
read2();   Just as Xue Bancheng said, sometimes blood and affection cannot be simply equated.

  The vast land of China has been countless years old, and the relatives have turned against each other, and there are many things that have no blood relationship between the two. However, it is undeniable that blood inheritance is the most primitive and instinctive fetter of the creatures under the road.

Therefore, listening to the words of Xuebancheng, holding the spear, the old King Bei'an, who slowly walked towards the dragon chair on the high platform of the Jinluan Temple, suddenly stopped, and then the whole thing seemed to be old directly, even the original straight back. Suddenly he squatted for a few minutes, and became like a really gray-haired old man.

   Tiger poison doesn't even eat children, and the old King Bei'an came to kill people when he came to Liuli City in the northern snowy plains.

   He has killed too many people since he stepped into the Golden Temple, but the most important one has not yet been seen.

There are ninety-nine steps on the high platform of the Golden Luang Temple, which symbolizes the extreme of the emperor. The old King Bei’an’s thoughts are very heavy, so he walks very slowly, and every step of the way is the same for this old man who has been on the battlefield for nearly a hundred years. Kind of suffering.

At the same time, on the other side of the Jinluang Hall, deep in the aisle, roars, roars, and shocks gradually subsided, a corner of the painted dark room, the young figure shrinking in the corner slowly lifted the dragon scales The densely covered head stared at the ray of light at the end of the road in the distance.

   There are confusion, confusion, and doubt in the eyes of this figure.

The Nine Dragon Locking Sky Formation that originally trapped him, because the entire main formation was broken by King Bei'an with a halberd, had already lost its effect, so at this time Shanzi could walk out of this dark room at will, but he didn’t. He didn't go, neither left nor walked towards the Golden Temple, but stretched out his hand, firmly covering his right eye, showing pain on his face.

Since then, his right eye has started to pierce violently, as if there is a thunder converging in his eyes. At the same time, as the heart beats violently at an extremely fast frequency, a fear that begins to tremble in the depths of his soul begins to surge upward. Out.

After that, Shanzi clutched his increasingly hot right eye, panted and stood up, using his left eye with golden dragon pupils, continued to watch the dark road leading to the Jinluan Temple in front of him, and a vague shadow appeared on the side of Shanzi. He stretched out his hand to support his trembling body, which was the person in his mirror.

In addition to throbbing in Shanzi's heart, there was a call from the depths of the bloodline, which is similar to the complex and nervous emotions of an orphan suddenly about to see his own parents. Then this young man with a long life, Lifting his foot gently, he took a step forward, but a cold voice rang from before Shanzi:

"I promised to pass Guan Zhengqing to protect your thoroughness. The people outside are dead, I don't care, but you are the only one who can’t get involved. Outside is one of the three kings of the Great Xia, the northern king of killing, Bei’an Wang Jiangyu, here Before the overhaul, I can’t protect you, so you have to think clearly about whether you want to get out of this dark room."

After the sound fell, only his left arm was left. Yun Yu Tuoba, dressed in white, appeared in the dark road and blocked Shanzi's body. Then he looked at the half-man and half-dragon in front of him, and even the red thunder was constantly flashing. Shanzi, his eyes are complicated.

   In a sense, Shanzi is undergoing an extremely painful transformation. There are two directions for the transformation, the dragon of the orthodox bloodline of the Ying clan, and the person of the Thunder bloodline of the Wangjiang clan of Bei'an.

  At this time, this transformation has reached the most critical period, and Shanzi can no longer suppress the changes in his entire body, he can only choose one of them.

   Choose one of two domineering bloodlines, either become the dragon in the soaring sky [the eighth district], or become the one in charge of Thunder!

"I guess Guan Zhengqing must not tell you that. He or my nominal father, Shan Wenbai, lured the king of Bei'an to the extreme north snowfield because he was to force me to make the final choice. I actually know it very well, but I can’t think of it, after a great rebellion like yours, there will still be compassion. I don’t need you to be pitiful, because this is destined."

In Shanzi’s voice, there is both a hoarse like a dragon's roar, and a young heroic like a human teenager. The two are mixed together, as if two people are talking at the same time. It is very strange, and then some curved Shanzi slows down. Slowly stopped straightening his body, and continued to speak:

   "Moreover, the higher the level of cultivation, the higher the level of cultivating, the bloodline will be felt. Therefore, in this desolate northern snowfield, I can't escape. This is a must-have break, isn't it?"

After    Shanzi's voice fell, the delicate features and complex eyes of Yun Xuan Tuoba did not speak again, but gently let go, revealing the secret path behind him.

   "Thank you."

   Shanzi raised his hand and gave a gentle greeting to the front. Then, with the support of the person in the mirror, he walked along the long dark path step by step towards the light emitted by the Jinluan Temple.

"This dragon chair has been under the **** of the former emperor of the Ying family for nearly ten thousand years. The Yin Ruins were burned by the fire of the sun for nearly three years. Everyone thought that this dragon chair was destroyed under the fire of the sky, but they never thought it would be Being able to travel such a mile and come to the northernmost part of the vast land of China is really good luck."

On the high platform of the Golden Luang Temple, the old king of Bei'an looked down at the dragon chair in front of him, which once symbolized the supreme glory, and his voice faintly sounded, but even so, there is not much in the eyes of the old king. Sigh, and then he once again faced Xue Bancheng who was out of breath not far behind and said:

"The stairs of the Jinluan Hall high platform are ninety-nine steps. The former courtiers knelt down, each of them had to stretch their necks and raise their heads high to see the person on the dragon chair. Over time, whether it is sitting here The one on the dragon chair, or the one kneeling below, all changed their taste.

   "The collapse of the building was not a one-day cause. This chair should be destroyed."

After the old prince finished his words, he raised the **** thunder-filled euphorbia in his hand, looked solemn, and waved vigorously. After a burst of roar, the euphorbia directly traversed a trajectory that pierced the void and straightened toward the dragon chair in front Fall down.

But when the thunder blood halberd was only one finger away from the dragon chair, the right hand of the king of Bei'an stopped steadily in place, motionless, and then the old man in a large black robe slowly straightened Body, turned and looked to the side, looking up.

   "Tap, tap, tap."

   A slow and slight footstep sounded from within an intersection on the side, and then under the gaze of Old Bei'an and Xue Bancheng, a tall and young voice slowly stepped out of the shadows.

  The appearance of the incoming person gradually became clear, the old prince's body formed by thunder and shook his body, and then a faint voice sounded on the high platform of the hall:

   "If you want to smash the dragon chair that symbolizes the last glory of the Ying clan, are you determined to kill me who has the last orthodox blood of the Ying clan?


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