
read2();  The underground golden temple of Liuli City, symbolizing the supreme majesty of the emperor’s way, has been completely covered by the scarlet light of the Blood Abyss Thunder Prison. Old Bei’an Wang Jiangyu The supreme divine might and the powerful cultivation base above everyone, forcibly caused this most noble hall of the winning dynasty to tremble fiercely under its feet.

   Not only the Jinluan Temple, but also the entire Liuli Underground, and even the Liuli City above, were shaking violently.

After the old prince released the rudimentary form of his own kingdom, it indicates that his life form at this time has exceeded the two stubbornly resisting former great masters. There are too many, and the ubiquitous power of the vast kingdom in the void is like one. With just a big hand, the two great masters were firmly pinched in place, making it difficult to move. At the same time, there was a gentle force that supported the entire body of the snow half city falling in the air and slowly landed.

Unlike the criminals who were pressed on the spot, the actions of Xuebancheng were not greatly affected after landing, so this young snowman, who was sweating and on the verge of collapse, sat directly on the ground. Gasping for breathlessly, he then propped his right hand on the ground and looked around for a week.

Inside the huge Jinluan Temple, there is a mess, full of broken arm remains, and even the corpses of a snowy blizzard can be seen vaguely. The hundreds of snowmen who have jumped out of the main hall from behind Xuebancheng, at this time Almost completely dead.

   "Shooting a rock with a pebbles, why is this?"

A faint voice came from Xuebancheng's mouth. I don't know if it was the snowmen warriors who had died, or the former criminals who were being locked in place by the rudiment of the kingdom at this time, or it was Xuebancheng itself. ?

After the faint voice of Xuebancheng fell, the old King Bei'an, who was stepping forward to the high platform of the Golden Temple in the void, gently tilted his head, glanced at the former, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then the old prince clenched his hands. The big halberd stared at the two people not far from Xuan Lao, the old and majestic voice continued to sound:

  "Under the great road, the course of history is the result of the choice of the times. You won the dynasty and Guozuo lasted for nearly ten thousand years, and it was extremely prosperous. Why are some people just not satisfied and want to do that nasty thing?

   "There has been a saying in our spiritual world since ancient times that our skills are not as good as human beings, and we are willing to go downhill. Since we have lost, we should accept it, instead of hiding in the ground like now, dreaming of the dream of rejuvenation."

When the voice fell, the old King Bei'an just stepped onto the ninety-nine-step high platform, then he stopped and looked at the entire hall, the Panlong pillar that propped up the entire space, in the thunder and lightning raging eyes, With contempt and disdain, the voice continued to roll out:

   "Do you think you can support the past glory that has fallen completely by relying on the big pillars of Nine Dragons, that is too naive, because these pillars are too fragile.

After he finished speaking, the old King Bei'an held the thunder blood halberd and gently waved it towards the front. The **** thunder reappeared in the void, like a slashed blade, directly across the four huge Panglong pillars in front, piercing and howling After the thunder, the four golden pillars were directly cut off and slid down.

   After losing the support of the Panlong pillar, the entire half of the ground above the Jinluan Temple suddenly began to tilt and fall. The shaking inside the temple became more intense, and then one huge rock fell down, harvesting the lives of the former sinners below.

After severing the four dragon pillars, the old King Bei’an continued to raise his leg and walked along the steps to the golden dragon chair on the high platform. Looking at the chair carved with the dragon flying, the old man’s eyes had Uncontrollable anger, then he raised his halberd and waved again, and two dragon pillars were cut off not far away. The entire Golden Luang Temple collapsed in a wider area, and only the high platform was still supported.

A large number of criminals and monks from Shan Wenbai to the hinterland of the snowfield were smashed into minced meat by stones, which made the eyes of the two great masters in the void filled with blood, and the entire eyebrows burst directly because of the extreme anger. The two wanted to open their mouths and try to growl, but they seemed to be pinched by their throats, and they could only struggle wildly in the void, letting out a scream.


The old King Bei’an continued to walk towards the dragon chair, without turning his head, just stretched out his right hand and gently patted down, and then within the rudimentary form of the whole kingdom, a red hand of heaven and earth appeared, which was composed of Blood Abyss Thunder. Old Xuan and the others shot on the ground, and the place where they fell was not far in front of Xuebancheng.

Xue Bancheng hurriedly shrank the whole person into a ball to resist the aftermath of strong energy. After the deafening roar, it slowly climbed up, and saw two lying on the ground cracked like a spider web. The dying old man shadow.

  Xuebancheng rising from the ground, while his head was still buzzing, the old voice of the old King Bei'an from above sounded directly in his ears:

   "Xue Bancheng, kill them. These are two great masters. If you kill them, it is estimated that they will be recorded in the annals of history. This is also the reward for the king to lead you."

The voice of the old king of Bei'an fell, and the expression on Xue Bancheng’s handsome face changed slightly, and then he was a little confused. Then he raised his head and glanced at the old king of Bei'an above, his expression returned to solemnity, and fell from the ground before grabbing. With the falling dagger, the whole person slowly stood up, limping towards the two who had been smashed on the ground.

Xue Bancheng walked very slowly. Although the pace was staggering, it was extremely steady. Then he walked to the first old man's shadow and looked down. The face under the black robe of the figure below gradually became clear. It turned out to be a very old man. Perhaps the old woman had stayed in the northern snowfield for too long. This person's skin was bloodless and pale, and because of the serious injury, blood foamed from her mouth.

The old woman’s eyes were a little dim, staring at Xuebancheng’s face, her eyes flickering, but then Xuebancheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, squeezing the dagger, mobilizing the whole body’s strength, and plunged directly into the old woman’s neck, and then again. Twisted hard.

   The whole movement is fast and accurate, no matter how high the old woman's previous cultivation level is, when the neck is pierced, only the whole body shakes violently, accompanied by squeaking blood.

   Hot blood splashed Xue Bancheng's face, but he remained unmoved, got up and continued to the side of the old Xuan who was lying on his back, and slowly squatted down again.

   But this time, Xue Bancheng stared at Old Xuan's face, with a very complicated expression, because if you look closely, you will find that Xue Bancheng's face is seventy-seven similar to Old Xuan.

   "I know you, according to seniority, I should call you grandpa."

  Xue Bancheng's voice was very soft, but after it rang in the ears of the old Xuan, the latter's body lying on the ground suddenly began to shake violently, and the whole eyes began to exude a violent survival brilliance.

   "The old prince once asked me, since I know that a close relative is below, why should I take him down?"

   Xue Bancheng lay down his whole body, and then spoke softly in Elder Xuan’s ear, and after he paused for a few breaths, the voice came out again:

"I told him that bloodlines cannot be sheltered in the snowy field, but only hurt. Since you have never admitted to me, then each other, in my opinion, the so-called bloodlines and affection are never equal. .

   "Grandpa, this is the first and last time we have met, so I can leave."

   The voice fell, and a steady hand sent the dagger into the heart of Old Xuan.

   "You kid, so courageous!"

   Amidst the rolling admiration of the old lord, Xue Bancheng killed two great masters in the underground Golden Temple!

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