The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2211: Blow into the dust

Since the founding of the country, every step forward has been accompanied by a sea of ​​blood and corpses, which was completely fought one after another in life and death wars.

All in all, Daxia was founded for only a hundred years, but there are few years of true peace.

The soldiers honed in the war, for example, stood proudly on the outside of the platform at this time, staring at the Deputy Chief Cheng Shiye, who was in front of the Tangdu battlefield, and knew the cruelty of the battlefield and the preciousness of peace.

They are Daxia's scarred knives, and the knives least afraid of death!

"The tree desires to be quiet but the wind keeps on. From the once alien tribes to the ancient immortals, I really don’t know what terrifying things we will encounter in the future. Bingfeng, cut off your head!"

After the voice with infinite killing intent came out from Shi Ye's mouth, not far behind the slender deputy Si Cheng, Ao Bai, who continued to look up the mission file, narrowed his eyes, and the voice continued:

"The combat mission to break the formation this time is to implement the combat strategy of the elite squad. Five guard cultivators protect a colleague of the formation division to break the formation, and the entire Daxia military headquarters will cover, and in the team, Led by the veterans, the distribution is reasonable."

After the young and steady voice fell, Ao Bai raised his head and looked at Guan Shanbei, who was also solemn in front of him, and continued to open his mouth and say:

"Brother Guan, by coincidence, we are in the same team for this combat mission, and one of them is my junior sister, Aofu."

Ao Bai's remarks brought a little lightheartedness. After all, in a crisis-ridden battlefield, the teammates on the same team are people who are familiar with them on ordinary days. This undoubtedly reduces the time for running-in and improves safety.

When the voice fell, Aofu, who stood quietly beside her, opened her red lips, and a sweet voice came out:

"In addition to Brother Bai, Brother Guan, and me, the other two people, one is the angry beast army selected by the elite army of the original endless mountain jade dragon pass, and the other is under the post-supply department, as we want to protect The official secretary of the battle formation, named Zhijuan, looks at the name, it should be a girl."

As soon as Ao Fu's voice fell, Ao Bai and Guan Shanbei beside them raised their brows at the same time, and the sound of neat questioning came out:

"But where is this girl, Zhijuan?"

After this word came out, behind a few people, a soft voice rang out:

"I, I am Zhijuan."

At the next breath, the three Ao Bai turned around almost at the same time and looked around. They saw that not far behind, a young female sergeant was standing beautifully, and it was brought by the envoy Wang Yang. Paper Juan here.

Perhaps it was because of the few gazes that came in front of him, two red clouds appeared on Zhi Juan's white face, she raised the file in her hand and swayed it, and continued to speak with a soft but firm voice:

"I'm Zhijuan. Let's work with you on the task of breaking the formation of the Division. Please enlighten me!"

"Please advise!"

Afterwards, the three Ao and Bai people raised their hands to salute and opened their mouths. It is worth mentioning that the three-person group at this time is no longer a meeting ceremony in the academy, but a serious military salute.

Set foot on the battlefield, you are a soldier!

"Boom boom boom!"

The deafening roar of the battlefield outside Tangdu City continued to sound, and then on the sacred tree of the war, the people of the Battering Division who were gathering suddenly lifted their heads and stared straight ahead.

Because on the Tangdu city wall at this time, there is another round of dazzling stars shrouded in dazzling light, slowly rising towards the sky above the sky, and at the same time the cold voice from Kaiyang Xianjun resounds through the sky:

"Mortal dare you!"

The roar fell, turning into stars and leaping out of the Tangdu Great Formation, Kaiyang Xianjun, directly threw a star of light at the void in front of him, turned into a dazzling match, and instantly approached the ground below. The person was completely cut off the sky by Tianshu Xingjun, which was worthy of being caught.

At this time, Tianshu Immortal Monarch, the wolf-greedy battle armor he wore on his body had already appeared a lot of cracks, the aura on his body suddenly disappeared, and even shrouded the sharp killing sword aura.

Obviously, in the close fight with Jiansheng, the Tianshu Xianjun was unfancy blasted down the sky symbolizing glory, and even without Kaiyang Xianjun's response, he would be under countless light. Falling dust completely.

Obviously, for an immortal at the level of an immortal monarch, being bombarded into the earth by a mortal is a supreme humiliation that is difficult to wash away in his life!

And this kind of humiliation, even the entire Big Dipper Seven Immortals, was unwilling to face it. Therefore, in the midst of this moment, Kaiyang Immortal, standing on the wall of Tangdu, could no longer hold back, waved and blasted a wave. The light of the stars, just before Tianshu Immortal Monarch smashed it on the earth, curled it up.

Then Kaiyang Xianjun violently raised his hand, trying to pull the Tianshu Xianjun in front of him back to the sky, but after an instant, he opened his mouth and let out a more violent roar:


Before the roar, Tangdu's trembling and undulating void in the depths, a large sword of cold light, with an absolutely violent posture, tore the void in front of him, and instantly appeared on the road that engulfed Tianshu. Before Xianjun's stars streamed.

In the moment, the Kaiyang Immortal, who waved the star streamer, waved his hand to shake the bright streamer, trying to use the power of the vast stars to vibrate this great sword.

But after an instant, Kaiyang Xianjun's eyes opened fiercely, because above the cold light sword that blasted from the depths of the void, an extremely fierce red flame instantly burned.

And this scarlet flame is completely different from the ultimate sword energy condensed from the previous sword students' forbidden magic sword dance, but the iron-blooded combat energy, the ultimate combat energy that truly belongs to the battlefield!

The scarlet blood-like extreme fighting spirit has completely become a substantive wolf-smoke flame, and in this flame, there is even a flash of light and shadow of thousands of horses charging.

In the next instant, within this great sword that contained countless killing fields, a magnificent roar suddenly sounded, which was the sound of a charging horn with incomparable penetrating power.


As soon as the horn sounded, the infinite fighting spirit that was originally permeated in the void outside Tangdu was instantly swallowed by this iron-blooded sword. At the same time, the sword disappeared in place, while Kaiyang Xianjun twitched the stars in his hand. , Directly cut over.

The world is divided into two again!

The big sword smashed into the void, and after a crisp cracking sound, the star streamer was completely cut off, and the unsustainable Tianshu Xianjun fell towards the ground again.

Then a cold and stern voice, accompanied by a tall and tall figure standing on the top of the corpse mountain, suddenly came out at the end of the void:

"This place is born with you, Yang Er, etc. Why is it so filthy in the eyes of these ancient immortals that you don't even want to set foot?"

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