The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 837: Canglan goes to Yulong


read2();  Fengzhou, Canglan City, the most northeast of Daxia, the downpour could not block the fragrance of medicine rising into the sky.

   Since the teleportation function of the Stone Statue Tower was completely opened, Canglan, known as the City of Miracles with Linglong Sect, has become a busy place second only to Shenjing City.

Throughout Daxia, people suffering from various intractable diseases came here to seek medical advice. As a result, they suffered from the small number of Linglong sect disciples who rushed to the various universities every day. There is almost no rest time between the hospitals.

In the afternoon scene, in a quaint medical clinic in the center of Canglan City, a pretty girl in goose yellow stands under the gate with an umbrella, facing the door, there is still a long line of patients in the pouring rain. Shouted:

   "Everyone, it's lunch time, and the hospital will be temporarily closed for an hour, so you can find a restaurant to rest for a while, don't worry, your identity has been registered, and you can definitely see the illness today."

The girl’s voice fell, and the patients lined up at the door to salute respectfully, and then slowly dispersed. Then Li Hua gently closed the gate of the medical hall next to her, turned and walked along the quaint winding path, smelling the roadside competition The fragrance of various flowers is opened, and you slowly walk into a two-story simple building.

   As soon as he entered the small building, Ewha, who was still very young, patted the rainwater on her skirt slightly splashed by the heavy rain, and looked at a young girl in white who was sitting cross-legged in the small building, and said softly:

   "Sister Furong, since the opening of the Stone Statue Tower, our small medical hall has not been free for a day. You can see that I have lost weight recently."

   "Get busy so that you naughty guy won't have time to sneak out and play, and I'm much more relieved."

  Furong, a young girl who was meditating and adjusting her breath, opened her eyes when she heard the words, and then looked at the pear flower, whose face was not cleared, but her face was bulging, and she continued to speak out of anger:

   "Furthermore, I think you, Ewha, you are not thin at all. If you continue to get fat like this, when I return from service in the military, I won't recognize you."

When the words    served in the army, the little girl Ewha with a smile on her face changed suddenly, she stepped forward, grabbed Furong's sleeves, and spoke with a grievance:

"Sister Furong, do you have to go? The two armies are at war, there is no eye, how dangerous, our Linglong Sect is not good at killing and cutting, and I say that the place where you will go with the Canglan Army is the Northern Army. The extreme northern snowfields, the environment there is even worse."

   After Rika finished speaking, she held the white sleeves tightly with her hands and did not loosen her eyes. She stared straight into the eyes of the young girl Furong, looking extremely pitiful.

   Then, Furong smiled lightly, reached out her hand and touched Lihua's head, and gently responded:

"It is precisely because of danger that I have to go. Our Linglong sect disciples are not good at killing and cutting, but we are good at saving people. For Daxia, we are killing enemies when we are saving people. You are still young. I am young, and when I grow up, I will join the military to help the wounded."

After    finished speaking, Furong stood up gently and patted Li Hua's shoulder again, and the voice continued:

   "Those elders in the army are the cutest people in Daxia, and the presence of military doctors is the strongest backing behind them when they charge."

   "Then sister, you follow the Canglan Army, but you must pay attention to safety."

   Li Hua’s big eyes were already filled with a layer of mist, and then Furong nodded, softly relieved:

   "It is said that the snowmen in the northern snowfields themselves have fallen into a serious civil war. Our Canglan Army marches northward as a precaution. The main force of the actual fighting is still the Northern Army. Don't worry, Ewha."

Here, Li Hua just wanted to nod. In the second floor of the small building, an old lady with a strong medicinal fragrance suddenly appeared. Although her head was full of silver threads, her complexion was still ruddy and extremely kind. When both Li Hua and Hibiscus saw it , Hurriedly got up and saluted respectfully, and asked:

   "The disciple has seen the palace lord."

   Sect Master Linglong Daxia raised his hand and gestured for the two to get up. Then he looked at the proud disciple who was as their name, as slim as a lotus flower, with a solemn expression, and said softly:

   "Furong, your Majesty has just issued the imperial decree in the Baidi Palace. The Canglan Army will no longer go north to the northern snowy field, but has another place."

   The old sect master of Linglong Sect said this, he paused for a few breaths, then looked at the girl with a puzzled look, and spoke again, but the old woman's tone was particularly solemn:

   "Your Majesty wants to take action on the Sun Empire Divine Mighty Fortress, now we are transferring 300,000 Canglan troops, and the whole army will go to the endless mountain Yulong Pass!"


   As soon as she said this, Ewha on the side covered her mouth and let out an exclamation.

At the same time, Haiwang’s Mansion in Canglan Town, Daxia Fengzhou, wearing silver armor, even though he was gray-haired, but still burly, Zhenhai King Fei Lianqin, holding the silver that belonged to the God Guards over his head in his left hand The face helmet, with a steady and heavy gaze, watched the drifting rain on the palace campus in front of him.

   Old Zhenhai King looked very kind, but at this time, the face of the old lady next door was full of sorrows, nostalgia, sighs, and deep excitement in her eyes, and then a female voice sounded from behind the old lady:

   "Mother, I brought your shield."

After    Zhenhai King heard the words, he turned slightly and looked at a woman who was also very tall and held a silver armor covered with a silver shield covered with runes, and said softly:

   "The old man did not expect that after nearly thirty years, there will be a chance to set foot on the battlefield of the endless mountain Yulong Pass."

"When I received your majesty’s sacred order, my daughter was also very surprised, but my majesty’s majesty and grandeur are beyond my imagination, but I am looking forward to it. We are all integrated with the Taoist spirits and completely reborn 300,000. Canglan Army, how dazzling light can burst out on the most dangerous flesh and blood battlefield in the vast land of Shenzhou!"

In the words of the silver armored woman, she handed the heavy shield in her hand to the old lady in front of him. After Laozhen Haiwang took it, he hung the heavy shield on the armor behind him with one hand as if he could not feel any weight. Then a heavy voice came out:

"This time it seems that your majesty is really moving. The old man, King Ximan, wrote to me a few days ago, saying that he would lead the wild army to the endless mountain ahead of time, and laughed at me when I could only go to the north and chop down the head of the snowmen. Our Canglan Army also unexpectedly gave up going north and went straight to Yulong Pass. When that happens, I will have to see if this old guy is in front of me and feel uncomfortable."

After    Zhenhai King finished speaking, a smile appeared on his face. Then he raised his head and looked at the sky above Canglan City, covered by heavy rain, the sky was as gray as the battlefield smoke filled with smoke, and continued to speak softly:

"Daughter, do you know that when we were young, the dream of our generation was to kill all the foreign races and raise the power of our country, and the mighty fortress in the endless mountain is undoubtedly a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, and God treats me? It's not thin, at this age that is about to enter the soil, it also gave me the opportunity to achieve my wish by myself.

   "Xu Sheng, finally Li Ye, plus the old man, in addition to Jiang Yu going north, the three kings and one gong of Daxia can fight together again. I really miss it, happy, happy!"


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