The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 838: Action by all parties


read2();   Great Xia Xia gate passes Nancheng. Although the Northern Army in the northern city, under the leadership of Tianmen Hou Jiangqing, has already pressed into the snowy field, the dark clouds of war have not affected this great summer. The northernmost trading pearl, the entire Nancheng, which was shrouded in darkness, was lit up everywhere, and it was still busy.

After selling the goods, a large number of people from the Chamber of Commerce and bountyers gathered in the feasting tavern in South City, chatting and boasting. The topics that everyone talked about recently, except for the ongoing snowfield war, are the hot ones. Teleport the scroll.

The stone tower in the north of Tianmenguan that goes straight into the sky is a military forbidden area, so ordinary citizens cannot use it to teleport at all. Therefore, the citizens of Tianmenguan are eager to see the real civilian teleportation buildings. These have been wandering in the snow field of Shiwanda Mountain for half their lives The travellers also look forward to returning home to take a look.

The Southern Chamber of Commerce on the Central Street of Nancheng in Tianmenguan is still the busiest place for the flow of people. In the window of the study room on the top floor, the female shopkeeper's worried gaze looking at the north has not diminished at all, on the contrary, it has become more dignified. Knocked on the door, retracted the female shopkeeper's thoughts, and said directly:

   "Madam, there are two things. First, the imperial household has issued a new list of snow beast meat. The more snow beast meat, the better."

   "Snow beast meat?"

   The female shopkeeper murmured a little, then raised the eyebrows on her eyes and continued to speak:

"There is too much fat under the skin of Xue Beast meat, and the meat is too fat. Therefore, Daxia folks do not like it, and the most important thing is that it is not easy to dry and preserve. It is not realistic as a strategic reserve. Therefore, the Ministry of Households has to buy a large area. There is only one possibility."

   said here, the female shopkeeper slowly walked back from the window, raised her hand to take a cup of tea, and after taking a sip, her solemn voice continued:

"Your Majesty is going to go to war, a super battle that is much larger than the Northern Army's direct entry into the snowy field. Fang Guan, you inform the people below that in addition to purchasing the meat of the snow beast, you will also purchase the beast tendon. On the battlefield, this beast tendon The effect is not small."

   "Yes, ma'am."

   The elderly manager put away the horror in his eyes, then bent over to take his orders, and then continued to speak:

   "Madam, for this second incident, someone asked to see him, who claimed to be from Crescent Moon."

   "Crescent Moon Square? Hurry up, please!"

   From the north and south of Tianmenguan to the north, it is straight ahead to the Tianmen Gorge Canyon that leads to the extreme northern snowfield. Tianmen Gorge crosses over half of the 100,000 mountains, and when you leave Tianmen Gorge, it is a snowfield for three years in one night.

The far north snowfield was not far from the outer snow wolf tribe. It was cold and dark, with thick snow and fog. Suddenly, the snow-covered land trembled violently, and then accompanied by a violent roar, one after another was wrapped in silver armor. The snowfield martial arts chariot rushed out of the white mist, leaving deep marks on the snow, like a silver torrent, rolling forward and charging mightily.

On both sides and in front of these snowfield military vehicles, there are elite scout troops of the Northern Army who are riding snow beasts and constantly interspersing to collect information forward and around. The entire formation of the Northern Army has almost ignored the harsh environment on the snowy field. Demonstrating the infinite aura of invincibility, looking from a distance, the boundless torrent of military vehicles is enough to make all enemies frightened.

At the forefront of the torrent of the Northern Army, Tianmen Hou Jiangqing in blood armor sits on a huge and ferocious snow tiger. He stares directly at the darkness in front of him. At the same time, his stern face is not angry and pretentious, and he presses his lips. The impact of extreme cold around.

   Suddenly riding from the rear of the entire Northern Army's formation, several ups and downs have appeared next to Tianmen Hou Jiangqing. After the first lieutenant gave a great summer military salute, he said:

   "According to Lord Hou, the sacred decree in the White Emperor's Palace, directly transferred the Canglan Army to the endless mountain Yulong Pass to participate in the operation of capturing the fortress of Shenwei. In other words, the Canglan Army will not come to the snowy field."

   Deputy General's voice fell, Tianmen Hou Jiangqing's mouth first showed a smile, and then the laughter became louder and louder, directly resounding across the entire snowy night sky.

   "This is the reason. There is a very northern snowfield. Our Northern Army is enough. Why do we need follow-up troops? My Jiang family and the man of the Northern Army are the gods of death in the North!"

   The cold and bold voice of the river fell, and the fog that originally covered the sight of the entire Northern Army was suddenly torn to the sides, and there was a huge col at the end of the sight.

  In the mountain col, a series of orange-red lights rose directly into the sky. It was a huge snowmen tribe. Even from a great distance, the northern soldiers could still hear the wolf howl.

   The northern snowfield is only the second tribe of blizzards in Liuli City, the Snow Wolf tribe!

"finally reached!"

   Jiang Qing, who was sitting on top of the snow tiger, stretched out his body, and suddenly a crackling sound came from under the former's blood armor, and then this Tianmenhou raised his arms and opened his mouth and let out a roar:

   "The whole army stops, rest for half an hour to replenish energy, change the formation, after half an hour, kill!"

   "Kill, kill, kill!"

   Half a quarter of an hour later, the billowing silver-white torrent once again moved forward vastly, like a death sickle, with an extremely violent posture, it directly wiped the throat of the Snow Wolf tribe.

   The blood will stain the earth red, and Daxia's soldiers will be invincible!

   "The ancient black dragon has been flying for so long, and it should not be far away from Liuli City at this time."

Above the night sky in the hinterland of the northern snowfields, several extremely large ancient black dragons flapped their wings and soared forward at extremely fast speeds. The faint voice of the Little Wangye River sounded, and then he looked at the aurora floating in the night sky beside him, and continued to speak. :

   "It is said that there are colorful lights in Liuli City, which can be seen from a long distance, but I have not seen half of it by this time. It is really weird."

   "Perhaps something happened."

Li Yi's response sounded, and then everyone on the ancient black dragon covered in large robes showed their thoughts. What they didn't know was that at this time, because of the confrontation between Guan Zhengqing and the saint, it was originally shrouded in Liuli City. Most of the colorful light from the entire big city was directly taken away, and the light inside the city was greatly reduced.

   "According to your Majesty's words, the old King Bei'an carries a stone tower in his hands, so if he is in danger, I can come directly."

   The voice of Miss Wei Guogong's mansion is still as steady as ever, and it can always give everyone confidence, and then everyone will look at the burly figure standing in the front, like a little giant.

   Suddenly, a young, magnetic voice came directly from the front, making everyone's complexion slightly changed:

   "Shunzi, go faster, I feel that something out of control has happened in Liuli City. If it doesn't come soon, I feel uneasy."

   "Yes, Lord Liang!"

   Among the ancient black dragon, there was an equally extremely young response.

   Then the black trajectories that pierced the night sky, the speed skyrocketed again, and rushed toward the north.


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