City was located, spreading outward, sweeping the entire snowfield with the vast shock wave and infinite heat.

The annihilation of the sun is like nuclear fusion. The endless tyrannical energy released in an instant directly evaporates countless ice and snow around it, and the mountains are shattered. At the same time, the snowmen who are fighting in chaos on the snowy field are also instantly wiped out. , And then a huge deep pit appeared in the hinterland of the snowfield, as if someone had poked a huge wound hole on the northernmost body of the vast land of Shenzhou.

   Because countless ice and snow were melted in an instant, a large amount of water mist rose into the sky in the entire tiankeng, covering the entire snowy sky, just like a rising smoke bubble.

  The back of the ancient black dragon, at this time, there was no sound. All the taboos lowered their heads to stare at the dilapidated scene below the world, and fell into silent silence.

  Although they are now the world's top peerless overhaul, but the taboo attack of the old king Bei'an to reach the land fairyland still makes everyone deeply in awe.

  Because of being strong, so I know how to be awe!

   "The supernatural power of the Great Sun Annihilation shattered all the void, and the snowy field below was completely in a state of extreme chaos for a while. I couldn't sense any internal situation, and the rising smoke also obscured our sight."

   After a long time, the stern voice of the blood demon Li Yi sounded, and then he came to the side of the little prince Jiang Yue, who was on one knee, with his head hanging down, stretched out his hand, patted the latter's shoulder gently, and continued to speak:

   "What should I do next?"

  As soon as this question came out, everyone turned their eyes to the extremely tall figure standing in the forefront of Xu Qing, and then the quiet and steady voice of the latter came out:

   "The Black Dragon Guard obeyed the order, dived down, and went directly into the smoke bubble. I am waiting to confirm that this city is alive and dead, and only Lord Liang has just fallen into the city!"


   Xu Qing's command sound was over, and within the huge body of the ancient black dragon, a very young response sounded, and then the huge body of the black dragon directly plunged downwards, just a few breaths, and then blasted directly into the billowing white smoke.

   Over the snowy field at this time, the ubiquitous white mist is actually not smoke-like, but after being evaporated, it condenses again at low temperatures, and constantly sinks and floats in the chaotic void.

   Therefore, these ice crystals blasted on the fast-diving black dragon, making dense, extremely harsh crackling noises. Then, in the night dire, the quiet iron pillar squatted, raised his hands, and pressed one of them on the back of the ancient black dragon below.

   In the next instant, on the huge body of the ancient black dragon, layers of dark green tree armor began to emerge and surround it, and at the same time, all the ice crystals that were bombarded from the surrounding were isolated.

The ancient black dragon dived extremely fast. Although I don’t know how far it is from the ground, it descended a full tens of thousands of feet in the sea of ​​ice crystal mist in the blink of an eye. Then all the taboos condensed, and Xu Qing spoke directly , Issued a command loudly.


Below the ancient black dragon, the thick sea of ​​ice crystal mist suddenly rolled and undulated extremely violently. Then, under the gaze of a pair of horrified eyes, a huge black shadow appeared in the fog, and then the shadow gradually Ascending, the jet-black city wall smashed out of the fog, and then there was a huge incomparable city that occupied the entire line of sight.

   The city pool is extremely dark, the ghostly energy is rolling, and there are a pair of black wings that cover the sky and the sun. Each instigation can make the surrounding ice crystal fog roll away.

  The back of the black dragon, the taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division, staring at the two large characters above the city gate, they all let out a solemn exclamation:

   "This city can survive the magical powers of the Great Sun Oblivion, and it seems to be unharmed, how is this possible!"

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